Alright Jow Forums...

Alright Jow Forums, you've been hired by the Don as a fitness instructor to put together a workout regime and diet for his youngest son Barron Trump.

He's 12 years old (13 this year) and taller than his dad (Don's 6' 3") already, and still shooting up like a beanstalk. These are the most recent photos of him taken just 2 days ago, completely unedited.

He has the height but not the width (yet), how do you make sure this primarch ends up as an ultra Chad?

Attached: BarronTall2.jpg (810x540, 60K)

He's got height, money, fame, looks...this 12 year old is mogging even normal Chads already

Attached: BarronTall1.jpg (620x413, 48K)

you need to get that black chef to cook him 5-6 high-calorie, protein-rich meals per day. I would suggest 1 chicken meal with rice, 1 meal with fish and rice, and another 3 with a fatty-meat like steak or ground beef with potatoes. Baron is small, so he needs to bulk his little balls off. From here, we've gotta get him on a PPL routine with the first 3 days being strength focused (to fight off shitskins) and the following 3 for hypertrophy (for outrunning the shitskin mobs in their caravans). Once he hits his physical limits of musculature, we need to get him on TRT-level test dosages of 250mg per week or even slightly higher like 300mg or 350mg. After this, we need to throw him THICC BRAPPER PAWGs for ultimate /SNIFFS/ for extra test boosting and a lifetime supply of /SIPS/ to wash it all down.

By the time he hits 21, he'll be a supernova-tier CHAD.

Attached: bathroom braps.jpg (1536x1152, 138K)

He's got the body of conan o'brien. Also theres no point in lifting if you'll inherit hundreds of millions



buy a lambo
get the best food and medical treatments money can buy


Why not both?

>you will never have such perfect genes
imagine the vast quantities of pussy he could slay if he tried, hell I don't doubt he can even fuck the hot teacher. If I were a woman I'd jump on the son of the billionaire president's dick too

>"6'3" Trump next to 6'1 Obama

Dude had to put 6'3 because his weight makes him medically obese. He's a fat 5'11 soft richboy in lifts larping as a hard ass leader, but being more like Berlusconi.

Attached: Donald-Trump-Is-Sworn-In-As-45th-President-Of-The-United-States.jpg (615x409, 36K)


Inb4idiots get triggered by this while also trying to pretend they're 2cool4skool badasses who're totally just sticking it to the libs and avin a giggle

>buy a lambo
Everyone you know will have a lambo, and no one cares that you have 5 times the wealth of someone else when you're both past 100 million. Do people get more horny for Steve Jobs or Brad Pitt?
>strengthbest medical treatment money can buy
You can have that if you need it, and also just be healthier to begin with. All you're showing is that money can reduce the need for lifting because your life is already easy, none of it actually reduces the value gained from lifting.

Shame about that chin and feminine frame

Basically this. Normally I'd say he shouldn't start roids until he's at his peak height, but fuck it, if he's 6'5" in a year why the fuck wait 6 years to start?

Man isn't Drumpf like really old? His son is 12? How old was this fuck when he got him? Before you call me a "leftist" I'm from Europe we all hate Drumpf here.

Polfags arent satisfied with sucking trumps dick now they suck his son’s

He’s holding his jacket in the exact same way. Is he autistic?

Play sports until 25, human energy is like a battery, don’t want to use too much of it up. He can do 1 gym day a week and focus on curls, triceps pull downs and crunches. Perfect Barron routine.

>human energy is like a battery
Do you have a single fact to back that up?

Barron is a big guy

I'd hire a basketball coach RIGHT NOW and get him into that shit.

I can't imagine the rage and anger people would have if Barron became a better basketball player than LeBron Jr.

Once you run out juice you die. Why do you think old people die without being ill or killed? They ran out of juice.

>Ends up with a micropenis and early balding

What the fuck are you on

Yeah, but exercise doesn't make you age faster or die younger as fas as I know.

Can he buy a lambo?

Trump tried REALLY REALLY hard to avoid doing the $1 million veterans donation he promised.

His non-profit foundation basically did no giving.

He got turned down for a major loan by Duetsche Bank in 2016 and is super leveraged. He didn't self fund his campaign or his travel like he said.

It's possible he's basically insolvent, which would explain all the high risk rent seeking he is getting caught doing.

Then why would he give up his president check every month if he had no money?

>be poor
>hmm they give me money just to do this shit....nahhhhh donate it
>be poor

Nothing but coffee my friend, which also drains the juice a little faster for a boost in exchange.
True but you can’t be too careful. In Barron’s case I mean. I’m gonna be working out well into my 40s I think. Then probably just go to light cardio and yoga.

It's not a huge amount of money.

When you're highly leveraged $350k doesn't mean shit.

Bloomberg didn't take pay either but he was also giving away hundreds of millions at a time, not being shamed and taking media hits to part with a measly $2 mil at a time.

He’s a big guy

>over 6'3" at 12
What the absolute fuck? I'm mirin this kid

Barron has life on easy mode
>Will grow up to be handsome Chad
>Dad is the most famous man in country
He’s probably smashing Russian models right now

Is anyone in his family handsome? Trump looked ok when he was younger but his other kids are certainly not attractive. They all have a weird chin that makes them look like they have a double chin or worse.

Put him on lebrons workout plan. Get him melanin implants. Tat him up. Ultra BBC equipped chad

fucking nailed it

don't worry, nazi pussies filled with russian propaganda will tell you why you're wrong

That's because Baron is Donald and Melania's kid, he inherited her model-tier face symmetry and genes

He's too tall, whatever they're feeding him in that White House they need to stop.

He's going to end up being a 6'10" ladder man with one hell of an Oedipus complex.

Ok cool. So I guess there's even less reason to not lift weights.

he obviously had leg extensions or someshit lmao looks fucking mutated

unironically this


thank god I live in the most asian city in Canada

Doesn't Baron have severe autism?


Not to mention the social skills you'd gain by outwitting nogs with banter on the court

sameFagging faggot

Don't we all?

It's those superior slav genetics doing their work.

top kek this would work well actually

I make him attend my State of the union address so he has to stand up and do chair squats to applaud until failure

He may have been 6'3 when he was 30. It's known that older people get slightly shorter due to posture and stuff.

Oh shit
I'm autistic and I have photos of me doing this
It makes you "look cool"

He's quoting Trump

1000mg Test E
PPL 6 days a week

how well did that work for elliot

the absolute lad was 60 and still trying to pump out the perfect son
the madman finally did it (minus the autism)

Stupid meme routine

garbage obvious bait

yeah but at the same time as you get older you lose weight too. DT is still pretty portly at an age where you're expected to actually lose weight.

Look at the helicopter behind him.
Shit's windy, you either wear coats or get used to holding your jacket around them, poorfag.

He's 12 you retard.

found the powershitter from last night that constantly posts pics of his shitty physique