It's been said that roiders almost always have big traps and shoulders because those muscles have the most androgen...

It's been said that roiders almost always have big traps and shoulders because those muscles have the most androgen receptors. Is there some evolutionary or physiological reason for this?

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Attached: shadman.webm (1920x1080, 940K)


well i hope you weren't actually looking for an answer op. because you're not getting one

I would give my nuts to be that little girl for a moment

Attached: 1548257262375.jpg (563x843, 50K)

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probably but it's most likely some sort of spaghetti code relic that only exists because of the existing system it was inserted to

difference between us and apes for example is that we can throw shit harder, which I think we use the delts for, so all the ancestors with stronger delts got selected for in this process, and a mutation that gave more androgen receptors in those muscles produced more strength

I don't think it's something that you would do if you started from scratch designing the human form

but hey that's just my armchair theorizing

>l'homme de shad

>drawing girls
Theres a 90% chance that its a dood
And a 90% chance that hes like 5



I'd speculate that because traps and shoulders would be most in line of sight to someone looking at a scattered group of hunter-gatherers it would aid immensely in picking out the high test alpha male

Attached: shad.webm (640x640, 2.94M)

>shadman is drawing proper braps now

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Can someone explain why this shadman person gets this exact response every fucking time

Attached: shadban.jpg (181x272, 13K)

Proto humans used to walk on all 4 limbs a long ass time ago, I suspect this is why


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I'd give my left nut to know how to dance like that

>I'd give a nut to be a faggot
seems accurate

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I would guess because shoulders are used for most physical activity from a young age and thus need to quickly develop. Humans perform many vital tasks with their arms in front of the body and/or overhead. Lifting, carrying, fighting, picking food, climbing trees, building shelter, etc. It could have developed from a common ape ancestor that lives in the tree canopy (e.g. chimps or older) that would be swinging and climbing constantly.

The same genes can also have different expressions in different contexts and environments. So having many androgen receptors in the shoulders and traps could have been for a completely unrelated purpose, but once these genes were present in humans, the people who had phenotypic variations with higher androgen levels in the shoulders were selected because they developed strength in the frontal plane faster and more consistently than their competitors.

Oh fuck thats hot

Practice my dude, you can find tutorials on most dance moves on youtube

>Der Schattenmann

>that grown man flossing


I wish he drew more fart and scat again. He has become so tame these days

Attached: A918F8A3-1EE3-43BA-A4EF-F414611A9FAB.gif (340x436, 1.24M)

He didn't floss at all in that video friendo. Unless I'm mistaken flossing is the retarded dance where you stand still, hips moving side to side while you cross your arms back and forth in front

Disregard that, I'm a faggot. Just noticed the guy in the back.

I wish the brap meme never happened
I'm a literal fart fetishist now
Why bros

Attached: 1463717094561.jpg (629x505, 33K)

You are of weak constitution.
Do not breed.

This. It was all a test. You failed.

Dang, shad can cut a rug

>the man of shad

Shit, dude, how old are you? If you're above 16 and you can still acquire new fetishes, maybe you should stay away from Jow Forums.

Whenever you're anxious or startled you unwillingly flex your traps and reinforce your neck, you ever noticed this? Head and neck are too important and too exposed, so evolution gave us traps to protect those.

Displacement of sexual desire or something like that, I don;t remember the exact term.

its not actually shad

>o homem shad

I don't care what anyone says, shadman has improved a lot and I love his new style.

Attached: 1527812934647.gif (425x300, 2.27M)

I was way WAY before any of this and I love it. Sniffing hot girls asses, closest thing to heaven I can think of.


>when you meme too hard

the fuck? fetishes dont stop with age my dude...