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I itch my back with the 5lb dumbbells

I always skip leg day, i am not sorry

had 5 cans of ravioli

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So far in 2019 I've jerked off 39 times. Last year I jerked off 506 times. (I count it by using an app)

I don't count calories or track my macros. I eat until I feel sick right now since I'm bulking.

I don't squat anymore after two back injuries obtained from squatting. I do other leg exercises instead.

I ohp, deadlift AND row in the squat rack and i feel no shame for it.

I only do three lifts and they’re all upper body

I don’t gaf

i just ate like 6 cans of tuna

Ever since I started making gains, I've noticed girls mirin me, this is especially true with one of my co workers. I'm 22 but shes 16. I've noticed her telling me

>"user why are you hands so veiny"

Shes been touching me around my shoulders and upper chest when we talk on our lunch breaks when I tell jokes.

I can tell she finds my attractive since she gives no one else the amount of attention she gives me.

I try my hardest to ignore her but shes been getting clingy lately

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Even though I know my legs are injured and probably need physio, I still do hard running.

I'm skinny and supposed to be bulking but I haven't eaten for about 27 hours now

I cannot stop masturbating to porn no matter knowing how awful it is for myself and my brain. When I get horny, my mind can successfully convince myself that it's okay to nut and all reason goes out the door with it. The most embarrassing part is the instant shame I feel post-nut but that clearly isn't enough to stop me from doing it.

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ever since my last tinder date 2+ months ago I've lost the motivation to seriously diet and bulk up. she was really cute and told me I looked just as good as I did in my profile pics. I still go but only barbell row has increased recently

She may be past prime but still is pretty ripe, what the heck are you doing?

My gym has a blackboard where people are supposed to write down their heaviest deadlift if it is heavier than the one already there. So if the heaviest of the day so far is 200lbs and someone does 300, they rub out the 200lbs chalk writing and put down 300lbs. Its meant to just be for fun and motivation and people generaly enjoy it

The thing is I am really bitter about how weak I am, lifting for 5 years and I have a 120lb deadlift. So I intentionally arrive after opening time everyday, do my deadlift, write it down, then steal all the chalk and go home. I come back later, and sometimes, nobody replaced the chalk so nobody has written on the board and I feel much stronger. I usually throw the chalk into a river, I've thrown so much in I am worried it might hurt the ecosystem of the water. Sometimes I replace the white chalk with pink chalk then come back later in the day and say 'I guess faggots can lift heavy' if anyone used it, to feel more manly.

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I'm trying low carb (good way for me to cut down on candy, a vice of mine) intermittent fasting. Been good for almost 2 weeks, then today I ate two bowls of Thai green curry chicken with rice.

I was maybe 3/4 full after the first helping, so I should've just saved the 2nd one for tomorrow, but instead I ate the second one. When I was done I was super sick and bloated.

There goes the "low carb" part, and I'm not even sure that I'm at a deficit today either.

I've got a real issue with binge eating, hopefully I'll learn my lesson this time.

Do nofap combined with nolust and nolook.

>lifting for 5 years and I have a 120lb deadlift
are you male? how much do you weigh?


I am 120lbs, and 6'0, i have a high metabolism

I can’t deadlift more than 1 plate

YOU confess you fat fuck!

Based degenerate pedo poster.

I do all my compound lifts on a smith machine because i've been going to a planet fitness for the past 2 years

I had been going to the gym for exactly 1 week when I began doing roids

No natty experience

How long ago? Post body?

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cool story brosef

>le high metabolism meme

I misread the nutrition facts on my rice and thought the 1 cup cooked calories were the 1 cup uncooked calories and I ended up eating 700 calories of rice with three eggs in it because I thought was only going to be116 calories without the egg in it.

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lmao post body

Why does hes always look like he's crying

I have a home gym, work from home, and thus lift on the clock.
That and I ate a whole box of Triscuits in one sitting today

The idea of consuming that much mercury makes me want to throw up

I failed nofap again
I fear I may never escape

If you ever binge it can be saved by not eating anything for twice as long as you normally would. Im not that low carb but once a week i get a pizza or something then just don't eat til the same time the next day, or intentionally starve myself as long as i can. It's like a second chance to make up for the binge.

How dumb are you?

I got drunk with my friends and asked one of them to punch me til he broke my nose.

I fucked up the relationship I had with the most perfect girl I've ever met, it's been three years and I'm still butthurt.

My squat fucking sucks

I smoke cigs

I've been posting on Jow Forums ever since I was 12, actually got my shit together during puberty

I'm good at socializing but because of zero libido I haven't had sex in two years, once I was drunk and screamed at a girl til she cried because she led me to her bedroom on a party and started undressing

I'm indian


i got up in the middle of the night and ate 800 calories worth of oatmeal cookie tea biscuit things. they weren't even good but my meds make me sleep eat. i cant control it.

At 80% will have sex tomorrow after a VERY long hiatus. And i decided to shave my balls. Like they are baby-ass smooth now.
I'm seriously starting to regret it.

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I spend all my Jow Forums time browsing /fat/ despite being 5”6’ and 116lbs. Not to make myself feel better, but to cheer them on and comfort them in their dieting nightmares. I want them to join me in Skeltel heaven.

I thought I got mired today. Then I took my monthly progress pick, turned around and saw her laughing. She wasn't mirin' in the first place, she was staring at the fat freak.

Not even a sin. That is just blessed

I get depressed from constantly checking my Tinder to see if I have any matches.

The only girls that like me back are the 5/10s I don't even remember swiping right to. There's one really cute girl that matched with me but i'm too scared to message her.

