Do you have any tips for nofap when the urge hits?
> mfw after 20 yrs of fapping it's time to stop
Do you have any tips for nofap when the urge hits?
Think about how much time you’ve wasted when you’ve come this far and have to restart
This bitch is ugly...dat hair too
How is she uglY?
>she's not an instathot with 20 pounds of makeup coating on her and nigger ass
valentine day, don't forget about it.
Eat Corn flakes.
>being able to take your eyes off of that beautiful rack.
Sorry user you're a fag.
Why is the girl on the right so cuuute?
>travel to the middle east and steal something
>repeat again for 100% effectiveness
there you go, solved your problem
the only answer
Get active. The first couple of weeks are rough but after that it'll be much easier
stop and think what triggers the urge.
For me, for instance, after training, when I'm getting into the shower, if I really need to pee I get a goddamn fucking urge to jack off and it is almost guaranteed I'll get a hard on in shower.
So to avoid the urge I started peeing before taking the shower (used to pee in the shower drain)
He is a dude with breast implants who swallows hormone pills like a drug addict [spoiler]you fucking mentally ill faggot[/spoiler]
Edge in the shower long enough and you begin to feel disgusted with yourself.
go on a cut, currently on a 2000 calorie deficit and my libido is completely gone
That study was discredited a long time ago user.
As a matter of fact, high frequency of ejaculation in youth causes prostate problems later in life.
Yes good goy. Now go watch blacked and cuck porn
no it's a girl pretty sure
i just jerk off or have sex.
dam stuck in a time loop for 5 minutes
Fuck me, they look like my ex and two of her friends. It's fucking uncanny.
I don't have any advice, but that girl is really cute
who is that girl and why is she holding face wash?
you guys must live in a shitty town if you think shes ashamed to be even replying to you niggers..please you fucks can do wayyy better.. shes a 2/10 with methhead parents