Redpill me on why eggs are bad for you

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Other urls found in this thread: yolk

dietary cholesterol does not increase blood cholesterol

every faggot knows this


>source: my ass

>/thread on your own post
That’s not how this works, faggot.

It’s Jewish meme science

Stop falling for their lies

>/threading your own post

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Heart disease is the #1 killer

Dietary cholesterol increases LDL (ignore the memesters in this thread -- this is undeniably true)

LDL is the only risk factor for atherosclerosis (again, the #1 killer)

That's the basics of it.

Post a source for your second claim?

Fuck you and the horse you rode in on
Eggs are good for you, I'm gonna eat 10 eggs and you can't stop me faggot

enjoy your heart attack at 29

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100% untrue

eggs will kill you

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>That’s not how this works, faggot.
Fuck you! I'll /thread whatever the fuck I wont. If you don't btfo I'll /thread your fat ass whore mother

>all of humanity
>people die of old age and random ailments
>fda is influenced by big agra
>fda food guide pyramid say eat 300+ grams of daily carbs with no fat
>obesity epidemic and diabetes and heart disease ensues
>cholesterol lowering drugs become multi billion dollar industry
>obesity and diabetes and heart disease continues

Blame it on natural foods like eggs. Derp.

my grandad died of eggs don't eat them

you're not gonna get redpilled here, since most ppl here eat eggs and want to justify its consumption
kinda like asking to get redpilled on masturbation on a porn site

My uncle is a cardiologist and he said this is insane bullshit. Of course dietary cholesterol is bad

Are you aware life expectancy has never been so high?


Im a very skinny person (21 y m) who started eating at least 2 eggs daily recently, So far I've only seen meme responses as to why it is bad.

big agra is what makes the meat production in america currently sustainable you insane retard
if you think eating more than 300g of carbs is bad you're a dyel faggot nigger
obesity epidemic is caused by high caloric intake not carbs alone dumbass miss me with that conspiracy theorist keto retardation
cholesterol lowering drugs cause side effects but they also work at helping prevent heart attacks in people that already had them, they should only be used as a final method of treatment in extreme cases which is what they are used like so who gives a fuck
meat is expensive and subsidized as fuck, if anything it's the meat and poultry producers alongside all the sectors of agriculture making tons of cash since they're all interconnected

go get brainwashed some more by your favorite mentally ill diet obsessed retard paleo/keto/lowcarb contrarian online blogger

Dietary cholesterol ends up in our arterial walls causing narrowing due to TMAO (inherent with animal fats) and which results in significant risk of heart disease and stroke (the two biggest killers in the developed world).

We know get cucks like this who make stupid claims because they refuse to accept that there are any downsides to their terrible diet.

it's not the cholesterol but the choline in yolks that causes problems retards

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You're significantly increasing your risk of heart attack when you're middle aged.

>why eggs are bad for you
They're not
> yolk

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>Dietary cholesterol ends up in our arterial walls causing narrowing due to TMAO (inherent with animal fats) and which results in significant risk of heart disease and stroke (the two biggest killers in the developed world).
>Contrary to popular belief, consuming a higher amount of fat (about 35 per cent of energy) is associated with a lower risk of death compared to lower intakes. However, a diet high in carbohydrates (of more than 60 per cent of energy) is related to higher mortality, although not with the risk of cardiovascular disease." "The research on dietary fats found that they are not associated with major cardiovascular disease, but higher fat consumption was associated with lower mortality; this was seen for all major types of fats (saturated fats, polyunsaturated fats and mono unsaturated fats), with saturated fats being associated with lower stroke risk. The researchers point out that, while this may appear surprising to some, these new results are consistent with several observational studies and randomized controlled trials conducted in Western countries during the last two decades." "The large new study, when viewed in the context of most previous studies, questions the conventional beliefs about dietary fats and clinical outcomes, says Mahshid Dehghan, the lead author for the study and an investigator at PHRI.

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um, no sweetie
my uncle is a cardiologist and, um, you're kinda completely fucking wrong, um, lmao

all the actual studies shown there on suppversity blog literally do not fucking touch on the actual cholesterol question itself, they look at other nutrients or compounds in eggs that might lower cholesterol or improve health, but they ignore the obvious fucking fact that eggs are the single highest source of cholesterol in the human diet
those links are posted over and over again on the same threads for months now, I google searched one link and I get threads on Jow Forums and /ck/ from weeks ago.
all of these are irrelevant when talking about cholesterol which is what OP is talking about

Attached: 8 reasons saturated fats are good for you.jpg (736x736, 172K)

imagine literally linking the opinion of this retard
this guy has got to be a shill, he posts the same fucking links over and over again

Hello blog poster, good morning to you.

As you know that one study you quote was very flawed (compared affluent fat eaters to poor carb eaters and found the affluent people lived longer and prescribed it to the diet). Do you have any others? Do you have any international/national guidelines/committees that believe fat to be fine.

Where does it come from then?

You need 20 eggs a day,
2 eggs not enough

Do you want to make it or not?

Daily reminder that if anyone on Jow Forums is defending a product with the same arguments and the same sources over and over again for a long period of time, that person is a fucking paid shill or worse, a product obsessed and emotionally invested retard who has NO INTEREST in knowing if the food he's defending is actually safe, he will believe it is safe and claim it is and will post the opinion of other emotionally(and definitely financially) invested retards on the safety of the one in question.
None of these shills who spam links from blogs and opinion articles and "TOP 10 benefits of EGGS" momblogs actually read a fucking link they share.


Same shitty blog posts over and over and over (though he has added a few new ones the past few days). I'm fairly certain it's sv3rige or one of his lackeys.

This board is a honeypot of poultry industry shills.
I have never seen this level of shilling in favour of eating meat, it's always concerning cholesterol and eggs and how eggs are perfectly safe and you should eat as much as you want and you will never suffer anything from it.
This level of delusion is only possible from a very strongly established belief system on people that like consuming eggs, either that or they're getting paid for it or are making money off of eggs themselves.
The problem with this is that they're misleading others and potentially causing them health issues, not everyone responds to eggs the same, some people respond badly to dietary cholesterol and eggs have a lot of it.

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>There is no recommended limit on how many eggs you should eat
>Last reviewed: 2018
Well whaddaya know?
Fuck you, anti-egg scum.

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Well my uncle works for Jow Forums and he will have you banned. See it's easy to lie.

So many retards itt

>Hurt my uncle is a cardiologist

My uncle works at Nintendo

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