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Fitness #494
What are the odds a trained fighter who can lift 2/3/4/5 can defeat a 400 lbs silverback with his bare hands?
Hit 1/2/3/4 within 3 months of lifting
Are cheese burgers without buns pure kino? Literally no point to add the extra carbs
Friend gains
I just started lifting
How do girls get such toned bodies for the summer?
If you cant run 3 miles in 15 minutes you are slow
On a strict keto diet
Don't worry, babe. go ahead and finish up at the gym. I can get a ride home with some coworkers *hangs up*
Been using tinder for 6 months now
Question for people with big delts and small traps
Confess your Jow Forums sins
Is cycling Jow Forums?
Hey Jow Forums what exercises can I do with my new loadable Thor hammer?
List of common gym diseases
What would you do if you woke up tomorrow in an opposite sex body that is otherwise yourself?
Is this board 90% American?
That guy who slav squats between sets
Jow Forums humor
At what age does the male wall hit?
Are supplements necessary?
Living in 1.2g
More pics like this
What is the cure for the obesity epidemic and why is it keto?
Incel slouch hack. Opinions?
How do we help people like her Jow Forums,for those of you who dont know her she is some kind of youtuber...
I never really thought of becoming a vegan, but after reading some about it I just think it's worth all the benefits
Kegel Exercise
Can manlets be bearmode?
What's the best whey you ever had?
/fat/ Why is your TDEE 2000 calories over your bmr if you're not an Olympic athlete fatty?
Scientific based fullbody workout with focus on compound movements
Tongue Posture
I am suffering seriously
2 days without a cigarette
Name a better cheat meal
Can you recommend bodyweight workout routine, which can be done with minimal equipment at home...
Jow Forums humour thread
Hey anons, what’s wrong with my ribcage? I’ve only noticed this since I’ve been dieting/working out...
Is there hope for this lad ?
What do you put in your protein shake?
If pasta is bad for you why are Italians so healthy?
Could i make gains on a low fat carnivore diet?
Who is more high test?
Is is true that when you get fitter and more attractive, women are more open to anything...
Have you ever inspired someone to lift and / or taken them under your wing?
How has getting Jow Forums changed your standards of women?
Bugenhagen's charisma comes from a lifetime of positive vibes feeding his ego...
Do I need to switch to a vegan diet to get aesthetics like these?
What does it mean to be a warrior Jow Forums?
Carnivore vs Vegan
Jow Forums's red pills
He doesn't have his own home gym
Imagine not being able to drink milk
Is there any autistic things you still do?
Mirin' Thread
Gym bully thread
Every single top ranking strongman is white
IF now approved by your natty king Jow Forums
Im making a team
New Delray Misfits epsiode
Can anorexics be "huge" after recovery? Or are their muscles perma-fucked. Asking for a friend
That fat ass at the gym who rests for 5 minutes between each set
The last evidence you need for Mewing
Jow Forums heart
Is it normal when im in the gym and a woman comes near I lift extra hard to try to impress me...
Miyamoto Musashi
Will we ever find the cure for aging during our lifetime?
Conventional or Sumo?
Is classical music a gains goblin?
MFW I have to skip chest day because I'm still sore
How do I achieve khabibs facial aesthetic?
What's wrong with diet soda?
Walk into early 90s gym
He's actually going to make it
Be me
/owg/ Olympic weightlifting general
/run/-Running Thread
Be me
Most cringe fitness related thing you’ve done? Either in the gym or in general
Do people over 25 not have a excercise budget?
He doesn't train his obliques
/plg/ - powerblogging general
Nyr was to lose weight
Cheating fraud general
Day 6 of NOFAP
3 weeks of noporn
Premature cum
>Day 40 of Keto
We all know that doing flat bench instead of incline will develop downwards pointing pecs
Can I eat a meat and cheese board every single day while bulking...
Best music to workout to GO
What does it take to be able to call one's self a strength atha-lete?
Manlets will NEVER make it thread
My dog has died
How do I fix this
Dude coffee is good for you!
Jow Forumsbros, is it true that working out actually makes you feel better and more positive overall...
