>browse lookism and Jow Forums for too long
>brain got warped to the point of no return
>not even lifting can make up for all the flaws I have and actually found out "thanks" to these two sites
why didn't you warn me?
>browse lookism and Jow Forums for too long
>brain got warped to the point of no return
>not even lifting can make up for all the flaws I have and actually found out "thanks" to these two sites
why didn't you warn me?
Other urls found in this thread:
Lookism isn't real.
do surgerys. Im feeling better now after hairtransplant gonna do some more stuff soon
it is very real but it's actually better to not know anything about it
Make your main hobby videogames and anime, you won't care about your looks anymore.
Listen man, you need to just grow up. In all seriousness you most likely look normal like everybody else. Forget what the internet says looking like a normal person is absolutely fine and everyone els gets along so why not you? It's actually very vain to think that your so important and special that people are looking at you picking apart your looks. They're not. Everyone is 100% more wrapped up in there own lives and looks. Work on your personality and get into a better head space my man. You can do it if you try, maybe get off the internet for abit okay.
No, the real cope is lookism. Lookism is cope for having a shit personality, being unwilling to take responsibility for your problems and thinking that losers with nothing going on in their lives deserve to get free sex from 10/10 bitches.
Bro if you didn't "know" you were ugly before lookism, you're not ugly
/thread. Wish losers would stop plugging their shit forums here.
Agree. Don't even really know what lookism stands for, though.
This whole cope meme is basically you coping with how flat and hollow you must feel.
Never thought I was ugly, but I never cared about my slightly recessed chin or my eyes having positive canthal tilt (feminine trait) before. I know nobody cares about it but now I can't look at myself in the mirror the same way.
Not him, but the word cope cracks me up and it isn't used correctly most of the time.
Attractiveness is literally all that matters for relationship success.
Neutral and positive canal tilth are good for men.
70% for women, 90% for men.
This is true for females. Lookism fags are very womanly in this regard.
For men, they have the option of gaining looks, money, or status. Martin Shkreli is a great exmaple. The man had women calling him asking to drink his piss.
wrong, PCT is bad for men
Looks are what matter the most to women in terms of REAL attraction. Money is not that important anymore.
>Martin Shkreli is a great exmaple. The man had women calling him asking to drink his piss.
Ok, I just checked what plastic surgeons have to say and you're right.
This is the truth. If you know about there's a high chance it will just disable you and make you miserable, just like human nature in general
>Looks are what matter the most to women in terms of REAL attraction. Money is not that important anymore.
Notice how the lookism fags making this claim this have no money or status.
Find me a single successful person who believes in lookism. There are none.
It's in one of his live streams on Youtube. I don't have the time to go through all of them.
I'm not from lookism and your claim about that guy is useless for now, but did he have any proof beyond saying what you posted?
Status still has a place, however girls can now make as much or more as the average guy. There was a video recently posted where young women said they preferred a tall, poor, skinny guy over a short, rich, buff guy.
>believing what women say
Just like sense of humour is the most important trait, right.
idk what happened to this board, I used to browse here in like 2012 and it wasn't like this
>I'm not from lookism and your claim about that guy is useless for now, but did he have any proof beyond saying what you posted?
It's Shkreli, you can look it up yourself. In some of his videos he has a hot big titty gf sitting next to him.
>Status still has a place, however girls can now make as much or more as the average guy.
So make more than them and stop trying to date girls who are richer than you.
In the few cases where women date below their income level, it's generally because the man has a big social circle.
>There was a video recently posted where young women said they preferred a tall, poor, skinny guy over a short, rich, buff guy.
The word of women is useless. Only look at their actions.
Incels invaded. They dont care about getting shredded and slaying pussy anymore, they just wonder why they are such a failure
Women don't have to lie when there's no social etiquette to conform to. Making fun of manlets is very accepted in our society.
Sense of humor is only important when deciding between, for example, an 8/10, 6’0 man and a 7/10, 6’4’’ man.
It's a fucking travesty. They want to remain failures too.
i mean there were always tfw no gf threads, i have never seen a Jow Forums board that doesn't have those. But the obsession over things that you cant change, instead of talking about getting fit
>It's Shkreli, you can look it up yourself. In some of his videos he has a hot big titty gf sitting next to him.
