What should I do to look like this?

What should I do to look like this?

Attached: C4E2A74E-D78C-4DA5-B2E2-E4A877EB9ABD.jpg (3024x4032, 950K)

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Attached: DCDDAAB5-AFB7-4BC9-B257-393EDFD96217.jpg (1280x720, 112K)

What’s a goos routine?

Fuck, I love eddie so much

Attached: c60428380c08b74706cf1e49854bf4b4.jpg (750x957, 79K)

Look into it x F

Pull butterfly guard and lecture the Langley about flat earth I guess

what a lad

I love how one of the logos for his jiu jitsu school is the flat earth model

Attached: 98644869.png (884x682, 589K)


Attached: 245A0509-2503-4D1D-B3C2-33FD79DDD226.png (1920x1080, 1.81M)

its not

why not? He posted this on his instagram instagram.com/p/Br_GWeNjSxU/

>posting the same logo prooves that its what you believe it is

it called azimuthal equidistant projection has nothing to do with flat earth

Attached: AEDPM.gif (650x650, 110K)

Eddie Bravo is an avid flat earther, though. Flat earthers use the azimuthal equidistant projection as a model for how they think the earth actually is.

You must be one of those "challenged" folks.


well i mean am pretty sure AEDP was made way before retards forgot how to use a binocular

also u wont trick me into watchin dat braindrainin pile of shit :-DDDD FUG

Is the earth really flat?

>those quads
>asking the wrong question
jsus NO just no

it could be

Look into it

Are they really in the game or are those custom characters?

I'm starting to think it is which is quite a mind fuck.

Time to commit suicide user

joe rogan is but not edgy brah