Motivational thread
No bench press what do
Would it be autistic to wear this shirt at the gym? (Serious replies only please)
Anything wrong with buying pre-cooked chicken breast at the super market?
Unhealthy habits
Be arnold in the 70s
If anyone was wondering, peanutbutter in eggs is awful
Name a better snack than peanuts
I am 6'4 and 320lbs and 30yo
What are your favourite anime/vidya tracks to listen to while lifting?
/fph/ Useless Butter Huffer edition
Redpill me on sugar
Ctrl+f: wheyfu
Swimming is the best exercise, and works out the most muscles
Hey Jow Forums, is this considered skinnyfat?
Fitness cringe/beta male thread
Does Jow Forums get enough sleep?
Anyone else really hate this fat crybaby?
Dirty bulking
Okay, let's settle this. What does Jow Forums deem the most effective way to retain muscle while on a cut?
In the last week I've done
Is there a way to actually decrease dick size?
Ok now Sv3rige went too far... He actually drinks the blood of this followers???
What’s his routine Jow Forums?
Is it okay to base my diet mostly on eggs? Like say 20 eggs a day, and then some vegetables and a little meat?
/Feelsbar/ Now Open
OHP in the squat rack
They did what?!
Benched 195 for 3 reps today at 166lbs bw
Symmetric Strength Thread
How do i achieve the karelin mode
WWYD if you woke up tomorrow with a body and man titties like these
/fraud/ - steroids general
Sniggering in between sets at some Jow Forums shitpost/meme i remembered
/fat/ Make sure you're getting enough water
All I've been hearing is
Do you have self-authouring suit? Want to see what's in it before buying
I'm bored and I made a thing
So I posted my new exciting diet yesterday and got a lot of constructive feedback. So I've made some changes...
Low test
Does looking at Hentai right before your sets increase performance because of increased T?
What is your expiriance shaking beta males hands?
What tricks do you employ to evade the gym-negro?
Ywn conquer the known world in your 20's
Lifting doesnt cure depression
/sig/ - Self Improvement General
Meat isn't a health food, it's THE health food
Genuine thoughts on belle?
ITT: Songs that never fail to get you pumped up
Obliterates rotator cuff
He's not coming back. is he?
Tfw I almost ate an entire box of these
Overtraining on SS 5X5??
Is it possible to get rid of the double chin?
Work from home, how to stay healthy?
After not eating carbs for three weeks in order to get a six pack I can confirm: they are not worth it
Does Jow Forums eat raw meat?
Any hairloss fags here? Please help me with hairloss
Jocko or David Goggins?
Fatgripz vs wrist-rollers vs orb grips
Look alright with post workout muscles
Why haven't you taken the stewpill yet?
Is it true that you gain weight from eating before bed...
For what reason do you lift, fellow brethren?
Protein seller, I am going to the gym and require your finest of isolates
Yeah this board is fucked. Half the board isn't fitness related. Hell, it isn't even health related...
Jow Forums ideals
All women are whores who deserve rape
Tomorrow is THORSday, you are gonna do Nord Rows and Thors Hammercurls, arent you user?
/home gym/
Deadlift weaker than squat
Is building your forearms important?
Canned goods
Should I walk to work? It's 30 minutes away by foot, or 10 minutes away by car. I am too fraidy cat to bicycle
Waste all my time lifting
How you holding up?
Fresh from Jow Forums but I want to better myself because I realize that everything bad in my life is my fault not...
Fuck off animal niggers we're the top of the food chain!
Relationships aren’t gains goblins
Heart health
Which one Jow Forums?
I want to become the yelow man
Motivational thread
Is she right, Jow Forums?
When you realize how much of a dumb meme starting strenght is
Hey faggot nice muscles
Skinnyfat here
What was his routine?
I just had a virgin-chad moment
Elderly fit people
How many people on Jow Forums lift to compensate for a average to small penis?
Harvard research shows marijuana use associated with increased sperm count and higher testosterone
What's the best exercise for developing grip strength?
Taking 5g creatine for a couple days
Jow Forums I had the worst workout of my life
I'm sure glad we moved to 4channel
Lifting for women
Make 100k
Male enhancement supplements
FPH threads are the worst threads on this board
Am I a wristlet?