So? Plenty of examples where women use men. One guy posted here that a woman, who he never suspected would break up with him, did so and separated him from his sons and made him pay alimony. Don't get me wrong, he could be the exception, but women generally are very predictable.
>The word of women is useless. Only look at their actions
I know, see .
Sorry, but it's not that incels invaded. The harsh truth is that the number of incels is growing due to female hypergamy+online dating. And it's going to keep getting worse. A few years from now, it won't be considered enough to be 6' with a six pack, and some of you guys complaining about incels will start being incels yourselves.
>found out I have pronated feet, short calf insertions, minor knee valgus, wide hips, mild lordosis, frenulum breve, pectus excavatum, flared ribs, slight gynecomastia, non symmetrical ab insertions, non neutral teeth posture, receded maxilla, exfoliative cheilitis, accented sebaceous filaments, negative canthal tilt and a manlet
thanks Jow Forums
>So? Plenty of examples where women use men.
Plenty? All relationships are women using men. Briffault's law - "Where the female can derive no benefit from association with the male, no such association takes place."
>One guy posted here that a woman, who he never suspected would break up with him, did so and separated him from his sons and made him pay alimony. Don't get me wrong, he could be the exception, but women generally are very predictable.
Of course, this happens all the time, even to handsome Hollywood Chads. Whether relationships with women are worth it at all is another conversation.
The point is that whether a woman will date you or not depends on looks, money, or status, and if you have at least one, the others don't matter as much.
Bro no need to get depressed, its all satire haha
Women have crazier orgasms when they fuck rich guys
$$$ wins again
Man I am skinnyfat and under 6' and I am a serial monogamist. You're just wallowing in your failures.
Maximum cope
You must be joking.
uhhhh... You dont have to online date, most girls don't do it. The reason incels focus so much on online dating is because they dont leave the house to talk to girls. Ive fucked a few girls from tinder, all the women on there seem mildy autistic.Incels focus on myths to justify the fact that they dont try at all. Wouldnt online dating make meeting woman 100x easier? yet they act like it makes it impossible, much harder to go out in public and pick a woman up from a bar or something desu....
Women don’t give a fuck about that. Doesn’t matter how rich she is.
No woman will be happy with a guy who makes less money than herself.
Used to be the case.
>No woman will be happy with a guy who makes less money than herself.
Not necessarily true. I've dated a couple well-off women who were crazy into me. One of them even told me I could stop working and live off her money (she had a crazy cushy high level management job basically set up from her parents' wealth and connections), but I don't want to be anyone's slave so I declined. I broke up with her years ago and she reaches out to me periodically even now that she's married to someone her family set her up with.
For me the biggest cure for lookism was real life experience
I know a guy who looks like a model yet can't get pussy
I know a somewhat nerdy guy who's 5'7, has some acne and a "dadbod", and is the biggest casanova I've heard of
And finally, I realized that not all women are the same. Yes, most are stupid fucking thots, especially in burgerland (at least that's how I imagine it), but there's attractive women out there who have very particular tastes.
For example, my ex told me she really likes guys with big noses because she thinks it's a masculine trait. I was surprised as fuck, especially because I used to be very insecure about the fact that my nose is similar to that of the Jow Forums kike. Another thing is, she told me I look like an infant because I shaved my belly/chest hair and that it's really gay.
There's girls out there that could actually love you. You're just not looking hard enough. The best thing you can do is polish your social skills, engage in lots of group activities and be genuine
>hurr durr be urself
What I mean by genuine is be honest, acting in a particular way to attract a girl is being needy. How the fuck do you expect to find a decent woman if every time you flirt you hide under some shitty persona you've constructed to fit in the social rules and standards you don't really care about?
Pretty solid advice except for the two guys you've mentioned; they are just exceptions to the rule.
>Lookism is cope for having a shit personality
Low quality bait
>take responsibility for your problems
Alright, retard, I'll bite. Why and how do you take responsibility for your ugly face ? Like lmao nigga just change your facial structure, like lift more and it will change by itself lmao, drink more milk, take a shower xD
Being attractive really matters. I stepped on some average looking girl's heel today while getting on the metro during rush hour, and she turned around and then blushed. I'm not even ultra model-tier, it's just that girls treat good looking guys better. Girls like good looking things more than anything in the world. It's nice to be stared at by good-looking girls every day. I won't ever talk to them, but it's nice to know the option is there.
