I've been lifting M/W/F for like 3 weeks, religiously, and making good progress.
Today I just feel exhausted from a crazy day at work. Can I lift tomorrow instead?
I've been lifting M/W/F for like 3 weeks, religiously, and making good progress.
Today I just feel exhausted from a crazy day at work. Can I lift tomorrow instead?
no, you will instantly lose all of your gains
I mean you can, but I'd try to go today and tomorrow just to be 100% sure.
>those hamstrings
my absolute dick
Yes but don't make a habit of it.
How do you only lift 3 days a week and still find the need to take a day off? Fat shit.
Routine to get hamstrings like those uwu?
>has gone to the gym 9 times
hey OP, I felt similar feels when I first started
I'm only a couple months ahead of you, but by now I look forward to lifting after a crazy day at work. I get to go home and be FUCKING STRONG, and I feel disgusting if something prevents me from working out, which happened a couple times around the christmas-new years week because I wasn't home.
Realistically will anything bad happen this time if you switch up a day? No, but consider two things:
1. Is anything bad going to happen if you try smoking just once? No not at all but why would you do that?
2. Develop some discipline about it and your gains will come much much sooner than all the other bro lifters who curl and get on the leg press for 25 minutes and then go out drinking
hope this makes sense
take the tuesday/thursday/saturday pill
>3 weeks
>Can I lift tomorrow instead?
Fucking pathetic how little motivation normies have and how much they want to pat themselves on the back. You've done nothing, and you will never be anything. You're trash. A lazy sack of shit
not op but how do you like this? it seems appealing because I have saturday off and my tuesday is light (student)
>w-will I make it, bois?
Off to the gym lads, no hesitations. PEACE!
i wanna suck her fukin dik if u were the on the clappin shit yo know it couldve happened
Post more pics of that chick
>mfw i've been lifting 6 days a week for 2 weeks now tying to reach 1/2/3/4
Just lift faggot
>I've been lifting M/W/F for like 3 weeks,
Try a year senpai
These are the peopke who visit Jow Forums
Anyone know a non dyel imageboard ?
MPS suggests only lifting enough for every day, and min-maxing anabolism by keeping musculature whole is logical.
Do people find her attractive?
If you're looking for somewhere to go, head on back to redddit.
I started with PPLPPL 1 day off and I haven't missed a day. Love it. 2 months in. I don't think I could handle only doing 3 days a week.
the thighs are a bit much but like fitness is sexy and also she has a good face
lol, bitches legs look goofy asf without calves
No eont be a fucking pussy, first its a day off then you feel sick and take a week, your legs are sore so you take another, and soon your bmi is pushing infinite
Fucking yum I wanna fuck her and lick her legs badly
I usually love fit girls but something's wrong there. Should've done more upper body and glute work and less quad work.
>less quad work
It's a girl. You don't fuck her quads, you fuck her ass.
On the other hand men should definitely work their quads, because it makes their penis look smaller.
Doesnt matter how fit this Bitch is, making her submit to my dong is the ultimate ball draining
And by sauce I mean what's her insta so I can fap to this
"She had a horse's ass, you ever see a horse's ass?" - Big Lenny
based leonard poster
That bitch instagram is spooky AF, that tongue.