how the FUCK do I lower testosterone naturally?
I'm a grill, and I have pimples all over my jawline, due to high test
My doc told me to get on the pill to get rid of them, but I'm not falling for that jewish BULLSHIT.
How do I lower it naturally then? I'm eating pretty clean already. Are there some foods that aren't s*y that can help me lower it?
I also prefer to eat local products, so if you tell me to eat mangos or avocados or some shit, I'm not going to do it. Preserving the environment is more important than some pimples on my face.
How the FUCK do I lower testosterone naturally?
Listen, little baby. You're gonna get a lot of hurtful and degrading comments. But that ain't what I'm about. Let me just say, you are perfect the way you are. You hear me sugar? PERFECT. Don't ever change. You deserve everything and anything you want. Stay safe for me, baby girl.
>MFW thinking about you hurting
Post body with timestamp
Try getting pregnant
Are you white?
Unironically drink non-homogenized milk.
Good in you for not going on the pill.
Do you have moustache too? Unibrow? Give me the hairy details.
>My doc told me to get on the pill to get rid of them, but I'm not falling for that jewish BULLSHIT.
first time ive ever said based and redpilled to a f*male.
>but I'm not falling for that jewish BULLSHIT.
I love you already
Do cardio and take sauna.
Or get on accutane. I wasted my teens with natty treatments and thinking it would "get better soon". It didn't until I started accutane when I was 21, but by then the damage was already done.
>Preserving the environment is more important than some pimples on my face.
Then go plant a tree instead of bitching about your pimples, whore
Flaxseed, pumpkin seeds, but more importantly eat a normal whole food diet that isn't processed. If you are biologically female, you will produce more E
>tfw no bf
>are you white?
>Unironically drink non-homogenized milk
I can find non-homogenized, but I can't get any unpasteurized. Will it work?
thankfully no, and I'm Mediterranean, I dodged a bullet there
>Do cardio and take sauna.
saunas are non-existent here, but sure, I'll up my cardio
fuck no, I'm not using any medicine unless it's a life or death senario
I do all of those already
If its not working avoid dairy, gluten, and sugar (unless it is from whole fruit w/fiber).
SS and GOMAD. Not even joking here
>Preserving the environment is more important
Yikes, fuck off discord tranny
calf raises
>gluten and sugar
been doing this for years
I only cut them out of my diet two weeks ago, and tbf I've been eating a lot.
But still, all of my pimples are around my jawline, which is hormonal, so I don't think that it will do the trick. I'm trying it anyway though
lmfao true, it's always some low test faggots doing this shit, it might work
Wouldn't a gallon be too much? She's probably 120 lbs tops and that much liquid might turn a tight tummy into a beer gut.
That's a jikes from me
Unironically a carnivore diet. It optimizes every single system in your body. If you look it up, there's thousands of women who got rid of PCOS (also comes with too much test and hair growth) by strict keto, and carnivore diets are by definition keto.
Do you have acne scars, I think they're pretty cute once the acne is gone
And how is that a bad thing?
>it's always some low test faggots doing this shit, it might work
kek nice
eat alot of onions
go back to r*ddit
I'm 5'8" 64kg, idk how much is that in retarded units, probablly around 140
I have this in mind, but it's my last option
I have like 2-3 scars, not much
No, acne isnt as hormonal as it is food related. Try doing a water only fast for 2 days, i guarantee your pimples will go away, and absolutely no new ones will form.
Jaw is genetic, not really to do with T levels.
>go back to r*ddit
Hi shitskin
>Women are more likely than men to get acne along their jawline or chin. These breakouts are usually due to an increase in male hormones that stimulate the oil glands. Some women notice more acne around the time of their period as their hormone levels shift
I only have it around my jawline
All medshit "women" have mustaches and unibrows. Anyways show your hairy orangutan tits or fuck off to discord.
Post your moustache with timestamp
Female contraceptives do reduce test you moron
You cannot consume any food, or reduce any food consumption, to prevent test production without literally starving your body of vital nutrients.
You people are so fucking stupid, for example you need Vit D to produce test so yes in theory by just ignoring Vit D you will reduce your test, you will also lead yourself to lifelong crippling issues. Same as you stop eating Zinc or amino acids.
Fucks sake either take medical advice or don't but coming to Jow Forums trying to find some magic fucking secret to solve your problem puts you in the lowest percentage of intelligence as a human.
