Does Jow Forums plays any instrument?

Does Jow Forums plays any instrument?

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I’ve been taking skin flute lessons from your mother.

do instruments of torture count

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being a classical guitarist and lifting is a fucking nightmare, you have to keep the fingernails on your right hand long as fuck and at least twice a year i'll snap off an entire nail and bleed all over the place when i'm moving dumbells around

do you notice any diference on grip strenght? my picking forearm is thicker.

I'm a drummer

Guitarist reporting in, I’m also a mediocre vocalist.

i play soprano saxophone (poorly). my dream is to join a Jow Forums jazz band one day

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i presume you play something strummed like folk or eletric then? you don't tense your forearm when you play fingerstyle, so if anything my finger strength in my fretting hand is a bit stronger.

Yeah, i play mostly eletric and bass guitar.

play the guitar, great for fingering pussy with triplets

Where u from mate? My mate and I are trying to start a band atm and desperately need a drummer

based. playing dahlia murder riffs for years gave me turbofinger powers

I have a shitty Yamaha C40 i got from my mom when i was little. The only thing i brought with me when i moved out.
My favorite thing to do except lifting

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I play the barbell

you're blowing my dad?


I sing and play the guitar, bass, and harmonica, I dabble with drums and I’ll soon be getting a Banjo.

who /trumpet/ here

Your father and I are together now and it’s about time you show me some fucking respect, son.

lol, do you even read what you type bro?

I'm a pianist and a good one at that

y-yes dad

They enjoy fucking hostile from Pantera so far the most, it's waterfalls coming through every time I play it on them. I'll try other songs too, but that's always on the list.

God I'm also a classical guitarist but for me the problem is doing hookgrip without bending my thumb nail

i have long nails for fingerstyle guitar. switched from electric to acoustic a few years back and i love not having to use a pick

wish i never fucking quit guitar. lost the motivation after being weeks stuck without making progress. doesn't help that there's no real good guitar books out there

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I have been trained in classical violin since I was four years old. I'm a loser engineer now, but I still practice about an hour every day, and I play in a community orchestra.

>my 1926 Mirecourt French violin with Eudoxa gut strings.

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The C40 isn't even that shitty. It's cheap and for the price you get a good guitar.

give teras or mercy by sylosis a try mate, best songs for triplets out there

Yep. Been taking lessons again and i try to play rudiments every night if i cant always play on the kit

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how steep would you say the learning curve is for a violin compared to another instrument? is it possible to learn without formal lessons?
i play guitar and piano pretty well, but i've been afraid of investing in a violin for the above reasons, and also because it seems like it doesn't work that well on it's own compared to guitar and piano, and you'd need to play it with a group.

It is very difficult to learn the violin as an adult beginner. The reason most modern pedagogues say that you should start as found as 3-4 years old is because the brain is very plastic and you can learn certain things with a degree of natural feeling. Adults can do great things, but I highly recommend you:

1. Rent an instrument, at least at first
2. Get a teacher, at least at first

You can't "flub around" on a violin, even if you're musically literate as you are, and get anywhere. A teacher can at least instill some good habits to get you started.

You can learn! But it's a very difficult instrument, it will sound like *shit* for a long time, like at least a year, and to a teacher will help a lot.

I play guitar pretty well, was in a worship band for several years. Started on bass and alright on that too. I can fuck around with drums and piano.

I need voice lessons though, my singing is fucking trash.

>You can't "flub around" on a violin
yeah, this is what i'm afraid of. flubbing around makes up about 90% of my practice and it's paid off to the point that i can play rediculous shit like pic related, but i think i'm far too impatient to sit down and exclusively practice in a formal setting. maybe i'll pick up singing next instead.

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abandoned it long ago, but its just sitting here, I really want to play it again but my lips have gotten to fat :(

>I have been trained in classical violin since I was four years old
Same actually. Could also play a bit of cello.

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is that Bone saw from spiderman?

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I have a complex around cellos; I tried talking to a super hot cellist once when I was 13 or so, she looked absolutely disgusted that I would speak to her, and ever since then, cello fills me with rage.

I play a bit of electric guitar

>talking to women
There's your mistake. I learned cello from this cute guy who used to be in the same uni orchestra with me.

Bass, guitar, and banjo. I can also sing

It's all relative

picked up piano as a sorta NYR, been a lot of fun playing the few songs ive learned.

Ukulele and piano.

Taking composition lessons so I can actually finish and polish what I write

I play drums

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based and redpilled