So I converted to Orthodox Lennyism last December

And I wanted to ask, what's the weirdest shit you guys do in the quest for gains?

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I come here.


Eat my spunk, can't be wasting that protein

supps: iodine, borax, braps

Calling it now. He'll die in 2019.

>collapses in the middle of a recording
>"Lenny? LENNY!? Oh God, someone call an a-"
>low rumble stops everyone
>Lenny's gut expands to twice its size
>detonates, covering everyone in gore
>Lenny rises up from the wreckage of his old body
>he's absolutely fucking shredded, perfect ratios and proportions
>flexes his abs
>everyone instantly goes blind
>"What do you think about THAT, Dale?"

Do bizarre exercises that no one else does, buy nameless supplements from sleazy places

Or just don't fap

Absolutely based

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>man is in and out of the hospital all 2018

Wow, what a prediction Nostradamus.

Bodyweight neck training

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"Big Lenny dead" has been at the top of autocomplete for a while, most people are surprised that this freak has managed to make it this far.

>700 pounds RIPPED!


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You goddamn cookie-cutters have been saying that for YEARS!

truly the tom platz of abs

His eyes are not as yellow as they used to be, so I doubt it

>people saying that Lenny now has gangrene on his foot

need pics
for a friend

Take l leucinne. It tastes horrid but Nucklocks says it's legit.

Someone on the misfits reddit said that it looks like the early stages of diabetic gangrene, someone screenshotted & sent to Brad, who said he'll talk to Lenny about it. Other people have said that it's complete bullshit and looks nothing like gangrene. Regardless of whether or not it's true, his feet are still freaky.

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I mean with all that shitty spray tan it's hard to see anything, but I'm honestly more surprised he's alive at all