Do you eat them Jow Forums? Should I introduce 2 brazil nuts daily into my diet, worth it?
Brazil nuts
idk prolly
You should eat dees instead
Brazil nuts are the niggers of nuts, I always throw them away when they come in those nut mix packages.
Deez nuts
I eat one daily for the selenium content. Not even sure why tho but that´s what i do.
That's what I plan to do, but 2 daily. Have you noticed any changes?
Wots dees
Not him, but I stopped eating them and didn't notice anything
You should be careful as they have a high radium content
Brazilian here, they are pretty healthy :^] Don't know if it's only here but there's a nut mix with them called Remix that's pretty good
My based grandpa calls these”nigger toes”
Brazilian here, fuck these little shits, I'm allergic to them so if I eat one of those my face becomes exactly like pic related.
Look up Selenium Toxicity
Meh, ligma has a better nutritional profile.
Ketofag here. I chop one or two of them up and toss them in my high fat yogurt as well as some shredded coconut, it's my favourite "meal" of the day. They're very high in selenium which your thyroid gland needs, I recommend eating at least one a day especially if you're cutting
If you like ligma, I highly suggest trying boffah if you haven't already
Yes . My sperm got stupid thick after like 2-3 weeks of eating them every day
How can you get larger amounts of it? Couldn't even get a full teaspoon after I scraped it off.
almonds are superior
I was an idiot and went through a phase of eating around 5 a day. Only once I started getting sick did I find out about the toxicity. :(
>2 brazil nuts daily