I'm 6'0 190lbs and bench 225lbs for reps.
Based on this alone I think I can wreck any untrained adult male in a street fight.
I'm 6'0 190lbs and bench 225lbs for reps.
Based on this alone I think I can wreck any untrained adult male in a street fight.
You'd get hit in the nads by a manlet and crumple in 5.
If you care about how well you'd do in a fight just shut the fuck up an learn a martial art. Just about every guy in the world who doesn't actually train to fight has the delusion that he can beat anyone in a street fight. Trust me, if you fought another untrained guy he'd have the same idea that he's certain to win because he's tougher/stronger/faster/whatever. Speculating about who you could beat in a fight with zero fighting experience is some cringey mall ninja shit.
why are u listing ur unimpressive bench? lul
kill urself nigger
If you don't have any training or experience with fighting it's going to be a toss-up whether or not you lift. Fighting gets really chaotic really fast and if you don't have practiced moves that you can rely on you'll just be swinging randomly or wildly squirming on the ground trying to grab and hit a guy who's doing the same to you.
> in b4 a streetfight isn't going to be anything like martial arts sparring
It's not amazing but compared to a DYEL 225 for reps is a lot.
Prepared to be layed out loser
I hope you realize that when you punch you don't use both hands at once as if you are bench pressing
Krav Maga my friend ( I can’t spell it)
"Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the mouth"
- Mike Tyson
yeah a powerful shove is basically gg no re in a street fight, once someone is disorientated you can do whatever you want to them especially if their head whips back
how's your squat though someone with a weaker bench but a strong squat can flat you
If it was 225kg for reps yeah that's cool, but a lmao 2pl8 bench no thanks
kek i can bench 80 pounds including the bar and id beat your ass
i am classically trained in aikido
Implying guns wouldnt clear you all out
>he counts the bar
Don’t forget to include the clips that I know you use loser lol
best answer in one of these shitshow threads
Implying pipe bomb can’t beat any gun training
Pipe bomb wins everytime
>Speculating about who you could beat in a fight with zero fighting experience is some cringey mall ninja shit.
>actually learning mall ninja shit isn't
nuke beats pipe bomb ezpz
You don't really need to be strong to knock some untrained cunt out. It doesn't take a lot of power. The technique in being able to land a shot without getting hit is all you need to beat most men.
Nothing will stop a bullet, don't be a retarded nigger
>body armor doesn't exist
Go get your ass kicked and come back a humbler man.
Queers who boast about how easily they could wreck someone in a street fight have, without exception, never been in a fucking street fight.
A well developed theory of violence goes further than you might think. I've easily beaten guys with a good 50 pounds on me because their idea of "fighting" is literal ape style bluster and social posturing. If someone starts to shove you and square up while saying'lets fucking go bro lets fucking go' then they might be a fucking retard.
If, on the other hand, you start bashing the guys head and grab at his throat like a fucking psycho who knows his goal is to incapacitate his opponent as fast as possible, and that the line between incapacitation and death is very thin for someone without knowledge of more complicated holds and bars...
this should be pasta for all of these cringey fight threads
This is so stupid.
Yeah, you'd beat any untrained guy because you've trained in body building.
So would someone trained in wrestling or boxing or bjj or judo or mma.
You, like everyone else who has put effort into something, is better than the people who haven't.
What a fucking revelation.
>mall ninja
>actually learning a martial art
I guess people who lift weights are the exact same thing as DYEL
I'm 6'0 195 and bench 275 for 9 reps, and I know manlets that don't lift that could kick my ass
I can’t make nukes tho, can make pipebombs.
the post
this is that guy that doesnt want to train martial arts because 'ill just spaz on them'
getting into a fight in 3rd grade doesnt count for life experiences loser
Just buy a gun OP. Guns beats karate every time.
Bench press doesn't = punching power. Even then 225 isn't impressive and neither is anything sub 400. Please take your ego somewhere else, your bench press will never matter, and anyone taller than you with better reach will win 9/10 times.
inb4 literally anyone else pulls a gun/knife/acid on you and kills/disfigures you
Literally dyel tier u little delusional faggot
>compared to a dyel
You’re the dyel
wow user very strong pls don't bench press me
damn I hope someone turns this into a pasta
fucking this.
people just spout stuff like 'oh you're not as good as x at doing y' all the time, even though working out at all makes you better at a lot of different physical tasks
Based on this I think you're a retard
You have the exact same stats as me, but Im a blackbelt, so be careful before you go prancing around like a badass because you can lmao2pl8 bench.
yummy pasta
>I think I can wreck any untrained adult male
>I think I stand a chance against someone who's never struggled in their life
>I've officially made it, ask me anything!
Dude's a fucking poet
Enjoy CTE
this, one good hit and you're out doesn't take much.
Pretty low IQ thing to say. You should be able to defend yourself in an extreme situation but walking around, sizing other men up and being cocky will lead you nowhere in life.
you think lifting dyel numbers is going to do jack shit for you in a fight? wut
Against an untrained person, more aggression and at least normal strength will almsot always win. Good thing I’m strong because now I can be both super aggressive and stronger if I get into a fight. I’ve actually been wanting to fight for a while