People compliment me on my Jow Forums body

>people compliment me on my Jow Forums body
>too autistic for a normal answer

how do you fix social awkward behavior?

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it is a catch-22
Your insecurity is the only thing worth being insecure about because it holds you back.

Charismatic people own their flaws and accept them yet still move forward.

The moment you realize that everyone is fucked in some way and those who repress this the most are the ones who lose is the moment you no longer need to feel insecure.

>tfw autistic
>tfw can relate to at least half of these things
and somehow, i matched with a girl on tinder, had a succesful date, and am seeing her again thursday
not sure how, but im glad


I have a very specific form of autism that makes me charismatic as fuck for one encounter and then I'm an asshole the rest of the time.

It sounds cliche but not caring so much.

I bet if all the alcoholics could put down the bottle, they'd stop killing brain cells.

Never drank all my life but a bottle of taaka makes the rest of my day good. I'm calm and can speak easy.

Without it I speak too fast and have scattered AND racing thoughts. I guess killing enough brain cells helps. Only really truly if you cant stop thinking so much

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i am pretty social and fun, but only with people i have a click with
if it doesnt click with someone, i literally shutdown, feelsbadman

but that's ok user, you can't be friends with everyone

My 4 year old son has learning difficulties (languages). He's about 1 year behind his peers, but he's coming along nicely with a speech therapist. Maybe he has Autism or Aspergers?

Adhd is now a part of the autism spectrum?

>Lost 75 lbs
>People kept commenting
>Find out it triggers anxiety super bad
>T"th-thanks, you too"
>Eat garbage for 2 straight weeks
>Gained 10 lbs back
I want to die

Actually autistic and have the same problem. There is just zero consistency in my personality, it all depends on the setting and lots of small little things that can set me off. I can attract a girl sometimes with my personality, but there is no way I could keep being cool/charismatic for a long time, so she would lose attraction eventually.
Fucking sucks


They don't even know what autism is anymore. Everything is autism. I miss just being eccentric. Lol

I've fixed socially awkwardness by not caring. However, I think now people think I'm rude/smug. I think I need to work on being polite and friendly and working on norms like saying hi/bye to people you recognize and small talk that isn't centered around my specific set of interests.

I am naturally very socially awkward, but I learnt how to act through trial and error. Tinder was of great use since it allowed me to have a wide variety of test subjects. I matched with both men and women to see the difference.
The first thing I would do is try to come up with witty messages based on their bios and pictures, then observe the success rate. The boys and girls without bios got some template messages I came up with. After about a week of testing, I determined that the most efficient ice breaker message is a gif of Pink Guy throwing china at his wall.
I then experimented with more direct/roundabout approaches in keeping up small talk and arranging meet ups. The same principle was applied to my interactions with these men and women offline - I would try different behaviors to see if they yield positive results.
I have now generally gotten the hang of social interaction, though I still do go full spaghetti every once in a while.

ADHD never existed in the first place.

>I determined that the most efficient ice breaker message is a gif of Pink Guy throwing china at his wall.

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Just say “thanks” that’s litteraly it you tard

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Shit look's like I was proven wrong.
Honestly never would expect that, seem like such a "lolrandumb" thing.

It's a good way to screen for girls that would tolerate some mild autistic tendencies

>get Jow Forums to try and hide the autism
>doesn't work and now more pathetic than ever

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Is this picture trying to imply that OCD and depression are parts of the autism spectrum?

no, i believe it is implying that depression and ocd are symptoms of autism. that being said, autism is not a symptom of depression or ocd.