
>running and cutting calories to join military
>run half a mile every day
>have shin splints now
>can't run anymore

i want to die

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Fat fucks shouldn’t run dumbass

dont run every day. Run every other day maximum. Idk what country but your fitness test will probably be 1.5 miles so you need to run at least that much every day. I would suggest doing more like 3 miles and lowering the pace so you can build up your cardio and leg strength easier this will also be easier on the joints. You should aim for a sub 10 minute time regardless of what the standard is.

When running try to match breathing out to every three steps. So you dont damage one leg more than the other.
As for shin splints, run slower and gradually speed up. And if you're just starting, run on your toes a bit to build your muscles more.

You weren't supposed to run if you're a heavy boy. Should've taken the bicycle pill m8.

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"And if you're just starting, run on your toes a bit to build your muscles more."
i was already doing that but apparently over pronation makes shin splints happen faster/worse

i want a bicycle but on top of being a fatfuck im also a poorfuck

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also by fatfuck i mean 240lbs at 6.2 feets. not like 300 lbs at 2 feets

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swimming would be better

HNNNNNNGGG. Look at those thighs...
>Tfw you'll never have a Asian gf wrap her thicc, soft velvet thighs around your waist as you shoot the biggest load into her womb while you look into her eyes.

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Foam rolling my shins helped a lot when I had shin splints. Give it a shot, should help you recover a lot faster.

Jesus dude run three times a week lift the other three and cut hard the diet is what will drop the lbs anyway why kill yourself for no reason

good running shoes for fatties, get a pair

i love cardio i guess. it's just a genuine passion of mine, i don't feel complete unless i've moved around a lot. I used to walk 3 miles every day but even thats killing my legs now.

i've cut down a lot on weight lifting and pushups since i started calorie cutting because even almost 2 months in i have no endurance anymore but i guess I should just try harder

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Cutting down to 1600 calories a day and 45 minute walk should have you drop weight like crazy

i usually walk for way longer than that, like 3 hours on a good day, my calories go from literally 1000 to over 2000 randomly, some days i fuck up pretty bad

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Then do low impact cardio like swimming or biking


You don't have shin splints. Keep running.

i have a small fracture in my shin faggot that's what a shin splint is

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i did exactly what your post describes, several times.

Go tread water for an hour straight every day