>tfw cant bench the bar
should i just fucking give up?
Tfw cant bench the bar
yes tbqh
Start with dumbbells ya dingus.
Yea, Its already over.
Might aswell go full trap
today you can't tomorrow you can
No. Try a lighter bar (10kg) and start stacking weight on that until you hit 20kg total and then move on to the big boy bar. If your gym doesnt have under 20kg bars then use dumbells amd machines until you can lift the bar
How tf can you not bench the bar??
It's 20kgs
You'll get there, eventually. Seriously though OP, are you a guy or girl? How much do you weigh? When I first stepped into the gym a couple years ago I was a shrimp, ~150 pounds at 6'1''. Even I managed to bench the bar first go for reps. What are your stats bro?
you dont count the bar so it should be quite easy
No. It doesn't matter were you start
What matters is where you end up
Eat enough, sleep enough and do linear progression and your strength could increase 5x in a year
>he can't lift 0 pounds (0 kg for the ones across the specific ocean)
im a guy. i weigh 112lbs and im 6 feet tall
>going from barely being able to bench the bar to 2 pl8 in one year
No way dude. 2 years minimum for 2pl8 Super Saiyan.
Are you fresh out of auschwitz? Did you ever pick up a backpack full of textbooks at all during childhood?
>112lbs and im 6 feet tall
which one are you?
People will barely recognize you after a year. Don't obsess over abs.
Staying at low bf = Staying dyel
I was you once user. At the time I was 6'4 and 135 lbs. Nobody on Jow Forums believed me. It's possible to get bigger and juicier but you really have to eat a fuckton, and it will suck at the start. Much like actually lifting, you have to train yourself to get used to eating more.
2 years for HIM, because he had a pretty bad starting point, but 2pl8 cab be done in 6 months
I'm a 5'9 fat manlet who barely lifts and my lean body mass surpasses your total body weight
>but 2pl8 cab be done in 6 months
Yea if you don't do anything but focus on getting 2pl8 maybe and you have an entire personal staff of chefs, person trainers, and bj stress relievers.
I did it on SS GOMAD
Started at 1pl8 at 136lb at 5'5"
manlets get a +10% boost to their bench though, doesn't count.
I'm a 5'3 midget and i weigh 120 lb lmao dude wtf
Eat and lift user and in 6 months normal fags will ask you how you did it.
Yeah. I know
But you get an advantage when it comes to deadlifts
How can someone not bench the bar?
Been there broski. Count your calories and eat like a pig and you'll put the pounds on quick. I think you should be able to bench the bar though, are you sure it's not a mental hangup? Anyway, start with a lighter bar and you should be able to jump up in weight quickly.
And make sure you take some pictures of yourself now because it's gonna blow your fuckin mind once you get some fat on ya. I couldn't believe how bad I looked when I look at my pics from then.
by being extremely weak
thank you user
Use dumbells and do pushups (on your knees) to get stronger.
man i could bench the bar when i first started for three sets, took me forever but now i can bench press 50 Kgs for reps, keep at it user, we're all gonna make it
Knee pushups
I'll fuck you in the as but I might kill you, your choice.
Dumb bells, chest press machine with min weight.
My chest was bone when I started, paper thin muscle.
I was 135 lbs at 6'4" I'm passing 200 lbs now.
post body
you fucking twig. you know those pink-purple girls' dumbbells? you should start with them you sissy fucking dyel, start benching with those dumbbells that look like sex toys. maybe someday you will join the men's club and start lifting a single bar.
That alone is the reason not to give up.
eat food
do calisthenics
user, i used to be you and now i'm reping 150Ib on the bench (yeah i know it's not impressive by any metric but shut up i started in September).
It's not about where you start, it's where you go.
listen to these people, we're all gonna make it
It still utterly amazes me that there is people this weak that if a flatpack ikea chest of drawers fell on them, they’d be trapped and die eventually
Holy shit you are gonna fucking pile on mass.
post body
I saw a skelly at the gym yesterday, I thought it was a meme. Hope he sticks with it
>I thought it was a meme
Drink a liter and a half of milk a day. Don’t go full GOMAD unless you wanna become a bloated up fag who shits twice a day
I don't believe you. I'm 140lbs at 6'0" and I'm a hungry skeleton.
No you're fine man,
Shitposting aside you just have a long journey. I just started as well and max out at 95. Just work with dumbells and move up until you can hit 45. Then go form there.
You'll make it user.
We'll all make it user. I'm 6'3 and weigh like 130.
Ok not literally but I’m max DYEL and it’s still very unusual to see people at the gym weaker than myself. And in america in general I feel like I don’t see many people who are skin and bones. He had good height and looked young, he could turn out well