>tfw dad passed away
How do I stay on track bros? I don't want to fall into clinical depression and lose focus of my targets. I was already borderline numb now this might make me want to isolate myself even more.
>tfw dad passed away
How do I stay on track bros? I don't want to fall into clinical depression and lose focus of my targets. I was already borderline numb now this might make me want to isolate myself even more.
>tfw feel like parents are holding me back
am I evil to wish for them to "pass away"?
Fuck off
Be the person your dad would've wanted you to be.
no its perfectly normal i wish the same
>pray st your father's deathbed
>he dies anyway
>but he goes to heaven
>Jesus meets him with a smile, says his son offered him a swift and speedy passage into heaven
>"you were a great father figure. I'm proud of you"
I watched my parents wedding video from 1985 and about 40 people at the wedding are dead now. It's odd to see all these people I knew growing up that are dead as fuck now.
It's a weird feeling knowing each and everyone of them felt what death was like, and each of them fell back into the void of nonexistence, and the world just keeps moving on like they never existed to begin with, and that they only exist in my head and in a VHS tape.
Would you dad want you to fall into depression or would he want you to continue to pursue the things that make you happy? Do it for him, user.
Depends on your parents, I guess.
Never had a relationship with my dad. I don't think either of us would care if one of us died.
Ive never understood the whole "you must feel bad if your relative dies". Why? If I have no relationship with them, how am I supposed to feel anything? I don't get it lmao.
It odd to me when I see other guys who have actual relationships with their dads, its very foreign to me. I mean shit, I know guys whose parents have been divorced for 20+ years and they still have a good father/son relationship, meanwhile my parents/family has always been together, just never built any relationship or bond.
My dad passed away more than a year ago now. My mom died a decade ago. Their deaths fucked me up something good. Reached near rock bottom, isolated myself from others, stopped working out. Lost interest in just about everything, thoughts of my dad struggling in the final stage of cancer on his deathbed were constantly invasive.
Then one day about a month or so ago I inexplicably felt as though things were going to be alright. I'm starting to socialize more. Exercising again and trying to get back into shape. The invasive thoughts are mostly gone, and I'm remembering more of the good times I had with my dad. It's still tough, but I feel as though the worst of the storm passed.
Just takes time, OP. Let grief take its course, but do your best not to give in to despair. Try your best to continue living your life.
I'm sorry for your loss user.
The most important thing you need to Do is to go on with your routine. Do everything as usual, but seing as how you had problems before, start doing more stuff.
Go out for walks, visit parks and libarys and read books, take up more hobbies. Try to stay out of the hole.
Do it for him.
Stay on track and make it for him.
Weep for now and let it out of your system, then go back tomorrow and hit the weights.
Since long years ago
I hid my lord
In the darkness of the earth
And I, wretched, from there
Travelled most sorrowfully
Over the frozen waves
i cannot stress this enough:
Get a support group of close friends / family members
based and christpilled
At least you had a dad. I never even met mine
Your earthly father has died, but your spiritual father lives on forever. Continue to live and strive in all you do so that you can please both. God bless you
At least he had a son and you'll always be a living proof that he walked this earth once. Become a man he would be proud of and remember you carry a bit of him not only in your heart, but also in your DNA, your existence is what let him to pass away in peace. Just try your best to stay on track, knowing that you'll eventually go back to your usual state anyway.
Sorry for your losses bro. I lost my father unexpectedly when I was 19 he was 49 and just dropped dead. He was my best friend and the only man in the world that really had my back. Just keep pushing on bros, it's what our fathers would have wanted. Make them proud, you are his legacy. Life is real, and tests like these create great men.
Blaming others for your problems doesnt work user.
What's even worse is the realization that everyone who has been or is will be gone some day, even you. As you grow up all your family before you will pass away, also including your parents, up to a point where they're replaced by a new family in which you play an entirely different role, that being the role of a parent and husband. Life is weird, huh?
Lift for him brother. Go to the gym with a smile upon your face, think of him during every single rep, every single set, imagine him watching you from above and try to make him proud. Lift consistently, missing a rep or two is fine as long as you remain consistent. Do it for him user.
>be me
>finally convince my overweight, frumpy, disheveled old man to start eating right and work out
>he does all right at first
>then his effort starts to wane
>he's not pushing it in the gym anymore
>not eating clean
>I'm getting frustrated
>one day at the gym halfway through a seriously half-assed effort he says he's had enough for the day and heading home
>start slamming plates on the bar to finish a real workout
>he stands there a second
>"whats the matter with you?" he asks
>i fucking lose it
>"Whats the matter?! When I was 7 and crashed my bike and got this scar, you picked me up and made it better. When I couldn't ever bear mario 8-1 you were there to help me get past that spot. When I needed help on my box derby car you were there to help me. When my girlfriend broke up with me, you were there to comfort me. When I came out you were there for me. When I got married you were right there, hugged my husband and called him son. Whenever I need you you're ALWAYS FUCKING THERE.!"
>realize I got a little loud and people are looking
>dad mumbles "you say that like its a bad thing."
>"because one of these days you're not going to be there and you don't seem to fucking care about."
>dad gives me a hug
>apologizes and says he didn't know it meant that much to me
>says we should leave and get something to eat and calm down
>walking out of the gym Im feeling embarrassed as fuck
>walk past a guy sitting on the bench on his phone "hey dad...."
tldr: im a fag and threw an emotional temper tantrum fit in the gym because I don't want my daddy to die.
great blog, faggot
My dad died May last year. I have no advice for you, this pain will last a long time. My friends who have alsoblost parents tell me it never goes away, you never just move on. But the pain changes. And isolating yourself is only going to ensure that when it does change, when it moves from acute grief to a vague sense of something in your life not being right, you're not going to have any outlet to manage that.
Be with your family. Get off Jow Forums.