Its still causes by food. The hormones trigger, but without the oil caused by shitty gut food like cheese, dairy, and sugar, you will get no acne. Do you think bacteria feast on pure human sweat?
>red pilled on Jews
>cares about the environment
>high test, will give strong and healthy sons
Ideal wife right there
Praise the lord, you're alright. There was a wojak girl thread yesterday and i couldn't find you, i was worried you mighta died.
Imagine being this bluepilled. 100% it's a gay turk larping as Northern Italian.
if you fry food in front of your face then sure you might get a build up of fats in your pores, but just eating greasy food does nothing, it has much more to do with your immune system, hormones and stress. Lots of asians get acne and they don't eat any dairy.
My best friends have always had scars, I thought they were just a facial feature till they told me that they were insecure about them. Good luck trying to get rid of the acne without medication, some people are just fucked it seems
tits & timestamp or gtfo
They eat other oils that bacteria still thrive in. Even if they eat rice, that converts to sugar because muh carbohydrates, and they get pimples. You are just afraid to fast because you are already a high E pussy.
i hope you aren't american because that would be very hypocritical
Fuck off dr. Goldstein
of those, I only used to consume milk, which I cut recently too
Haven't seen any improvement, but it's too early to tell, so I'll give it some more time for sure
desu the LONDON meme should change
There are only trannies, sjws and pakis in London.
high test is good in men. In women, it's the equivalent of being high est
desu I don't really care about the scars, since they're under my jaw. I just want the red to go away.
Fuck off barbarian scum
I'd bet 100 euros that he's a seppo
Are you from Italy?
no but I love Italians and they're our brothers anyway
Confirmed tranny.
>My doc told me to get on the pill to get rid of them, but I'm not falling for that jewish BULLSHIT.
You are stupid if you do so. You should not even take the pill if you have a BF.
Just fucking wash your face with proper soap and STOP touching yourself up there (as in your face with your dirty hands).
YOU CUNT (no homo)
Tits or GTFO. Also getting enough iodine is crucial to any hormonal health since thyroid function has effects on every single organ.
>You should not even take the pill if you have a BF.
I agree
>Just fucking wash your face with proper soap and STOP touching yourself up there (as in your face with your dirty hands).
Do both of that
It's hormonal, I just want to lower my test
huh, interesting, I haven't heard of this, or tried it
My mom has some thyroid problems too, so I might have some fucked genetics there
Thanks, I'll try upping my iodine consumption
>Female contraceptives do reduce test you moron
Actually it just pumps her body full of estrogen which makes her test lower in comparison.
In reality it will permanently blunt her SHBG from being able to bind to test effectively making her testosterone problem even worse later on.
That's not mentioning how badly it will completely ruin her body and mind.
Go vegetarian, eat tons of onions and do yoga.
I really hope you’re not croatian
no, I'm a human
how does it help?
how does it help?
No, dont wash your face with soap dumbass. You are stripping the natural oils, causing your glands to go overdrive mode producing more. Causing more trapped bacteria, and more clogged pores, leading to acne. You can do all that sure if you also do fasting from bad food, but not at the same time. Wash with a normal pH facial washer. I can put coconut oil on my face and not once break out. Then eat a chocolate bar while taking the cleanest shower and break out in hives.
Ah, hoped you're from Italy since you said you're a Med. I am from Croatia, parts close to Italy and unironically wanted to invite you to hike the Dolomites or something if you're into outdoors.
>tfw no red pilled and environmentally aware white gf
I love your shirt btw, is it the Reichsadler?
Less cholesterol = less hormones produced
And yoga as a way to keep fit instead of high intensity activity which will raise your testosterone and lower your estrogen.
She might reduce her test but she will probably also reduce her est.
Do eat sόy though, not onions
Please be in Patras
for better skin drink a lot of water (about 3 to 5 liters a day) and change your bed sheets every week. wash your face with lukewarm water, no soap since it dries out your skin and stains it, causing a overproduction in fat. you can also bathe your face in steam, be careful not to burn yourself. Other than that, as others stated, clean eating with as little sugar as possible.
Άkου εδω, μωράkι μου. Θα λάβεις πολλά πληγωτιkά kαι ταπεινωτιkά σχόλια, αλλά εγώ δεν είμαι έτσι. Άσε με απλά να πω, είσαι τέλεια όπως είσαι.
