So let’s set this shit straight, because of all the misinformation and shitposting on here. Is nofap a redpill autismlord meme or real? I’ve been jacking my peen less lately than I have been before (used to be a 3x a day peen jacker & never knew anything different.) last week I stopped jacking for like 3 days and noticed a metaphorical weight lifted off my shoulders. Not like a porn addiction thing, but I felt a noticeable difference in my confidence, focus, energy & work ethic. Shit like that. Last night I got emo as fuck and jerked off 2x in a row and today I feel really autistic and anxious. So tell me once and for all autismos, is this the first sign of effective nofap or just placebo wizardry?
So let’s set this shit straight, because of all the misinformation and shitposting on here...
Other urls found in this thread:
Just get a gf to fuck lmao
Brown Sequard, Havelook Ellis, Samuel Tisot, Nietzsche, Gandhi, Serge Voronoff, Charles M. Sajous, Tesla, Newton, Pythagoras - just some of the most groundbreaking respected surgeons, endocrinologists, philosophers, world leaders of all time who SWORE by the fact that conserved semen is reabsorbed into the body which gives rise to much greater health, body and mind.
Mainstream western science completely rejects that, it says you have to throw semen out (full of valuable hormones and nerve cells) or you will get cancer, so if you're looking for modern age proof from Men's Magazine or Institute of Sciences, you won't get it. Modern science believes there is absolutely nothing wrong with porn, and fapping as much as you want. However, I'll post some studies regardless which throw a wrench in those beliefs and show that what the likes of Tesla and Gandhi were talking about was not bullshit, they were speaking the truth, and in fact, its modern science which is sprouting bullshit and the leading cause of so many moral wrecks in society today.
>March 14, 2003 -- "Use it or lose it" may be good advice when it comes to keeping mental skills sharp and staying in shape, but researchers say it doesn't apply to certain aspects of male anatomy. In fact, a new study debunks the myth that frequent ejaculation can ward off health problems such as prostate enlargement.
>Celibate priests and nuns live longer lives.
Even in beetles, micoscopic animals, cats, dogs, etc - it was noticed those which took less part in reproduction activities lived that much longer (pic is related):
>not fapping makes you creative, intelligent, rich and hygienic
I can’t tell the coping virgins from shitposters anymore.
I think it’s just neurotransmitter balances. I don’t know the exact sciences behind it (which ones, just that dopamine and prolactin come into play) but I think it has to do with that when our bodies and brain have everything in order our behavior manifests itself accordingly. So for example, we may be one of the most intelligent species but we’re still just animals. We still need to act like animals; we need to move and use our bodies and put in the foods that we can get from nature. When we start living more and more civilized(comfortable and lazy lifestyles) we need to start taking advantage of things like weight training and exercising cardio intentionally. Take care of your body and your mind stabilizes how it should- calm confident, driven, normal reward center function, etc. we don’t and things get out of wack, because you can’t lie to your conscious/subconscious mind. Your brain knows when you’re fucking up (becoming a fat lazy fat addict for example). Same goes for beating off, if we were still wild ass ape people we wouldn’t jack off all that often if ever. We’d hunt our food and then go fuck a bitch.
>intelligent and hygienic people pretend their hands a pussy and fuck it till they cum
Yeah you really got us no fappers pinned against a wall with that argument.
>creative and rich people waste their time watching countless porn videos to find one that could stimulate them enough for the drug like high they crave
Damn guys we better get to masturbating this anons got a point
Masturbation in excess is objectively bad for you. Furthermore its easy to become addicted to porn. Therefore touching your peener and watching porn as little as you can is good for you.
>rich people drive expensive cars
>mfw nofap is the real NZT
Fapping is gay af, you're literally being jerked of by a male
>obese people diet
based logic poster
Masturbation releases tension. It's crucial in high stress jobs. I have to jack off three times during work on average.
Just go to HR and have them do it, it’s literally their job.
>Is nofap a redpill autismlord meme
nice copypasta baby, now go back to consume porn and relapse your vital energy.
>psychology professor
Here he is guys! He posted it again!
Are you reatrded? To buy/drive an expensive car you must have a certain level of wealth
Lmao that’s not even close to what I said. Based retarded straw man
You know how many times I've seen this pasta? It's gone bad by now.
christ the delusion is real.
stay salty broseph
>>creative and rich people waste their time watching countless porn videos to find one that could stimulate them enough for the drug like high they crave
>Damn guys we better get to masturbating this anons got a point
You're right. It's not close. It's exactly what the fuck you said.