Reminder that nofap is textbook placebo
Mire thread
5'11 manlet
How the fuck do you get rid of dark circles under the eyes
Best time to lift in a college gym?
How is your oral fitness Jow Forums?
Being a twink is still more aesthetic than being a fat fucking retard fight me
How would Jow Forums respond?
Buff on a budget
So It took a year to get to a reasonable weight. Hows my progress so far?
What does the ideal women’s body look like
Guys overestimate how much girls are attracted to muscles
Ok this dude is the (former) ufc flyweight champion demetrius johnson. Hes 5'3(160cm) 125lbs(57kg)
Is this achievable natty
When did you realize that the only way to make it involved quitting Jow Forums forever?
So how does Jow Forums do their home gyms with minimal equipment
Normie fitness misconceptions
Just a reminder... water fasting makes you shart your pants
ITT: Total bullshit that Jow Forums believes
I can almost fit into a single pant leg from my summer shorts! I’ve started walking 1km every day did it last night...
Nofap day 35
Can I drink as much milk as I want with no ill effects? I fucking love that shit
So what kind of girls do you usually attract Jow Forums?
/plg/ Powerlifting General
What happened to him?
So today as I was squatting normally, this buff turbo manlet came up asked me
How strong do I need to be to do this
What is your favorite meal in your current diet? Pic related is mine
It's been 8 years and nobody has replaced him, why?
So I converted to Orthodox Lennyism last December
Muh high test
/fraud/ - steroids general
One gallon?!
Any late bloomers who made it?
Is it weird that the only reason I went from fat slob into full Jow Forums was to be sexually attractive to my younger...
Post songs that make you RAPE PR’s
There is this guy in his twenties that stares at this girls ass all the time in the gym...
Skin Care
People compliment me on my Jow Forums body
Finally went to a gym, I am 5'11'' with 160 pounds
Claim your Jow Forums waifu/hubando
Age old question, but I'm fucking tired of looking like absolute shit
Gonna try this stuff for the first time, what's the best flavor?
Anyone else here eat raw steaks to bulk? Are there any health concerns I should be worried about...
Alright Jow Forums...
No booze n cocaine day 37
Are zero calorie sodas a good way to quench the sweet tooth on a cut?
Tfw you lift regularly for years and are still nowhere near as strong as a dinky female climber
How can i achieve this mode?
Who here lifts for /fatherhood/
What's a good pre-workout meal in the morning? If possible something that goes quickly
I did the workout yesterday. today i cannot get out of my chair. my legs will not do the squat motion at all...
Why is Bulking so hard?
2019 gym goals
Is my 14 year old cousin too young to start lifting?
Tfw dad passed away
Walks towards you
Seriously, do you do cardio?
/owg/ - Olympic (style) weightlifting general
Wash your hair
Stop this. No matter what you would do, it useless
/tfg/ - traditional family general
Best music to listen to at the gym?
When you try to leave without tipping the gym receptionist
This is how someone with terrible genetics look when doing strength training
I'm 18 yrs old and started lifting 7 months ago. Pic related is me
STOP. You have ONE post to explain why you aren't
Why is it so easy to gain weight but so difficult to lose it?
/fraud/ - self loathe edition
Foreskin restoration
Who is the most aesthetic man who has ever lived?
I want to gain weight and i just cant take in those 4k calories a day like most of these fattards here...
Fit ideals thread
/fat/ The year of the pig is finally my year
Yesfap movement, being single is a perfect opportunity to see the world with a different angle
High Carb Diet
Motivational thread
Can Jow Forums briefly explain why people think that a ketosis diet is unhealthy? I don't see what's so bad about meat...
What the fuck is the point in squatting anything behind three plates?
Are Veggies a meme or actually beneficial?
/fitlit/ thread. what are we reading?
Why do some people look so awkward when they're weightlifting when other people look so graceful and elegant doing it...
What the fuck is this
Why the fuck is Jow Forums so fucking obsessed with women?
That guy who squats with a hoodie on
I'm a beginner trying to gain weight and strength. i'm building up from 137 lbs (5'12"). i also have a concave chest...