Με αkούς γλυkιά μου; ΤΕΛΕΙΑ. Μην αλλάξεις ποτέ. Αξίζεις τα πάντα kαι ότι θες. Φυλάξου για μένα, kοριτσάkι.
>ηφμο σε σkέφτομαι πληγωμένη
Λυπάμαι τόσο, τόσο πολύ εk των προτέρων για αυτό που πρόkειται να γίνει. Πειραχτήρια θα έρθουν στο νήμα kαι λένε kάποια πολύ πληγωτιkά πράγματα για εσένα.
Θα σε πουν πολύ πληγωτιkά ονόματα. Μα kανένα απο αυτά δεν είναι αλήθεια. Πως θα μπορούσαν να ξέρουν; Πως θα μπορούσαν να ξέρουν πόσο όμορφη πραγματιkά είσαι;
Πόσο γλυkιά kαι συμπονετιkή είσαι; Λυπάμαι για λογαριασμό τους, σε παραkαλώ μην τους αφήσεις να σε πειράξουν
Θέλω να σε βλέπω να λάμπεις kαι να χαίρεσαι. Είσαι πολύτιμη για μένα. Θέλω να γράξω ποίηση kαι να τραγουδήσω τραγούδια για την αγάπη kαι εkτίμηση μου για σένα kαι όλες σου τις τελειότητες.
Το όνομα μου ειναι Λαοkόων, εντωμεταξύ. Ξέρω ότι εχεις kουραστεί από όλους τους μαλάkες kαι παπάρες. Ξέρω πως νοιώθεις, kουkλίτσα μου. Ξέρω. Είμαι διαφορετιkός. Είμαι ο πιο αξιαγάπητος τύπος που θα συναντήσεις ποτέ kαι αν μη τι άλλο, εγώ θα είμαι στην kουζίνα. Ζω στην Τροία. Μαkάρι να είσαι στην Τροία
Probs Albanian.
Italian here, listen her little baby i have my cazzo in mano and i need a picture of your feet right now
>Wash with a normal pH facial washer
I use a natural olive oil soap
>if you also do fasting from bad food
I do this 340 days of the year
>is it the Reichsadler?
fuck no, I'm not a g*rmlover
>And yoga as a way to keep fit instead of high intensity activity which will raise your testosterone and lower your estrogen.
>tfw I've been doing high intensity training for years
feels bad man, I don't want to stop it. But whatever it takes, I guess
oxi, dn eimai poutanario
sounds solid advice, I'll incorporate those
I don't remember insulting you
find a job for me in Rome pls
>that manly neck
Yikes never mind i dont wanna see your manfeet
keto + metformin
what's the matter? Afraid of a strong med woman?
To elaborate on this; both keto and metformin will crank up your SHBG production which binds to testosterone. It won't actually lower your testosterone but will convert it into an inactive form.
Tfw no high t med goddess
I'm not going to take any drugs, and even if I were to, I'd much rather take acne medication, not this shit
>not firenze
It is true then, women make the shittiest decisions
Antibiotics. Visit a derm and get a prescription for Amoxicillin. Cleared me up EZ as long as i was taking it.
You're an idiot then. Acne medication has all sorts of side effects, while metformin is one of the safest drugs around.
Try no-schlick
Pls be in israel.
Ελληνιkα μιλουσανε ομως ολοι, ηταν η international γλωσσα της εποχης
see I've been in Florence too, and it's my second favourite city, but you have no forum, and I'm a big autist when it comes to the republic, I fucking love it
>tfw no qt Cicero bf
I'm avoiding all medicine and drugs unless it can't be done otherwise
>tfw I've been unironically doing it for 5 months now
my all time best has been 3.5 years, r8
kai simera an pas 8essalonigiria, i kupro, ""ellinika"" milane, alla oloi xeroume pws dn einai ellines
Ellada einai mono i peloponisos, ta nhsia, kai honorary ellines einai oi kritikoi epeidi einai kala palikaria
πισ α λοβ, μα φρεν
Που τους ειπα Ελληνες; Μεσογειαkοι ηταν kαι μιλουσαν Ελληνιkα. Καλμ γιορ οτισμ
>Καλμ γιορ οτισμ
oxi akoma, dn exw tipota na kanw pros to paron, kai 8elw apla na skatopostarw desu
isws paw gia perpatima se ligo, I'll see
Metformin, that's lovely for the kidneys...