Lookism is real, but it is actually better to know about it lmao. Contrary to popular belief, you can change the way you look (plastic surgery, working out, etc.)
It's so fucking easy to be an exception. I've seen so many fat people get laid. Half my social circle is dweeb-ass nerd guys and almost all of them still manage to get laid. The one who doesn't is better looking than half of them, but refuses to interact with anybody ever.
You take responsibility by bettering yourself in other places you dummy. Literally 99% of comedians are ugly as fuck, yet they get the puss. Why? Because they are funny.
Now figure out who the fuck you are and focus on that, be it making music or jokes whatever
This, but not just girls, everyone treats attractive people better.
You're blaming your failure with women on your face rather than your refusal to achieve social or financial success.
>Literally 99% of comedians are ugly as fuck, yet they get the puss. Why? Because they are funny.
Nice joke.
It's not really about getting laid all the time. It's about having a large number of options, with very little ceiling for how good-looking the girl is. And also just being treated better in life by almost everyone. Plain-looking 'casanovas' are rare, and getting pussy is a full-time job, and ultimately not a particularly satisfying one. With enough practice most guys can work their way into many different girls' pants, mostly because most guys don't try and the ones that do are mostly bad at it. It's still not the same as a girl wanting you because you just look good.
>I stepped on some average looking girl's heel today while getting on the metro during rush hour, and she turned around and then blushed
lmao holy fuck I can't even imagine a situation where she wouldn't give me a look full of hatred and disdain if I was there instead of you. I guess this is why I've grown to just not give a fuck about how people around me feel.
Get the fuck outta here, Chad, this is a thread for uggos/losers.
>tfw ugly, autismic, poor and manual labourer
Life is pain and suffering. There is nothing else.
Same happened to the misc, may God rest its cheeky soul. I hung out there from around 2009 - 2015 or so before I finally had to give up. It went from a forum about lifting and lulz to a bunch of spergs screaming about canthal tilt and how they hated women. I never really browsed Jow Forums but I thought I'd try browsing here for a bit and see what it's like.
I don't understand why DYEL incels are so insistent on hanging around on lifting forums just to never lift and never talk about lifting (except when they repeat memes or advice without any experience of it).
No turning back now
>just have a good personality br-
Even if you are butt-fucking-ugly and all the lookism shit is true (which it probably is, let's not kid ourselves), why should that really decide if you're happy or not? So you're not going to fuck because you weren't made to fuck - so what? There's been countless people like that in the past and there will be more in the future.
Genes decide everything about you to some degree, but you were still born. So why should this shit, or other people's opinion (even if it's objectively correct), impact your happiness or prevent you from working on yourself?
Not being attractive certainly doesn't mean you don't get to fuck. The overwhelming majority of men are pathetic: addicted to masturbation, porn, alcohol, drugs, junk food, comfort etc. There's never been an easier time to get ahead of the rest.
Anyone who puts in the effort can fuck at their level of attractiveness. You just have to be one of the guys who doesn't watch porn and jerk off, who looks after his health and body, and who keeps trying to learn and be better. If you do that, and you have the balls to talk to the girls who are as facially attractive as you, you're going to get laid.
Sure, I'm just saying that I don't get the obsession with genetics and attractiveness. Isn't this current societal view, one that purely focuses on the mechanics behind natural selection, a bit paradoxical? No matter how shit your genes are, you're still born. So if the objective meaning of life for an attractive person is to pass on their genes, what's the meaning of a worthless, defective life? There are fucking people who have to take hormones to survive every single day and would've died if not for modern medicine, and they breed. There are countless exceptions to the rule, attractive or not, actually banging and having kids - kids which often inherit their negative traits and yet manage to go on and have their own offspring.
At what point does this whole shit reasoning and obsession with sex fall apart?
i mean that's how natural selection works. It's a selection of organisms within the population
I guess selection is weird as fuck now for humans becuase of our civilization but yeah