Mfw my gf's mom tells her I have a pretty face

>mfw my gf's mom tells her I have a pretty face
Have I made'd'd it? :DDD

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>a stripper told me i was handsome and looked like an actor
have i made it?

The moms of truly attractive men will comment to each other about how hot it would be to have their son fuck their brains out.

You haven't made it at all, OP.

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So thats the definition of making it

fuck ur girlfriend's mom

>gf's friends said I was good looking
taken with a grain of salt because they wouldn't have told her "shiet he's ugly af" but still feels nice

Fucked an escort for free until she wanted to date and then I ghosted, you havent made it yet buddy.

Nah your actually not good looking at all.

Women just do this to try boost your confidence.

I’m a 5’7 Manlet autist and the women in my family, mum, aunts, cousins, say things like “oooh user is attractive”, “user looks so young and has good skin”, “user has such pretty eyes”, “user is muscular!l

It’s a pity thing they try do around me to try get me to build some confidence to go out and get a GF. Doesn’t work though because at least Jow Forums is brutally honest with me anytime I post a pic


face is 99% genetics. You've made it ever since you came out of your moms vagina

Oh and I take anonymous opinions from other guys who aren’t going to sugar coat shit, over females related to me who just pity me and want me trick me into thinking I’m not a piece of shit

50%, fag.

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A 75 year old woman with dementia came into my workplace and said I looked cute. Have I made it lads?

yes. congratulations

share your secrets lad.

Kys newfag, lurk 2 years before postino again

>looked like an actor

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Mummy said my face is getting quite angular/sharp
Am I making it ?

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Akhenaten, stop flirting with mummies


She want to fugg u :DD

Be tall
Be attractive
Be confident

The only optional one is lifting

Its not like Jow Forums existed back then for him to learn about the effects of mouthbreathing

He just ws unfortunate enough to have problems breathing through his nose that were not corrected until it was too late. Its up to the parents and fate, very comparable to genetics