ITT: Post all the /fit recipes
Fictional ideal bodies:
So after the humiliation of trying to get prescribed the pill and being told my BMI is too high...
What would happen if you started roiding and lifting with no prior lifting experience?
Reminder that this is all you need to achieve
We all knows slav squats and nords row. What is your cultures exercise?
/plg/ - powerbloating general
Eternal FPS/FPH thread
Lifting took my friends
Two types
No fap
Why are there no chairs in the gym...
Nofap strategies
How do i find a nice wheyfu to bear strong children for me if the one attractive wheyfu at my gym is taken?
I think my dad is a gains goblin type individual guys this happened a few hours ago
/sfg/ - Sexual Fitness General
CBT + lift stats
Is depression the best way to cut (weight)?
Tfw cant bench the bar
World Champion Powerlifter
Honhonhonlubdub muhwaaaaghyeeeeeeee haaggrragee poooddooodadadadadaa!!!!
Does 5x5 work with chinups?
Eat healthy
What does Jow Forums smoke and drink?
Am i ottermode?
The roids given and the roids taken
Jow Forums/lit/ thread
How to make sure children are tall
Are these devices just a meme...
Tip of the day use hooks when you train your back
New Years Resolutioners
If you are ten or fewer years older than your girlfriend you don’t have to register as a sex offender
Motivational thread
Is this how it's done?
Find girl attractive
Jow Forums feels thread
Walk in gym 1994
Are we indirectly responsible for fat women?
I'm tired of this fucking manlet hate, I'm not a manlet ffs
Why don't you lift for round ebony asses?
What's on Jow Forums's grocery list? How much do you spend a week on food? Pic related my current cutting diet, ~$50/wk...
This is what a year of weight loss looks like
Are diamond pushups really bad for your wrist? what are other good body weight exercises
Pullups or chinups for boxing?
Would you date a girl taller than you?
With this profile, is it best to stick to the 2d woman?
You haven't forgotten about me, right user?
What does the natural limit look like and how long does it take to achieve it?
110 kcal per cookie
Face rate thread
Routine thread
Nigerian street gyms
What does Jow Forums think of my workout plan/diet? Trying to drop about 30 pounds and tone up in general
Finally hit 1pl8
Remember, Jow Forums, it's in the personality
Eating at 1k-2k kcal deficit, keto, weighing absolutely everything
Is Pierce "The Architect" Brosnan returning to MI6?
How many workouts do you wear your gym clothes for until you wash them? How many sets of gym clothing do you own?
Try to drink at least a gallon of water a day
Is the consensus here that mewing is bullshit or is there something to it?
How long did it take you to achieve Chad status?
Have you ever lied on this board?
Got more fit, girlfriend still doesn't care
Are there any benefits to doing "4-board press"
How do I achieve this bod?
So you lift weights but don't do any athletics or martial arts? I mean yeah...
I lift to drown out the unrelenting pain of the cringe of my formative years
How to I avoid bullies, Jow Forums?
Jow Forums poster 1 says thing
Who here is tfw.ugly
Do women with fake tits need to bench? Is it even safe for them to do so?
/High Test Thread/
Being /Fit in Asia
How am i supossed to make it when im addicted to
Tfw chinlet
The PT at the gym (He mogs all of you btw) said I should split my PPL into 6 different workouts
Ready for spring break?
Anyone tried a diet consisting of mostly cup noodles and some vegetables/meat for cutting?
Can i make the bottom of my foot thicker to grow taller? what exercises are good for hitting feet?
Tfw no traveling home gym
Orgasm and momentary strength
List your top 3 fit foods
Best 3/4 day split novice programs for general strength purpose
Why is it bad to do cardio after lifting?
Alright brahs listen carefully this is not a revolution
5’10 180lbs 18 years old (used to be 330lbs)
Weight lifting horror stories
/fraud/ - steroids general
You guys are full of shit, Planet Fitness is a great gym...
Anons, how can i fix this?
Is the Front Squat better for general athleticism than the lowbar back squat?
Do you guys think you could fend off muggers after a workout?
Autistic music for gym ??