>Rich people don't watch porn so you shouldn't watch porn
>Obese people diet so you shouldn't diet
>To buy/drive an expensive car you must have a certain level of wealth
You just confirmed you have nigger-tier logic.
They drive expensive cars after they get rich, they don’t get rich as a result of driving expensive cars, you utter fucking retard.
Are you so fucking divorced from reality you think not touching your dick will somehow make you rich?
>A man whose penis has suffered a blunt trauma, severe bend or other injury during intercourse or masturbation may, rarely, sustain a penile fracture[78][79][80] or suffer from Peyronie's disease.[81] Phimosis is "a contracted foreskin (that) may cause trouble by hurting when an attempt is made to pull the foreskin back".[82] In these cases, any energetic manipulation of the penis can be problematic.
A small percentage of men suffer from postorgasmic illness syndrome (POIS), which can cause severe muscle pain throughout the body and other symptoms immediately following ejaculation, whether due to masturbation or partnered sex. The symptoms last for up to a week.[83][84][85] Some doctors speculate that the frequency of POIS "in the population may be greater than has been reported in the academic literature",[86] and that many POIS sufferers are undiagnosed.[87]
That's interesting. I wonder if POIS isn't more common than we think and could explain some of the benefits people experience. Maybe there are varying degrees of POIS too like maybe some people have just a very mild form of it so they feel just kinda mildly bad after jacking off? If that's the case, nofap could legit be good for a much larger percentage of the population than we realize. When you think about the biological purpose of sex -- is to have babies. Sex isn't supposed to be done every day like a routine it's supposed to be done frequently for a short period of time in order to conceive. Maybe we all have POIS but some people just don't experience it as much as others do.
oops wrong quote, meant this,
>A small percentage of men suffer from postorgasmic illness syndrome (POIS), which can cause severe muscle pain throughout the body and other symptoms immediately following ejaculation, whether due to masturbation or partnered sex. The symptoms last for up to a week.[83][84][85] Some doctors speculate that the frequency of POIS "in the population may be greater than has been reported in the academic literature",[86] and that many POIS sufferers are undiagnosed.[87]
Porn is the only thing Jews give away for free
>semen is reabsorbed
sure, thats why you are getting wet dreams without fapping.
wants to make a serious post
yeah sure mate
How did my thread derail so hard into copypaste paragraphs and links I’m not gonna click. I just wanna know if anyone of you personally feel benefits from reducing the amount you masturbate
yes. I do. I feel like I have lots more energy. They key is to channel it. In the morning I have a raging erection. I used to jack it but now I go lift or go on a run. I notice my wife wants to cuddle more and is more into flirting. She likes to show off to me more often and touches me a ton more. We also have more sex. This might be because I give her more attention and so she reciprocates but it seems like more than that to me. I spend a lot more time trying to improve myself. The hardest part is not watching porn at all. I still look at it when I am on my computer but no more fapping.
how I fucking wish I had read this shit when I was 13
the end of the second to last paragraph doesn't seem a LITTLE off to you?
I’ve known some rich and creative people who love some depraved shit dude.
>creative and rich people waste their time watching countless porn videos to find one that could stimulate them enough for the drug like high they crave
Nah they don't, they have the money to buy drugs that feels better than fapping.
Why do you think there are so much artists dying from overdose?
Realize it yourself faggot, you gotta feel the benefits to understand them.
It is a meme. The only help is that it forces you to take control of yourself and there are better ways than not just touching your peen. I beat off a billion times a day and have been having a great time talking and interacting with women as of late. Bagged a thicc girl wayyyyy out of my league last week and I feel even more motivated to interact with women and people as a whole, and I'm a goofy introvert.
And this is due to a change in mindframe, in being more positive, and enjoying who you are/becoming. ALL people like that in others and it just so happens to have an even stronger affect on women.
Realize that you, the single individual, can have a great impact of others. It's just remembering that in the moment and acting on it. Once you do, you should see changes in the self.
Anyone can LARP online, however if this is true then your doing a good job. You've become aware that you can change for the better and now you are becoming that better version of yourself, constantly updating here n there. Have you read any books on the way? What caused you to take a step back and asses yourself?
As for fapping, like everything else moderation is key. If you believe abstaining from fapping works for you then keep doing what you're doing, the placebo effect is becoming more credible nowadays.
