Name a better snack than peanuts
Pro tip: you can't
Name a better snack than peanuts
Pro tip: you can't
Walnuts. Better omega ratios
Deez nuts
in terms of nuts, almonds are infinitely better than peanuts
if at home: fruit, cornflakes with yogurt, fried egg sandwich
we're talking snacks here. not a continental breakfast, fatty.
brb 1000 kcals casually snacking between meals
no thanks bro
salted cashew nuts
this and fuck everybody else
Almond butter has more nutrients and is easier to digest.
Walnuts phaggots
twink detected
that's exactly why you snack on nuts on bulk, ez gains brah
Cashews but specially macracananinaonoui can mever say the name of that nut right, but it's the best.
Also just eat fuckin meat brah
I support you op. I eat 100gs of nuts almost every day on keto. Shit's too good
Alright then.
And this.
Peanuts are dogshit nutrition-wise.
The peanut is undisputedly, the worst legume or “nut” you can consume. Especially if it isn’t organic. They are doused with pesticides and easily soak up aflatoxins. The correct answer would be a mix of brazil nuts, walnuts, cashews, pistachios, hazelnuts, and almonds. You and the like truly have plebeian taste.
>walnuts, cashews, pistachios
those are the shit, we have a walnut tree next to our house
>hitting those oporoko protein gains
Based and igbopilled.
I’m allergic to peanuts and eggs.
I don’t know how to eat Jow Forums.
I just eat a ton of meat
...and you give no reason why you think so. Quite the philistine aren’t you? Besides, all of them taste great and offer varied nutrients essential for overall health and muscle hypertrophy.
Protein cookies
He said he liked them tho.
I like them, sure me you little shit
Lol xd my bad I thought he said “they were “shit”. Sorry bro
no problem
>*strokes shitty, poorly kempt facial hair*
Hm, yes quite. I, aswell find his opinion pedantic and ill conceived. Tis great to be a part of the masterrace nut eaters. Surely, this one shall never "make it".
>*clicks play on shitty soundcloud band no one else listens to*
Nigga is fucking butter a snack for you ?
I've been here for 8 years and I still don't get what the fuck do people think when they list butters, meats, sandwiches, fucking salads or oatmeal as snacks
I will never stop being puzzled by this
skellies are a thing user
peanut butter since it's easier to eat a lot
almonds since it tastes better and dat vitamin e
greek yogurt
>100 grams
>600 cals
That's a yikes from me.
I keep a container of peanut butter next to my cUbIcleE and snack on It by the spoonful
I wish I could blend everything to get it down faster
I wish I could order baby food by the gallon
That was the correct aesthetic I was going for. Lmao.
Pistachios are the best but expensive as fuck, at least in Europe dunno the US