*ruins your workout*

How the fuck do I get better at these brehs? Or even replace them..

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if i have constant back pain should i be doing this?

Imo you shouldn't be that bent over

Do a 5x5 twice a week and then do a 5x8 another day
i would add chins in as well total 20 reps with 20kg attached.

Keep doing them. Took me years to learn to properly involve my whole back with rows and it is now the exercise that is best for my entire back (excluding traps).

If you've been doing a main compound exercise for 2-3 years and you just don't jive with it then switch to something else. Doesn't matter if it's one arm cable extensions or something that you're not clicking with, switch to something else. But you should stick the great exercises out.

Depends on goals. I'd argue that everything from horizontal to almost upright is necessary for complete development.

Somewhere in between is better

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I pull off the ground and bear the weight on my hamstrings instead of lower back. Like get in RDL position but then row. Feel great doing it even if it’s a little below weight what I could do standing. One of the only times I’ve ever hurt myself is trying to do standing pendelay rows

Do pendlay rows


do seal rows



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It’s a dumb exercise like all row variations.

>look I posted it again

No row will ever compare to the chin up

>pendlay rows

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Is this pic like the "too soon" meme from /b/? I don't get whats wrong with it. Im dyel on my third week at the gym.

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I just use a machine for rows, fuck it, doing bent over rows always makes my back feel fucked

seated rows

>basketball shorts
>1pl8 squat
>wearing a tank-top despite not having the muscle mass to pull it off

barbell rows are retarded
i dont wanna be straining my posterior chain for no reason doing rows when i could just do supported rows or something like that

Stick with em. Lower the weight and do them slow and controlled 5x5 2-3 times a week. Add in chin ups and seated row as well. Also, try adding Romanian dead lifts into your routine as well.

but also doing shit standing has more carryover to athletic shit

maybe you're an idiot - the OP pic are pendlay rows

Need a diagram, whip one up in Paint for us please

Check out how Cailer Woolam does his rows. Its how I’ve been doing my rows and I actually feel them in my back.

do cable rows or DB Rows if you dont feel BB Rows
you may miss some lower back gains but there's no point in doing an exercise you don't feel you're getting much out of (just do a set or two of back extensions as accessory work). that's why different people feel better doing different movements

just think of it as a horizontal pulling movement. any other horizontal pulling movement will be a decent substitute

just do pendlay rows

Try dumbell rows; unironically athlean-x has a good video on them. I prefer them because among other things they let me get a fuller contraction that I can really feel in my back/lats.

Start light, keep your arms close to the side of your body, and pull with your elbows. If you can, try to grip the bar with your thumb over it.

You're bending your knees, right? Also, if it's too difficult to keep proper form by lifting it off the ground, its okay to deadlift it a few inches off the ground and do your reps from there.

Using body english in your rows are actually really good. Allowing your arms to stretch to their limit which in turn give your lats and back a full stretch and rowing back into your upper stomach in a controlled fashion.

Seated rows and chest supported rows are also great alternatives.

So did you develop a 900+ lbs deadlift?

stop ego lifting retard youre obviously not strong enough to go heavy

No but my deadlift has been going up as well as my rows. Does one have to do with the other? Who knows but my back is getting and looking stronker.

I started doing tbar rows and I like them, but it feels like the plates hinder my rom because they bump into my chest before I get a fully contraction.. What am I doing wrong? I could switch back to DB rows but my gymbro doesn't like them.

Use a Z-Bar

man rowing is easy 5 x 5 100 kg is nothing

Dont stack 20kg plates,stack many 10kgs for better rom since they are smaller

Probably not. They put a lot of stress on the lower back, which will most likely exacerbate your current problems.
I recently started doing them and found them quite fun and easy (clean 120kg for 8 reps), but I'm probably going to have to dump them due to lower back problems.

Nothing, it's meaningless harassment

>being tricked by a cia nigger psy op

there is nothing wrong with the pic. its a joke. or alternatively its a glowie trick to stop whites from going to the gym to be strong and healthy

>How the fuck do I get better at these brehs?
Make it your ONLY lift and train it every day for a month. That will force you to perfect your form and put more weight on the bar. You'll figure out all the tricks and cues and stretches you need through trial and error. If you're not really focused on it because it's your fifth lift of the day, you won't figure this shit out.

Woolam claims it's the no.1 accessory for the deadlift. It's an advanced exercise, imo still the best horizontal pull for general power though

Pendlay rows? Honestly, the way to get better at them is to cheat. If you refuse to only have the most 100% proper form where your torso doesn't move an inch, you'll never progress on them. You need to cheat a little. You'll make gains this way and then your ability to do strict pendlays will end up going up as well. Just the way it is.

Why do a Pendley row when you can do a deadlift row?

I did, but still. Should I maybe be more upright? I'm almost entirely bend over.

Bend over, keep back straight, look slightly forward so you bend at your hips with a 90* angle

Bend you knees slightly and/or anchor your yourself with your hamstrings so you are pushing down on your heels and not your toes

you should feel your lower back muscles tense because they are keeping your back straight, but it should be strenous on them. under no circumstances should you arch your back.

do warm-up sets with just the bar and slowly increase the weight until you reach whatever weight allows you to do 4x8-10 with failure on the last set

Yup. Personally it feels completely unnatural to not have a slight bit of movement with each rep. If youre only moving the torso up like 10 degrees to give you better leverage I don't see it being an issue.

Do weighted chinups instead, rows are a shit

Regardless of doing either Pendlay or Yates rows, I never really feel as if I'm doing them properly or getting anything out of it. Only exercise to have ever made me feel like this.

For you:

>tfw row more than bench
The ratio would be even higher if I used straps and wasn't limited by my grip

I might be full of it but I feel like it's natural for your back to be stronger. I've always assumed that people have higher benches than rows because they care more about their bench because Bench. Press. Is. King.

That's exactly how I feel. I hate doing bench press because it feels weird and unnatural to me

It's good to have both vertical and horizontal pulling though

I think overhead training is overrated and has the potential to lead to shoulder problems. I think if you have a small AC joint any sort of overhead weight training is inferior to horizontal weight training.

I like T bar rows and elevated pendlay rows
so from a rack
from the floor its uncomfortable and unstable feel like ill tip over

it's basically impossible to fuck up your shoulders doing OHP, unless you do some full-retard variation like behind-the-neck which puts you in a compromised and unnatural position. Benching is far more likely to lead to shoulder problems.

bent over row or pendlay row? I pendlay row less than my bench, but according to symmetricstrength.com my pendlay is my best lift. 255x5 on pendlay rows vs 285x5 bench

Do seated cable rows instead, a lot better

I switched to T bar rows, which worked better for me.

>it's basically impossible to fuck up your shoulders doing OHP
retard detected

Does anyone do jeff's dead rows? They look pretty fun