Are you Matthew Mcconaughey?
No LARPing here, my dude. I'm not sure if i can suggest any books or anything really besides meditation, ashwaganda (proven to lower cortisol levels and ease the mind), and living in the now (which all those will help with).
You are much more closer to chaddom than you think you are but it is your own ego that throws everything off. Stay in the moment and when things (both good or bad) happen ask yourself in that moment: "what would a wise, kind chad do in this situation? What would he say, do, think?" and do it. And soon enough you'll find that you won't need to ask yourself that and will do the correct thing automatically..because you were a chad all along! But definitely not from the standpoint this awful website has it out to be if that makes sense.
True alpha males are wise, look at the big picture, humble, and kind but they also are not afraid to be firm, can lead, and be decisive. It's just not warping the goodness/alphaness in one to conform to the ego, egos of others, and so on.
Been trying to spread positivity on this cursed subforum and make it back to how it was in the good ol days.
Yeah nice the meditation checks out.
How long have you been doing it for/ how long do you do it each day?
The massive streaks are a meme, but limiting yourself to once a week without porn actually does help a lot. Personally, I notice a huge confidence boost after about 3 or 4 days, and it remains that way for the remaining few.
I usually jerk it keeping in mind that I will have lower confidence for a day or 2, so I save it for days that I'm not going out
Several years. But there were a few months where I didn't do it. Used to be able to meditate for two hours but this was more when I was in my psychonaut stage heh.
Honestly, 10-15 minutes a day does the trick. Meditation in this situation is more of a method to teach you how to be more present within this very moment. In many meditation exercises you simply watch your breathing, it forces one to be in that very moment and pushes for a clear mind.
You can do that right now at your desk by simply watching your breathing now... Watch it go in...... watch it come out..... feel it....... Notice how time seems to slow down and things seem a bit more 'there' if that makes sense? You can keep practicing that anywhere you go! I even do it at the gym and I seem to just enjoy the fact that I'm there!
Nofap and noporn together can get rid of your nasty fetishes if you do it long enough. Just doing noporn will eventually lead you back to watching porn because you will grow tired of using imagination quickly, especially if you have constant access to the internet.
Just TRY IT and find out if it makes a difference in your life for yourself.
If jacking it to porn *isn't* an addiction and/or a bad habit with an unhealthy sway over your life, then a couple weeks of trying out nofap will be no big deal anyway. Do it for curiosity's sake, and just to say you did it.
If it turns out that it's actually hard for you, then you'll have learned something about yourself. That you've been thinking you were in control all this time and it was just a meme, but were wrong all along.
There's literally no reason not to try it aside from fear that all the addiction talk may actually be true.
Can't argue with that.
I think a lot of nofappers are super autistic and defensive about it. I do it because I struggle with a porn addiction and I don't want that shit to control my life. If you aren't addicted to pornography and/or it doesn't interfere with your life then you don't have to do it. If it does fuck with your life, then do nofap. Pretty simple. Where's the point of contention here?
Stop asking this shit online and just do it faggot
I don't know a single person Irl who's given it up and hasn't felt it was a positive enough change to continue doing
((porn)) is a political weapon and the only thing kikes give out for free
I fap twice a week to photos of fully clothed attractive women. Does that count as porn?
In my opinion its all mental. Masturbating more than 2-3 times a week especially to porn fucks with your brains reward system. Also when youre not constantly in a state of post beatoff, you feel more amped up. I think thats bc your body doesnt know the difference between cumming to porn and cumming to sex. You get amped bc your body is telling you to get up and get a mate. Which in a civilized society you do through attraction as opposed to rape. To get attraction from mates you do things considered good, such as search for success, physical fitness, hygiene, etc. But I feel anymore than a few days its too distracting so ya know, crank one out. Sex is different though, do that shit while you can
Here are some benefits:
Time gained.Pretty easy and objective benefit. If you spend like 5-6 hours jerking off/watching porn, that time can now be spent on other things such as lifting, hobbies, studying, whatever.
Practice discipline. Your body wants you to orgasm. It's a primal urge. Resisting that urge can help you learn how to resist other urges(like eating unhealthily, smoking etc).
More related to noporn: Girls are generally much hotter. Your standards lower as you don't expose your brain to 10/10 pornstars every single day. A girl that would normally be like a 5/10 is elevated to a 7/10 for example. A bit more subjective but still.