What made you realize lifting for women is not the way?
Why do you lift?
Is it okay to eat one egg every day?
How did bodybuilding become """this"""?
Life hack they dont want you to know
Any vegan or vegetarian fitizens? I'm being challenged to go an entire month being vegetarian...
Grants you a barn door back and beefy biceps
Which muscle groups does this activate??
Browse lookism and Jow Forums for too long
What have been your experiences on this app Jow Forums? Has being in shaped helped you get likes?
How do I into Adam Levine mode?
I started lifting in high school for girls like this...
Protein bars
Untucked t shirt
I want to lift every day. Or at least most days. What program do I use
These women are so easy when you're below ~14% bodyfat. Just cut already my dude
A boomer at my gym right now is benching on the smith machine wearing a fucking DOOM t-shirt
Alpha m
That sharp back pain after deadlifts
Oh hey, missed me?
I guess it's too much to expect basic respect and decency from Jow Forums posters...
My Jow Forums girlfriend wants sex literally everyday and I just can't keep up. I also don't want to see other people...
>boogie has given up on his weight lo-
How would you make him able to work?
Your ideal gfs weight
How do you avoid getting wrinkles when you hit around 30 years of age?
Have you swallowed the chess pill yet, Jow Forums?
Alright Jow Forums it's Monday tell me what your first exercise of the day is
/scg/ - Skin Care General
Are farmers carries a meme?
Mewing Thread
Tfw we're all gonna make it
What mode is this?
Anyone have the latest edition of NE that came out a few days ago?
Now that the dust has settled what's the best BF for face gains?
Do facepulls at the gym
Vegans BTFO once again? What arguments could they possibly have against this?
Ever read "Solitary Fitness" by Charles Bronson fit ?
Eating Disorder Support Thread
Okay so which flavor of these bad boys is gonna make me wanna puke the least?
Carnies of Jow Forums
Turning 20 in a few weeks
Everything on TV is designed to manipulate you, make you unhappy, or make you insecure
There's a McDonalds opening across the street from my apartment
What kind of clothes do you usually wear Jow Forums?
If i want to look good naked, like ottermode, is 3x8 better than 5x5?
Unlimited 3D body size measurements from home
/fph/ there wasnt one yet so here we go again edition
/// DIET BREAD ///
Live worth it brahs?
/sup/ - Supplements
This 2 guys do pic related with your girlfriend at a pool party
/fat/ - anime edition #???
Thoughts on Jujimufu & his channel? In the deadlifting video he (well...
Is this exercise a meme or not...
This is why I stopped going to the gym
How is your self-esteem doing Jow Forums?
I lift to carry her chair up the stairs
Manlet Wisdom and Motivation
Everyone keeps saying dont focus your life on women
Last night I fucked this turbo-liberal chick i’ve known for years. Her kink? Rape-play. Why are women like this
Lets get a music thread going, post songs you listen to while lifting weights
Why do people hate Manlets but not short women? Let's be equal in 2019 and rightfully hate both of them...
She's right, you know?
Post mires
Fuck a random tinder sloot raw (I know, I’m stupid)
/fraud/ - masTer is a manlet general
Is this peak manlet physique?
Any chance he's natty?
Saw some dude wear one of these masks at my gym the other day...
Tfw last escort I saw had her two friends in the room
Honest thoughts on bacon and eggs?
High t thread
For me, it's the Weighted Dips
So as a ghostly pale skin male with body hair, how do I best show off my gains
Gaining too fast? stretch marks?
How do I get his abs?
Looking to get a set of modular weights and a bench for my apt instead of a gym membership or bowflex. Thoughts...
If I pick up boxing, will it also help with my anger problem? I'd assume it'd be a good stress reliever
I just meet Jake Paul at the super bowl. AMA
EDM tracks
/sig/ - Self Improvement General
Don’t Negleck Your Neck
How low t. is your smile Jow Forums?
*builds you a 6 pack*
Is wrestling good for self defense? i like the takedowns and throws but i dont like using that gay swimsuit
Thanks for taking me out for burgers user
OMG user we though you could defend us with just your fists, looks like we'll have to look for a real man...
