How do I get his abs?

How do I get his abs?

Attached: .webm (540x960, 468K)

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he doesn't have abs

He has no abs, what are you talking about?

girls always seem to get that ab-stem looking shit when they arent hamplanets. strange

Wtf is up with his mouth, I thought he was perfect. It's fuckin ruined

her, you faggot

>i'm totally a girl xDxD don't hit on me silly bois xD

They're doing this on purpose.. think about it

I've avoided as much of this plague as I can, so I'd seen pictures of him but no video. I actually thought he was a woman with a flat chest until I saw him move right there. Woah.

I know, and I took the bait but REEEEEE SHE'S A GRILL

>no abs
you just wanted to post him, because you're secretly gay but don't want to keep it a secret anymore, didn't you?
here's my tipp, grow some balls and tell you're family/friends the truth, after that you will feel relieved and don't have to do this anymore, trust me

Attached: 1548722628606.jpg (1074x856, 104K)

she looks like sneaky aka confirmed He

Attached: d9a969f77623bfd01a4ea297c66fedb3.jpg (900x1200, 170K)

M8 ur on Jow Forumsnoone cares youre gay

That photo and the others in the series are heavily edited. He looks like a goblin in the originals. Don't believe the lies

She's actually a female

How old are you?

Everyone in this thread seems like they've never seen a vagina before or ever seen a girl so i'll answer your question.

Build muscle in other areas, don't waste your time doing shitty ab exercises when you can't even see the abs, go on a diet, read the fucking sticky.

What's wrong with his mouth?

God I want to lick him up


Attached: traps online vs reality irl.png (1864x1256, 1.67M)


Abs are made in the kitchen. Butts are made in the gym with squats and hip thrusts. Tits are mostly genetic or hormone related.

least subtle photoshop work ive ever seen
his face is all jagged and almost every line is blurry as fuck


Don't know why it looks jagged like that.
Pic related is the original that he uploaded on twitter.

Attached: DahxOugU0AAQ4eM.jpg (900x1200, 166K)

Because when you try to resize a photoshopped image, especially onto a larger canvas like the tripleshot in the previous post, it exaggerates the edited pixels and essentially ignores the smoothing of the original edit. You can even see in this post how that side of his cheek is uncannily smoothed, like a line drawn onto the background. All in all just mental illness and delusion in effect.

how do i get this chest?

Attached: rate my physic.webm (640x800, 2.86M)

3 cups of synthol a day

tranny discord at it again

My cock isn't in it desu

You just know this guy will burst his synthol pecs. I can just imagine all the oil and blood.

I got bad news for you, queer

superior abs coming through

Attached: Untitled.png (842x722, 638K)