If in relationship, you're gonna perform much better in bed. Any kind of boner problems will likely be lessened. Think about it, it's like natural viagra.
That's about it. Stuff like confidence, focus, energy, "superpowers" etc are all usually results of the above.
every first week of nofap gets me terrible acne that i haven't had since i was in high school.
major thread killer.
also just throwing in my 2 cents, I did nofap for ~270 days or so, and I believe I was on the verge of developing erectile dysfunction of the likes I'd have to visit a doctor for.
My behavior then was also kinda garbage, now that I look back. Sure, I was more social, but I was also doing a lot of other things that I can do outside of NoFap (I started doing them along with nofap, unrelatedly). I can't tell you with certainty that nofap caused my sociability then.
Someone else notice an increase in qt girls in the street while on nofap?
Also, I started to stare at the face/head of girls instead of asses. I do this with images posted on fit to
Tweedle dee and tweedle dumbass just contradicted one another
You can’t gain weight by dieting. You gain weight by over eating this you diet. You do that long enough and you’ll lose weight. You over eat long enough and you’ll gain weight. Saying that
>lol a fat person diets so you shouldn’t diet cause it’ll make you fat
Is fucking retarded
They didn’t acquire their wealth by constantly indulging into their depravity. And if they did they’re in the porn industry and if you think the porn industry is any caliber of succes revaluate yourself my man
thank you
ya i'm gonna not read that and let you know for the 3rd time that correlation =/= causation
9/10 correlations means causation
Like the reason blacks are always “disenfranchised” it’s not because of any socioeconomic factors it’s because they’re inherantly self destructive by nature. Any place they relocate to. America, Europe, Asia, Australia theyre in the ghettos and they’ll stay there till they die
Go be a psdueo intellect somewhere else and stop regurgitating Jow Forums memes.
>le epic correlation doesn’t equal causation
Is a huge fucking straw man used whenever someone doesn’t want to acknowledge facts
If I said
>porn has skyrocketed since the 70s
>because of this ED has also skyrocketed
You’d say
Pic related trying to take away from my claim
Same, better late than never.
Those are rookie numbers
So how come that humans are fertile year round instead of having a mating season like other species that exhibit the behaviour you describe?
Ever thought about that in some species (humans, bonobos come to mind) sex is used to increase social stability and pair bonding?
wouldnt do nofap unless u getting laid. definitely do noporn tho. doing noporn will drastically reduce how much u fap, porn is probably motivating you to fap more than actually being horny
>Been trying to spread positivity on this cursed subforum and make it back to how it was in the good ol days.
based. Thank you
nofap is dumb as fuck as evidenced by the fact that only weird losers do it and none of them have ever achieved anything by virtue of not playing with their gross little dicks.
>evidenced by the fact that only weird losers do it
Can you present that evidence?
Nobody really knows the fapping habits of succesfull people.
go to youtube and search for nofapper videos, they're all fucking losers. nobody knows the fapping habits of successful people because they're not fucking losers who make it part of their identity.
Why would I do that? Most people on YouTube are fucking losers.
You just made a claim but have no hard evidence to support it, that's why I called you out.
I did nofap and it felt great, so I'm doing it again. I wouldn't consider myself a loser, but I also don't make nofap part of my identity. It's not all black and white dude.
anecdotes aren't hard evidence either you creepy loser, go not play with your dick somewhere else.
>anecdotes aren't hard evidence either
Yeah, nobody said that.
Why are you so angry about some people choosing to not jerk off?
why are you so angry about me talking shit about your shitty little cult?
I'm not angry, friend :)
Just pointed out the baseless claim you made.
>gets pointed toward evidence
I think that like him a lot of us get pissed that idiots decide to believe anecdotal evidence and pure mom science to actual facts.
>activated almonds
>rustled jimmies
What evidence?
You claimed only weird losers do nofap, but you have no evidence that succesfull people don't do it. Even if we accept YouTube as evidence that losers do nofap, we still don't know the fapping habits of succesfull people, so the claim that 'only losers do nofap' is not proven.
I have btw never watched a video about it nor read any of the info graphs. I just did it to see if I could and liked the results.
I think anecdotal evidence is perfectly valid in this topic. Like I said, I've tried it, I liked the results. What more evidence do I need?
Jow Forums is not a group of medical peers creating and reviewing studies. The vast majority of anything on this board is anecdotal evidence.