Superman is on a serious cycle now. Marvel onions boys are on suicide watch
Are you a man because you lift, or do you lift because you're a man?
Are women capable of higher thought?
Ask the Natty Deer
What number you start to say your bench is acceptable
I'm thinking about raising rabbits for food...
How do I go from the before to after? Diet...but what exercises should I focus on? Thank ya!
Advice for starting nofap
Any board outside of Jow Forums calling people basedboys
Did i got memed starting boxing
Sunday confession thread
Nooooooo bros this can't be happening
How does one become a male model?
What is the healthiest addiction
Workout songs
I haven't forgotten about him
How do I into my granddad mode?
Just got pic related in the mail for muh hand gainz
I'm 6'0 190lbs and bench 225lbs for reps
Does Jow Forums plays any instrument?
/plg/ pasta lifting general
Okay Jow Forums what are the ABSOLUTE best foods to pack on size with the least effort?
Dumbell Benchpress vs Normal Bench Press?
Why is cutting so hard?
Wristlet is worse than manlet change my mind
ITT: darkest mogs
How do I fix my face bros? I'm also only 5 foot I fucked?
Is there a single human on Earth, male or female, who is truly unmoggable?
Need help
Is anybody else really terrified of becoming a boomer?
Enough is enough bros
Thots are a welcome addition to any gym
I want
/noporn/ + mental fitness
Conversation Gains
Hair Loss
Consuming more energy than you expend will make you fat
That guy at the gym
Are you out of breath already, faggot? Pathetic. Are you telling me you don't do daily cardio?
What do you eat for breakfast, Jow Forums? More often than not...
Get sick for a month or so
/Meal Prep/ General
How to do keto/carnivore right?
Will weed once a week kills gainz? I just fapped while high, and it was the greatest feeling I ever had
WHY DO I FEEL SO LIGHT HEADED AFTER LIFTING. I legit feel like I could pass out bros...
Machiavellianism and being Jow Forums
Walk into the gym
Are protein bars good or bad? Will they set me back on my fitness goals?
Safe roiding
Post your ideal gym bro
Vibram Shoes Experience
Mfw my gf's mom tells her I have a pretty face
Come on, user, it's the Super Bowl! The gym will be there tomorrow, just grab a slice and a beer and watch with us!
The gym necromancer keeps resurrecting my deadlifts
Braphog or Slampig
I drank 4 beers yesterday after bench pressing, skull crushing, and doing OHPs, how fucked am I?
How much do you spend on a gym membership?
Does Jow Forums shave their eggs before eating? it's much tastier this way
Drink milk
USA Powerlifting bans all trans women from competing as women
How would you quickly go from the 20-24% to under 15%...
His smile and optimism
Childhood Fitness
Going on my first date today in a while. What are some red flags i should watch out for?
Daily reminder that martial arts make you fucking superior
How to get an ass like this?
/sig/ - Self Improvement General
Press F for the chickens that died for your gainz
How does this image make you feel?
/fast/ - #377 - DON'T DO IT EDITION
Is he natty? his delts are bigger than his head and south korea is pretty famous for how superficial it is
What's your autistic phrase to get through the pain
So what made you decide to become a vegan, Jow Forums ?
Protein Powder
Take the chewing pill:
I failed a nofap streak of 49 days
ITT: Sumos
Forgiving yourself
I will be moving to illinois in a couple of weeks
Am I going to make it?
Post pictures that inspire you to lead a Jow Forums lifestyle
What do you estimate this blacked actor's T levels to be? and is it possible to get his body natty?
How the FUCK do I lower testosterone naturally?
Has fitness helped you with girls, Jow Forums?
No cocaine n booze day 35
/fph/ fat 'people' hate thread, Sunday edition
Hello Jow Forums
Whey vs Serious Mass
Is it high test to go to strip clubs?
It's been said that roiders almost always have big traps and shoulders because those muscles have the most androgen...
Have you taken the jaw pill?
How do you reach ketosis really fast? I’ve heard from another user that he was losing tons of pounds by doing nothing...
Is my dinner here about 400 calories?
What should I do to look like this?
