/no caffeine general/ february 2nd edition

who quit mohammed's black sandbrew? who here fell for the preworkout suicide bomber juice? who realised that once you are addicted you take a preworkout just to perform like you normally would and you are just fighting withdrawals?

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Why not just take a moderate amount of caffeine and enjoy its benefits like a responsible adult without getting addicted to a stimulant like a degenerate?

havent drank coffee since start of december, i feel pretty good, alot more calm and less anxious.

Drink tea. YOu can still enjoy the benefits of caffeine but with will:
1) force you into a lower dose
2) caffeine has l-theanine which counteracts the anxiety of caffeine and in fact makes most people more calm than before consuming caffeine+theanine

caffeine is a powerful tool to shatter PRs so I wouldn't give up on that complete. when I'm on caffeine I can lift around a 5-10% more weight altough your body becomes immnue to its effects so the best thing is just simply cycle it.

Because there are technically no 'benefits'. It just compensates for tiredness, while making you a lesser version of yourself in the long term.

The last thread has eight replies, why create a new one; what's the difference between 1st and 2nd edition?

because the Jow Forumstard didn't get what he wanted

I tried, lasted for a week and a half, then reverted to using coffee before workouts up until last week and since then I slipped completely and am having a cup a day just like before
it's so hard to resist

why Jow Forumstard? it's just a thread about no caffeine, jesus christ. nothing racist about that

>why Jow Forumstard? it's just a thread about no caffeine, jesus christ. nothing racist about that
Coffee is black. He is trying to convince people to avoid everything that is black, which is racist.

There is no reason I want to wake up at 4:30am. Besides that sweet pwo taste. I tried /nocaff/ which just meant /noearlygym/

>why Jow Forumstard? it's just a thread about no caffeine, jesus christ. nothing racist about that

>who quit mohammed's black sandbrew? who here fell for the preworkout suicide bomber juice?

What if I drink coffee because I love the taste?


Does anyone who drinks coffee find their anus is constantly leaking remnants and super itchy?

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No..? Get checked up. Leaky anus is never a good thing

Coffee tastes great, and it has some valuable effects. If you can't prevent addiction than that's your problem.


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Go back

I’m doing it for the anxiety and constant flow of energy. Hate feeling crashed and shitty at the end of the day, as well as having anxiety so bad I fear interacting with anyone.

Go back to r3ddit you actual fucking fag

goes away a day after I stop drinking coffee.

that probably has more to do with you getting fucked in the ass than with drinking coffee

Coffee can change the way you digest fats in addition to speeding up bowel movements. Do you eat greasy foods with your coffee?

Imagine getting this triggered by casual banter. Seriously man you have to go back

The problem is moderation. Nobody knows how to moderate any sort of drug because they get addicted to how it feels instead of just using it to supplement the effect they want.
I drink one cup in the morning with breakfast and run all day on that.

I love how these discord/plebbit faggots landed on Jow Forums and are starting to migrate into real boards like the niggers who hit the beach in Italy.

it's a trade off
the only real advantage caffeine has is that it suppresses hunger, makeing it easier to be on a calorie deficit
caffeine does NOT help with energy / alertness when you take it every day, that's just something addicts like to tell themselves


not with, but likely throughout the day. I'm normally a salad, chicken and Broggoli person, but been moving this week so a lot of eating out.

>caffeine counteracts the anxiety of caffeine

I just drink it cause it tastes good.
I don't go crazy if there isn't any, I just drink something else.

>That ass
>That hourglass figure
>That defined back
Jesus christ imagine fucking her raw doggy and pulling out to cum from her cheeks to her neck haha

I honestly cannot.

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nocaffine is a thing??

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yeah, unless you go
you might as well give up

Careful user, you can't just reveal the secret to unlocking godmode to unwashed mortals.

Who's that?

I have no idea.

I'm all that except nofap, ill never stop masturbating.

No retreat, no surrender.

>tea is bad for you

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>denying yourself harmless pleasures is cool

Oh FUCK RIGHT OFF. Who else is getting sick of this virtue signalling, quasi-religious cult of very fucking selective self denial and austerity? No carbs, no fap, no porn, no alcohol, no caffeine, no shampoo, no warm showers, no food after 7pm, no woman, no cry, no sex, no drugs, no rock and roll. Seriously, does anybody believe these petty, piffling rituals are gping to bring you success, enlightenment, make you a better person?

Don't focus on doing less, any retard can do that. Do more. Lift more, socialise more, work more, earn more, travel more, give more girls the D, read more books, watch more movies, create more art, have more children. History remembers kings and emporers, not hermit sages.

But bro, 3 days into not doing all that stuff, my skin cleared up, I have so much energy, I gained 5lbs of muscle, grew 1 inch on my dick, attracted a harem of women (and twinks) solely through the miasma generated by massive excesses of newly gained testosterone, gained the ability to fly, can communicate with the spirits of my ancestors, and have acquired the ability to bring my dead dog back to life.

Not that you would get it, you low discipline apostate. I'll show you just how much better I am than you, once I get an actual job, move out of my parents house, and do actually productive things instead of stroking my ego through meaningless acts of self flagellation

azrael renee

>No woman
>No cry
I see what you did there sneaky user

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>what should we name our daughter?
>haha how about Azrael
>you mean the angel of death, destruction and renewal?
>haha wouldn't that be great

>watch more movies

retard general
retard post
retard poster
retard thread

>GED stamps

You have to start with that which makes you unnecessarily suffer. For me porn has become a problem. Nobody is saying you won't succeed if you take hot instead of cold showers man. Just do what works for you and don't lie to yourself.

Made me more horny

t. burned out adrenals
jellyfag can't into self-discipline

damn bettie page was ripped? i just assumed otherwise since doughy rockabilly girls like her so much

> mohammed's black sandbrew
Um, I'll have you know it comes from columbia.

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Not if you have a cup of coffee in the morning like a responsible adult as my friend just said. if your going to binge it all day and consume more than half a gram your going to see some sides

Heres some advice to you "self improvement" fags...

instead of quitting everything,,, actually try doing new things!! dont just stop doing things, get out and do things

thats how you self improve, not quitting everything under the sun

nope. i drink coffee and get get fucked in the ass in a regular basis and never had leaky anus problems.

About 4 months strong. Best decision of my life for my depression. I still get depressed and anxious but I don't get consumed by it and can usually break out of the negative thinking patterns

christ I remember watching him when he was on justintv and his name was EvaXephon

February Issa tomorrow fag I'll finish my rockstar if I want to

I get that same feeling from caffeine in general whether it be sips or tea

>what should we name our daughter?
>well, I've always been a Dark Angels player, so...
>sigh, fine, but if we have a son I fucking call dibs on Sanguinius