Hey, at least you get matches. I'm scared to even start a tinder account. What if I don't get any matches? I don't even have any pictures of myself.

its not the same bro

Wtf 5/10 are great. They dont think too highly of themselves and often have very comfy hobbies. Plus they dont mind fingering your ass and giving you the ol' reach-around ;))

OHP has been stuck at 45kg for basically a year. The only real time it was higher was when I was a lot fatter.

No you have shitawful programming and don’t know how to deadlift. My brother and I have DYEL genetics and high metabolisms and we deadlifted more than that in our first two weeks of training.

Really? How do I even ask for that?

I fell for the slow metabolism and bad fenetics meme

Also strong gyno...
Feels awful

at least you're strong

ohp fine but deadlifts and rows?

have some respect for your other gym patrons you fat fuck

Like I said...You have the lower body and you have no upper body, you got a problem building...wait a minute. You have the upper body, and you have no legs, you got a problem building your legs. You have the have the lower body and you don't have the upper body, the upper body, it is easier to build. So if you have the lower body and you don't have the upper body, it is easier to build the upper body. You have the upper body and you don't have the legs, you got a problem building the lower body... No, you don't understand. You have the upper body, but you don't have the lower body, you got a problem building downstairs. You got the up- legs on the bottom, it is easier to build on the top, so you don't have much as a problem. Yeah.
-St. Janoy Giovanni

I also have a high metabolism and gaining weight is hard as fuck but if after 5 years of liting you weight 120lbs you're doing something wrong if not all of it

Since I blew out a disc, I can't do manly compound lifts anymore. I can only do machines and dumbbells. Please forgive me.

In the gym bathrooms, I piss on the toilet seat and in the floor. When I shit, I wipe and drop it on the floor and smear it on the walls. I also dont flush. I get my shit covered toilet paper and wipe it on the sink handles and everywhere where people might touch. I do this because one time, someone pushed me without saying sorry. I wanted to cut his head open but instead, I just gave him a angry stare. Fuck these thots

Bro, I'm in my 40's and have three discs out in the lumbar region. Squats, RDL, ROW, and minimal diddlies are the only thing that has made my back bearable as I age. Don't run from it, face it head on.

Guys I literally just ate an entire large pizza. I couldn't stop myself. I want to make it but I keep getting in my own way. Why do I feel the urge to eat when I'm bored so strongly?

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Meme’d myself into feelings for a girl, now I can’t even read a god damn book without thinking of her.

God this sucks. I cannot stop thinking about her

>liking girls
What are you, gay?



I didn''t go swimming today as i have been promising myself for the past 2 months.

Try harder.

I've been really busy with school and work this week and I haven't been to the gym as consistently as I normally would. I am invited to a party Saturday but it is the first day I will have to go to the gym. What should I do? I don't want to miss the gym for the 4th day in a row.

Go to the gym early before the party.

It was the first time I cooked rice I thought it was right god damnit

I would but I am working that day as well before the party. So my choices are literally party or work.

In my research to troll vegans I have come to the uncomfortable conclusion that the vegan diet is actually the best for health and fitness.

I'm beginning to realize I have a piss fetish. I want to try it but don't even know where I would go about finding a woman that is into it and even decently attractive. FFS I have a hard enough time finding girls that will receive rimjobs, let alone give them. Been wanting to try it with a twink I occasionally fuck as well, but he is the only cute boipucci I've found in Omaha for miles. Don't wanna risk scaring him off and having to wait God knows how long.


This is a confession thread, not a vegan shill thread. Fuck off.

Honestly, go to the party and go to the gym the next day.

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only curlbros skip legday
everything else will use your legs

>tfw did this for like 3 years

>5 years and I have a 120lb deadli

is.. is this a joke??

thread carefully

>Starting this thread with the surprised face picture first.

A lot of people eat when they're bored. Keep yourself busy.


>209 in September
>223 2 weeks ago
>feel like shit, start hiking, working out, eating less
>218 this week
>eat a whole pizza

Back on track now but I felt terrible afterwards. Don't have a goal weight but I'm gonna keep going until my gains get me puss

I get very depressed when trying to cut because overeating provides me with sexual pleasure and it basically takes away a lot of fun in my life

After about a year and a half of lifting, I realize that I still don't know how to squat properly

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No you just dont eat enough.

>Don't have a goal weight

Never gonna make it son

This prick from new jersey kept parking in the spot I pay for at my apartment complex at uni and the lot has no camera surveillance so I popped both his back tires with a hammer and nail. It leaves a slow leak and when he tried to peel out of the parking lot like the prick faggot he is he spun out and hit another parked car. I don't feel bad at all, people from NJ should be rounded up and sent to camps

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Lmao you got brass balls, user

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I skipped the gym yesterday for 3 hours of overtime. I agreed to it and immediately regretted it but I wasn't going to bitch out after saying I would work extra hours. I'm sorry guys I'm so sorry. If my gym closes today because of the weather then the only day I made it to the gym be Monday. I regret that decision so much, please forgive me

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I can't go a single day without cumming. Feelsgoodman.

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>can’t even read a god damn book without thinking of her
this feel....

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I think the first part sounds good. Like a 24 hour fast (water fast) should even out the binge.

I normally take laxatives, which is obviously unhealthy, to try to flush it out ASAP...

The girl I've been seeing over winter had to cancel on our date today for a really legitimate reason, and one of my first thoughts was to redownload a dating app and swipe around some. I didn't do it, but having the thought so quickly in the face of something that wasn't even really rejection is worthy of confession.

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i dont do legs.

only thing i do for them is deadlifts

>She may be past prime but still is pretty ripe, what the heck are you doing?
I love you

I bench more than I squat because of knee problems that I had. been doing all kinds of mobility stuff and I'm on the right path now. since they're about even hopefully I can make gains quicker, at least i have huge legs because of how high my rep count was. also i front squat

I fucking farted on the leg press next to the reception desk AGAIN today

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