Ask the Natty Deer

Natty Deer, am I gonna make it?

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Well, am I?


Is sushi okay?

If I ask out yer one will she say yes
Hell, will I make it in general?



Alright fine


Enlighten me pls natty deer

The universe doesn't want you asking those questions goyim, have a bagel instead

I'm plenty chill, natty deer. I just want your wisdom.

will i get a qt3.14 gf someday

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Gotta work hard, bro.

Ask 100 girls user.
Will I get a job soon?

Will I finally get that qt3.14 gf and make big gains?

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is it true



Will I ever be happy?


Natty deer, will Tiff talk to me this month?

Will I die soon?

Will I get my crush after getting Jow Forums?




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Natty deer, will I pass this semester?

will i use my pain for gains



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God damnit natty deer, my family will be so disappointed :(

Will I be powerful If I keep things as they are?

Will I ever get under a 30 BMI?

does chloe have feelings for me?

3pl8 bench before 2020?

Will I die by suicide?

Reroll, as the natty deer demands it

Fuck you your faggot deer. I will make it and I don't care about your opinion.

Will I achieve my dreams

Enjoy 2019.

The natty dear is wise.

Is my life fucked beyond repair

Say yes or you're venison cunt

Will i be 6ft+ chad?

Will I really not achieve my dreams

All right, I will chill. You got my back, right, natty deer?


There's hope.

O Great Natty Deer, should I start a bulk to leave humanity behind?

Will I get her back?

Will I really seriously never achieve my dreams natty dear

Will I die by overdose?

are you sure?

Will I achieve my dreams?

Will I die in a tragic accident?

Should I ask K if she'd like to see me?

Should I break up with her?

150 lbs by end of the year?


The future seems bright...

Fuck, reroll

Should I start roiding now?

will i achieve my dreams

Natty dear, will the qt at college say yes to a date

Should I keep taking stimulants?

I like getting fucked hard

Thats not an answer, Natty deer

Should I become a /fraud/?

Will the tragic accident be in the next 2 years?

Will I achieve my dreams, natty deer?

should I even bother?


should i do it

answer me, deer

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Do I cut ties with my FWB for not wanting to be together but also not wanting me to hang out with other girls?

Will my back snap

Natty Deer, does the pale, black haired chick at the gym find me attractive?

Will I ever find a mommy to give my cummies?


I like to think I will


Natty Deer, am I gonna hit my goal weight by summer?


Will this hardwork all pay off, will i make it to the finals and see her?


Should I marry her?

1 in 100 is still something.



Goddamn you natty deer, I must know

Will 2019 be a good year?

should I keep bulking?

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Will anyone besides her ever love me? Also will I make that 4pl8 squat befor March?



is alphadestiny natty

200% natural.

Will I achieve my dreams, natty deer?

Natty deer will I be at peak performance by late febuary?