Energy drinks are bad for yo-

>energy drinks are bad for yo-

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these honestly taste like fucking shit

rainbow unicorn is the best

You just haven’t tried GIGA HYPERIOD LEPRAUCHAN PISS yet it’s pretty yum

this tbqh. I bought one because everyone was raving about how good they taste and yet they all taste like shit. WAY too sweet, ranging from barely sour to not sour at all, barely any carbonation, etc. Monster sips really do taste so much better. That said, I did feel really good after drinking Bangs, so I ended up trying a few different flavors (they all sucked).

But it’s got super creatine....

Rainbow Unicorn
Blue Razz
Pina Colada

>GOOD tier
Purple Haze
Cotton Candy
Bangster Berry
Sour Heads

>SHIT tier
Star Blast

cherry lime is the best one, you gotta try it

Shit list for not including Lemon Drop Sweet Tea

I've been drinking this shit since the only flavor was Lemon drop. Champagne, the second flavor, is and always has been the best flavor.

Every time I drink bang, or see a shitty marketing campaign for bang on Jow Forums, I get a violent urge to thumb my asshole and fist my foreskin while watching non-passing tranny porn.

>anything but champagne and pina colada
Never gonna make it

only one i havent had is blue unicorn. IMO lemon drop is the best because it tastes the least artificial. gotta quit though because i'm a caffeine addict who drinks 2 bangs in a gym session just to not feel sleepy.

This is a very important post. I hope everyone on Jow Forums sees this.

What does rainbow unicorn taste I'm too scared it'll taste nasty

How about you drink a real redline?
Yohimbine hcl makes all the difference.

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Cotton candy is the second worst bang flavor, only one that's worse is the root beer one

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I literally vomited after drinking a can of the kind with mango in it. I threw away half a can of champagne because it was so disgusting.

>Bang energy has 0 calories
>Has over a gram of BCAAs
>Protein is made of BCAAs
>1 gram of protein has 4 calories

Cherry blade limeade is the best but my FUCKING H-E-B ISNT CARRYING IT ANYMORE AND THEY MOVED THEM OUT OF THE FRIDGE AND REPLACED THEM WITH FUCKING CAMBITCHA.Now I gotta drink warm goblin piss like a pleb

>rainbow unicorn
Pleb soiboi nigger with shit taste
Mocha madness coffee bang w/ protein masterace

They really are

I tried one of those once.
Shit gave me a headache.

pleb filter

Lol loser

never gonna make it

You’re normal
You guys have caffeine addiction
This is coming from a guy who would take 1-1.4 grams of caffeine daily for months.

Am I still natty if I sip some bang?

nope. super creatine isn't natty


As long as it's under 5 cal, companies can legally put that they have no calories on their products

Black Cherry Vanilla, first one I tried and still my favorite


When you break protein apart, energy is released. BCAAs are already "broken", so you can't break them further apart to release energy.


Attached: Creatine.jpg (810x1013, 460K)

I feel like I'm going to have a heart attack when I drink these. And this is coming from someone who used to take 100 mgs of Adderall at a time.... Actually it makes sense now.

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made by the same company man, same shit different bottle.

i love those blue raspberry redlines tho