What's the best martial art if you're forced into a street fight...? And why is it boxing?
What supplements will lower my inhibition?
Is this a firm ass or a flabby ass?
Hey Jow Forums is this is an okay body for a 20 year old? How do i improve on it?
Your daily reminder:
How much weight do I need to lose
How to read/approach Gym thots?
I heard that cholesterol is harmless on the keto and carnivore diets because of the lack of carbs. Is this true?
Was hoping to get fit like him since I saw his interview at bettybop last year but now there is no way i can catch up...
SOS Wristlet/forearmlet in need of help
Home gym thread
Every gym is full of white people
Wide hips thread
Will 10mg of melatonin counteract three energy drinks and put me to sleep in a reasonable amount of time?
Masturbating to Yourself
Since you've started lifting, have you considered plastic surgery or fillers to truly maximize your potential?
Is a big chest even aesthetic?
How do elite athlete achieve such strong butts?
How much could this UNIT deadlift Jow Forums
Eats fuckin leaves all day
Opinions / experiences with SSRIs?
I ruined my dickies boots that I also used for lifting. What are some good powerlifting shoes under 60 bucks USD?
/fat/ - Fat Operator Edition
So what kind of g*rls do you usually attract Jow Forums
*record scratch*
Huge chest, delts, and traps
You CANNOT outlift a goblino face
How does it feel knowing Jow Forums is one gigantic circle jerk?
This... This is powerful
EXCUSE ME EVERYONE *clink clink clink* Everyone listen please, I have an announcement. *clink clink*
Gotta get swole
So if the recommended workout plans like strating strenghts are all shit and memes...
Jow Forums i'm getting desperate for a gf
With hair
How long can you hold a horse stance for?
What's the point of lifting if you're a manlet
The average American is now borderline obese, the CDC says
Friend claims he's 100% natty (not even creatine)
Feels thread
How would you fix this Jow Forums?
Jow Forums said he wouldn't lose the weight, that he would give up, that I would die
How will Valentine’s Day impact your fitness routine?
How to deal with jealousy when in a relationship? Every time my gf talks to/about another guy I feel sick and angry...
Day 2 of water bottle weight workout experience
Going out with Tinder slut
You ever notice skinny dudes grabbing their girlfriends whenever you’re nearby...
/PLG/ - Powerlifting General
Hey bro, get your pump on! We're hitting the clun tonight
What's the best martial art to be able put down people, but without punching? Judo, Jiujitsu ..?
Why does my body attract these types of girls?
What vitamins does Jow Forums take?
Talked 40yo ripped gymbro
Str lvl
Do you have any tips for nofap when the urge hits?
Is tyler1 proof that manlets can be Chad?
Opinion on Alphadestiny's new brotastic routine?
Do steroids cause acne or is this a myth?
Jow Forums mokeys paw
How come people who focus on Incline Bench have such shitty chests compared to people who focus on Flat Bench?
How do I get this physique?
Deadlift is a good mass buil-
Tall and skinny vs. short and jacked
Are you lifting for brendan this month Jow Forums?
Obesity is Incurable
How do I low bar squat properly? My arms hurt and feel forced no matter in which position I put them...
No excuse Jow Forums
MMA fags
Were you cool in high-school / College?
100% natty, and the king of casual wear how can fitizens compete?
Posts ending in 1,3,5,7,9, and 0 will be doomed with the left's body for the rest of their lives
So let’s set this shit straight, because of all the misinformation and shitposting on here...
55lb dumbbell
THE ULTIMATE REDPILL: "nutrition" is a MYTH!! the amount or type of food you eat makes NO DIFFERENCE
>Boogie will never lose the wei-
Sup Jow Forums, what do you think of my mockup of my home gym I hope to build that I made with K'nex?
Skeleton Just Starting
Girl at my gym who wears tight ass grey leggings with a body like this...
Are cheat days a requirement when trying to lose massive amounts of weight?
Do you take creepshots of people in the gym?
Is it time to shave?
QTDDTOT, Snap City Edition
Pic related attack you. Wat do /fit?
What is the thinking man's choice of deodorant type? Personally I prefer spray for simplicity...