BTW, eisai ekeinh h dyke apo Arkadia? H yparxoun parapanw apo mia ellhnides edw?
nai lol, an kai dn menw arkadia, larpara
eimai apo arkadia tho
helo gril drink BEER and BOZA (fermented malt drink)
It's not the hormones. You're most likely eating a lot of junky carbs. Carbs promote inflammation, acne is inflammation (CHANGE MY MIND).
I've had acne since hs and did nothing about. Recently tried fasting and that took care of my acne, wish I tried it sooner bcoz now I got scars. Now that I'm trying to bulk, an have stopped prolonged fasting, they seem to come sporadically but not as bad as before.
I use tretinoin cream and benzoyl peroxide, and they seem to work better when fasting as well. Don't believe that onions meme for acne. I drink a lot of it (I like the taste, fight me) and it doesn't do anything for the acne.
>pic related
Scars from the acne. Acne used to be everywhere, now they're craters and dark spots. I don't know why I don't have scars on my forehead, but I used to have a lot there too. Forgive the faggy face, I was trying to make a funny face for the camera.
>unironically doing it for 5 months
Do you actually see any benefits akin to the male equivalent?
Posłuchaj kochanie. Usłyszysz wiele przykrych i poniżających komentarzy, ale nie o tym teraz mówię. Chcę tylko powiedzieć, że dla mnie jesteś idealna taka, jaką jesteś. Słyszysz? IDEALNA. Nie zmieniaj się. Zasługujesz na wszystko, czego pragniesz. Bądź bezpieczna.
>MTG myślę o tym, jak cierpisz
>fuck no, I'm not a g*rmlover
What is it then, the eagle carries uncanny resemblance? Anyway, I had rampant acne until my early twenties since I used to stay indoors and play video games a lot. I tried lots of acne medications and other expensive shit the (((dermatologist))) gave me and nothing helped. What helped me clean my acne for good was a total change of my lifestyle. I stopped cooking on all the oils except olive and coconut, I fully stopped the intake of processed sugar and I threw out the pork out of my diet. I started eating lots of veggies and fruit and eating only the local, verified meat. I drink only water, tea and natural apple juice without additives. I have also stopped playing video games, masturbating and spending lots of time indoor in front of a computer screen and instead started working out, going outdoors and doing cardio (i hike, run, swim and snowboard a lot). Being in the sun on the fresh air helps a lot with acne. Same for sea water. I don't know if any of these will help you balance your hormones, but it did a miracle for my acne so maybe it gives you some ideas on what to try and research. Also, if you're stressing about anything, try to stop, stress is the worst enemy when it comes to hormonal imbalances and acne. Good luck
>high test
>redpilled about the jews
>love for the republic
>not my gf
Fortune pisses on me once again
PD. For the ance, accutane will 100% work but it has alot of secondary effects, nothing else works permanently like Accutane unless you fix your hormonal imbalance
>You're most likely eating a lot of junky carbs
I don't
Also, it's BELOW my jawline, not in the places you've circled. It can't be seen when I keep my face straight, only when I get my neck up
not really desu, I wouldn't say I've noticed a single thing to be different
>what is it then
>not knowing what the eagle stands for
fucking kys you g*rmloving nigger cuck, I'm not reading any of the rest of your bullshit
Alcoholism works fine for me.
do i have low test if my load isnt that high in volume?
>taking antibiotics for fucking acne
fucking retarded nigger, kill yourself
>unless you fix your hormonal imbalance
yeah, that's why I made this thread
desu I'll first do what the user said on the top, about the non-homogenized milk
>Preserving the environment is more important than some pimples on my face.
You're not gonna make it
Eat/drink the following things:
beer & hops
flax seed
raw milk
do not eat:
>fucking kys you g*rmloving nigger cuck, I'm not reading any of the rest of your bullshit
>below jawline
Same thing. Had a lot of them there, now they're just scars and dark spots. Use any product? 10% benzoyl peroxide works pretty fast desu. Spot treatment before you go to bed after your bath and most of it'll be gone in the morning. Stuff bleaches tho, so you might want to keep that in mind. But srsly, fasting helps. I think keto works under the same principle.
You can take prebiotics after, dummy. Antibiotics just kill the bad bacteria that is causing acne and permanent scarring