Fresh from Jow Forums but I want to better myself because I realize that everything bad in my life is my fault not...

Fresh from Jow Forums but I want to better myself because I realize that everything bad in my life is my fault not women or anyone but me

How do I proceed from here?
>Inb4 read sticky
I have been doing this for 2 months but have not seen significant change

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Get a gym membership and literally just go

What do you mean by doing this? Reading the sticky or working out?

I do go to the gym. But I've never done anything physical my whole life, I dont know if I'm doing the right things and if I'm doing those things right

You've just been reading the sticky for 2 months?

What exactly have you been doing in the sticky? What's your routine? Are you going to lean bulk? Bulk? Cut? Are you doing cardio? Should you be doing cardio? Throw us a bone yo.

Working out. The only change is my dumbbell chest press went from two 10 lbs to two 50 lbs

>I have been doing this for 2 months but have not seen significant change
you won’t see a change in the mirror when you have that much bodyfat. buy some scales so you can weigh yourself and actually no for sure if you are losing weight.

I've been doing a dirty bulk bc I hear I can get big fast while doing it. Also lots of cardio

>I've been doing a dirty bulk bc I hear I can get big fast while doing it. Also lots of cardio
You are fat and need to cut. Dirty bulk can give you gains but will make you even fatter

Ok will do thank you user

Find out what your Resting Metobolic Rate (RMR) is and then adjust your diet accordingly. My RMR is 2,545 and I reduced my calorie intake to 1,551 per day. In just two months, I went from 170 lbs (15.5% body fat) to 161 lbs. (11.5% body fat). You can do it, faggot. Invest in a good food scale and stick with it.


Based. How are you brother?

Happy now that I realize I can change myself!
But sometimes I get sad but it goes away when i realize that when i get Jow Forums I wont be alone anymore

>i realize that when i get Jow Forums I wont be alone anymore

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>I realize that everything bad in my life is my fault not women or anyone but me
>sometimes I get sad but it goes away when i realize that when i get Jow Forums I wont be alone anymore
A strange robot. A new model for a new age. Good luck user, you are the master of your own destiny. Take note that results can take quite some time, man. You might be at this for 6-12 months before you look back and go "oh, I do look different".

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If you really want to change your life then get the fuck out of Jow Forums.

This website is poisonous and doesn't provide anything good for you.

For lifting and health advice go to forums and take advice from people who you can see (they all have avis there) instead of anonymous "experts" from Jow Forums who've been lifting for years and still look like shit.

For entertainment there are plenty of sites and communities for whatever it is you like where you can make actual friends instead of dealing with constant shitposting and degenerates like on thematic boards here.

Find a hobby that will force you to go out of your house and communicate with real people.

tl;dr leave Jow Forums

Get a hobby that makes you leave the house. Bonus points if you get fit in the process.

>i realize that when i get Jow Forums I wont be alone anymore

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Not necessarily, but it's true, you'll value yourself a LOT more and not care too much about when or how you meet somebody - that doesn't mean you won't put the effort in. Ironically I'm more proactive now and getting dates yet less bothered about the result - whereas before I didn't have the self-confidence to even try but was desperate to get a woman again.

I prefer feeling this way. Call it cope or whatever, life just feels nicer and more chilled.

Most of the people that get their lives together leave this place. All that remains is the dregs.

>A strange robot
Being a regular robot is bad enough lol but thanks I think I'll use the Symmetric Strength app to monitor progress instead of taking mirror pics.
This is nice, anons being supportive for once. I should've listened to the occasional Jow Forums poster on Jow Forums a long time ago

Research intermittent fasting (or don't it is literally as fucking simple as not eating for 16-24 hours a day).

This will make you feel amazing, alert, focused, energetic and much, much less depressed. It also does wonders for your general health and longevity, this is all based on good, solid science and tons of anecdotal evidence.

I found that I was not able to commit to working out every day until I had the energy to do so, IF is what gave me that energy.