What's your problem with people who like to eat?
How fucked are my genetics from spending my childhood+teenage years sitting on my fat ass 8 hours a day playing video...
Jow Forums Black Pill General
Back curvature during heavy deadlifts
When will they learn?
Fitness Watches
Jow Forums wtf why do I look worse after lifting for a month straight...
If you aren't on Retin-A at this point you're basically a lazy idiot
How to avoid dick silhouette when wearing gym pants
Is a power rack worth it
Pick the movement that, in your opinion, gives the best hypertrophy and strength gains for each category. Only 1 choice
Tfw unironically friendzoned
/fitlit/ thread
What are the benefits of cardio after lifting weights?
Why do girls wear such tight/revealing clothing at the gym?
Can you do more pull ups than average non lifting male?
/sfg/ - Sexual Fitness General
Yankees and liberals will never get to enjoy the goodness that is this
What happened to him, Jow Forums? There's some forum posts from like 2014-2015 and after that...nothing
Is 3-4 hours at the gym 6 times a week too much? I feel like I'm killing myself just to land a gf/"live healthier"...
Walk into gym
If you get strong you will get big!
Loose Skin
Abs thread, show me your glorious abs
What's his routine? I unironically want a body like this...
Have you noticed a change in how people behave towards you as you became Jow Forums?
What was your wake-up call?
/CBT/ - Current body thread
/// HEAR BREAD ///
Starting chemo today. No gains for awhile. Wish me luck brehs
What is the best advice Jow Forums has given you?
Is liking teen girls high t or low t
Thanks for the dinner and movie Jow Forums. You got this check right?
Post wheyfus
My gf just had weight loss surgery, what can I expect looking forward? Can I help her to get fit?
Simple question Jow Forums, how much do ya squat, how much do ya weigh?
I said egg nog, not egg mog
Brazil nuts
Mewing is technology right?
Be me 9 months ago
Eating Rotten Meat
Kills you
Is there an actual benefit in using this torture device or is it just memes?
Mental immaturity
Workout shoes
FPH thread
FUCK! Seriously? It's like you're Photoshopped!
Supermang's Sunday CBT/Prog Thread
We do all lift for pussy to some extent right?
How does Calum still look like this despite not having done any kind of real training for the last 1.5 years...
Pubic fat - Dick Maxing
Left was me at 135 pounds, 5'4 in december
Do you ever wish you could get fired just so you could spend all the time you wanted in the gym?
Should I even try? Am I hopeless?
Anyone who seriously worries about their dick size - take it from someone with a 7.5" (not even that big...
Things you do now that you're fit
Chad career advice
/owg/ - Geordil is back edition
Strength Vs Aesthetics
Be at gym
Any good excuses for why you're not eating at least a dozen eggs a day?
I paid for a gym membership for six months was rather expensive ($255 US) I only went a couple of times because I think...
She blocked me on everything
Yes i'd like a nice bowl of sugary mush please
*glubr glubr*
Why do legs respond so much more to training?
Where did your genetics fail you? Post pics
Be 24
*interrupts the middle of your set*
Name a superior cardio sport than soccer
How much of a gains gobblin cigarrettes are when it comes to strenght and power ?
Face pulls are bullshit
Yo fags
Workout music thread
/fraud/ - steron genitals
Energy drinks are bad for yo-
Are girls miring/hitting on you?
/PLG/ - Powerlifting General
Did i fuck up turning into a chick? I used to be super fit
I've been lifting M/W/F for like 3 weeks, religiously, and making good progress
Memes aside, is soilent an appropriate alternative to post workout shakes...
Has going to the gym helped any of you with depression...
Friday night
Turkey Whole subs on sale
Last threads
Sum up your country in one image
Why is open racism towards wmaf so accepted?
France has fallen
Brit/pol/ - Joris Bohnson edition
Why yes, my husband is Swede. What gave it away?
Battle of the Century
Ivanka wore this to the UN today
Poland need to pay us (me) reparations for their deathcamps
Is Jow Forums actually too stupid to understand the greenhouse effect?
Franco being removed from El Valle de los Caídos
How does it feel being on a sinking ship