Every gym is full of white people

>every gym is full of white people
Fuck this

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Lol who the fuck is even talking in this? Goku’s hair?

sorry chinks, but goku is sayain not asian. Most likely closer related to whites.

>how could jesus be white, he was born in the middle east
>ancient brits could have definitely been black, people moved around in the past you know.

White people are like 50% of America's population if you can't find a gym with non-whites you aren't tryi-
>black jesus
Yeah I fell for your shitty bait.

Probably when he becomes more powerful he turns blonde.

>le false equivalency victimhood meme
Why don't you fuck off?

Im with you on the first part but then being closer to whites is obviously just wishful thinking I mean come on

As edgy as this is, all those adaptions did suck except Speed Racer.

Jesus was middle eastern retard

Think I just became a fucking Nazi, thanks OP.

>the son of god can be described as belonging to one race

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That would make your mom a gym

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>ancient bongs were black
>"yay, this is nice"
>Jesus was white
>"what the fuck, you fucking cuck, how could you even fucking say that"
You need to work harder for your ctr money.

>Gym is full of fucking brown people

Fuck this

Tbf you're right
Whites are literal ape people

>motoko kusanagi
Except she wasnt, she was literally played by an asian in the movie. Her robo suit looking caucasian isn't white washing BECAUSE IT LOOKS CAUCASIAN IN THE ANIME.

Niggers eat ass

t. Assblasted kike

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Which gym is this? I'm a nigga and I always get mean mugged for checking my phone in between sets.

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>every gym is full of white people

>literal apes that steal land and are controlled by a short freak
like poetry


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feel free to go find an all n*ggER gym so you can feel more at home, cuckboy

>unemployment cheque

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My gym is about 95% brown dyel guys of all ages. Every time me and my bud go lift we’re like the only white people there and it’s fun because they are all like 5’5”-5’8” and we’re both 6’3” so we tower over them. It’s also funny because some of them are hardcore roiders with massive arms but like all the natty ones they wear sweat pants because their legs are so small I could legit wrap my fingers around their calves.

he incarnated into a physical body retard, and that body happened to be middle eastern. now go on your knees and pray to the jewish sandnigger

Based twingoposting

We're going on an adventure. You and me

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Even more so when his eyes go blue

Cool, back to apefrica.
ALSO, it's CANON that the lady from Ghost in the shell had her brain transferred, to a battle android that mimics the looks and features of the common western European sex android, so that she can blend in with the crowd without being caught when needed.
Actually read the fucking source material before whinging.


>ape tail
>go into nigger rage mode
yeah, saiyans were closer to blacks

Pottery faggot how new are u

>son of god.

Saiyans are Aryans

Same. I can't stand being around white people either. They looks, height, race and class mog me.


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Is it really whitewashing when the characters look white in the first place?
Major from GiTS is in a completely artificial body and looks white, not asian.
Light from Death Note looks like Justin fucking Bieber and couldn't be further from looking asian.
Also Jesus may not have been european, but the idea that ancient levantines were all swarthy like southern arabs is incorrect. Look at Assad and his wife, for example.

Also about the major, the actor who played her before she became a roboslut was literally an asian.

I think the comic means Jewwashed

It's a cartoon

Talking about the live action remake, the one everyone claimed was white washed.

There is no original actor, because it was a cartoon. The original representation of her is as a white woman. This isn't too strange, given japan's total fascination with europe, the english language, etc. Whole country is westaboos

>The original representation of her is as a white woman
No the original representation of her was a white looking roboslut. It's been fairly well established that before she became a roboslut, she was asian.
I do agree with you on your second point though, that's the whole point im making. You need better reading comprehension.

How is this false equivalency? It's the exact same premise for the exact same period in the exact same part of the world

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This strapping young lad looks like he has something important to announce


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