Male enhancement supplements

I'm traveling a few states over to kick it with my fwb for a couple days for Valentine's day. What are some male enhancement (dick pill) supplements that will turn my dick into a steel pole and let me go like 15 rounds over the weekend?

I can't get Viagra. Sometimes I fuck on booze and it helps me go longer but doesn't shorten the refractory period. Do vasodilators like l arginine work? I have that in my preworkout but have never tried to fuck on it. I've been taking maca but it doesn't seem to do much, tried Cayenne powder, doesn't do much either. I want some rock hard erections boys.

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Do you really want to know user?

I am not sure you are strong enough to handle my supplements traveler.

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Bruh I'm just trying to lay some sick pipe

You could do all that stuff from that "cum stack" picture.
What's that supplement that increases blood flow whose effect gets negated by insulin? People take it in a stack for improved weight loss.
Oh, yohimbine.

well if you insist.

Take 1 the day before you go.
Take 2 the morning of.
Take 2 the morning of the second day.
Take 2 the morning of the third day and 2 in the evening.

Do not exceed that dose.

I literally cycle this stuff at varying intensity.

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Zinc supplements will make you dump LOADS bruh. Like, you could drown a small Philipino woman or some type of small Asian.

Arginine will help you get it up faster, it rebounds a lot faster after cumming too, smaller refractory period.

You have some time, I always find it easier/better when I'm training cardio hard.

Just get some Viagra it's literally the only thing that actually works.

I’m jelqing as a type this

All of this, ONLY in a single week, will easily get you to 10 ml of cum when the average amount of an adult male is between
2-5 ml:

1) L-Arginine: 1000 mg, 1 time per day
Effects: Somewhat noticeable increase in cum amount
Increase in pleasure intensity
It may increase erection hardness
Notes: None

2) Zinc: 50 mg, 1 time per day
Effects: Somewhat noticeable increase in cum amount
Makes your cum thicker
Notes: DON'T go over the recommended dietary allowance

+ Selenium
Effects: Somewhat noticeable increase in cum amount
Notes: DON'T go over the recommended dietary allowance

3) Pygeum/Pyguem: 100 mg, 2 times per day
Effects: Definitely noticeable increase in cum amount
Notes: Could leak pre-cum like a faucet, this stuff definitely activates the Cowper's gland

4) Soya Lecithin Granules: 1200 mg, 1 time per day
Effects: Definitely noticeable increase in cum amount
Definitely noticeable increase in orgasm intensity
Notes: None

5) Water: 4 l per day
Effects: Somewhat noticeable increase in cum amount
Necessary to make cum more watery, the more watery it is, the more you'll shoot at once and
the more it'll go everywhere, which makes the cumshot look larger rather than cumming in
thick globs
Notes: None

6) Celery
Effects: Makes cum thicker
Makes cum pearly white
Notes: None

7) Kegel exercises
Effects: Muscle power to shoot it all out rather than dribble out over the course of a couple of minutes
Notes: None

8) Edging
Effects: The surefire way to triple your load size, EVEN without supplementes
Watch out, could paint the ceiling
Notes: None

9) Prostate stimulation
Effects: (If you are willing to try), you can have monster orgasms
Notes: Be careful

10) Pineapple
Effects: Makes your cum taste sweet
Most citrus fruits works
Notes: None

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cialis is better

Cialis is better than viagra. Try it.

>tfw orgasmed during prostate exam at school

The teacher called me a fag and told me to get out. It was so embarrassing.

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Wew. Does this make the orgasms feel better, too? I wonder what would happen if you did all this, then got high and used a good pocket pussy. Some basic edging weed faps have been enough to make me think I was meeting angels

>spending valentines day with a thot
The absolute state of Jow Forums and the zoomer scum on here

Who is this?

>valentine's day


edging doesn't do anything retard


Whah?! Omgzzz!!! user! Thry don't DO prostate exams in school!!!!1!!


Haven't done all that, but zinc definitely changed it for the better. After a while though it's not that it get less effective, rather you learn to get there without the supps.

johnny sins says he edges 2-3 times in his scenes for bigger loads

Most important thing is don’t jack off at all between now and then

Also this is anecdotal but if I cream pie a girl I seem to be ready to go again much faster than either pull out or condom.


Get some yohimbe pills

When I take them I literally can't sleep and bust like 5 times in a night