
What does fit think about tattoos?

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I don't think they're always bad or anything, but they almost always are. Like the one you just posted.


”You shall not make any cuttings in your flesh for the dead, nor tattoo any marks on you: I am the Lord.” - Leviticus 19:28

I think that tatoos can be alright if they have some deep significance to them other than "it looks cool".

They can look good
Yours wont

Only Onions bois get tats especially when they're not cut can't even see proper definition of his traps or Lats

>old testimant

The vast majority look like shit and I'm of the opinion that people who look good with tattoos would look better without them

Vapid and trashy. Turns 10s into 2s

why are you assuming I want to get a tat retard.

only the non onions can get them

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I like many and have several but this is not related to fitness.

I have several tattoos, and I don't give a fuck about what other people think about them.They're not visible unless I am shirtless (i.e. none above the collar or outside the cuffs) and they won't mean shit to anyone except me.

Not in any particular order they are:

- I have an Aegishjalmur, Norse protection enchantment (see pic related). It's between my shoulder blades.
- I have "Fenris" written in runes on my stomach.
- I have Mjolnir, Thor's Hammer on my right upper arm.
- I have the Norwegian Coat of Arms on my left upper arm (closest to my heart).
- I have the "icon E" logo on my left chest.
- I have a "Valknut" on my left lower arm.
- I have a quote from a famous Norwegian military leader on my right lower arm, citing "You bet your ass we'll use live rounds!" (roughly translated).

I've gotten them over a period of 19 years in total and they hold up just fine.

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do u have Scandinavian heritage?

They have to look good and have good placement. If all your tattoos are visible in a t shirt and pants youre a fucking tool and are a trendhopper. Just as bad as faggots who only started wearing Champion in 2018

I would hope so - I'm a White Norwegian.

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If you're going to intentionally give yourself heavy metal poisoning, make it look cool!


Im thinking about getting something like this on my forearm. What do you think?

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I think they can be tasteful and more than anything it signals that you don't give a fuck. Whether or not you get it for that reason is a different story.

I get compliments on mine all the time but I'd be lying if I said people don't look at me differently.

Anyway, in terms of aesthetics. my forearms and lower legs will end up being completely tatted up but I likely won't get my upper arms tatted because it hides "dem gainz" Look at Jim Stoppani, for example - that mothafucka is ripped but you can't tell because he's so tatted up. Also, be careful to get them in areas th atgrow a lot (elbows, chest, biceps, near the knee) because they will move a little as the skin stretches.

I got a couple of shitty ones back when I was 18, I'm considering adding a few to "even out" my general appearence. Although I'm hesitant because I generally regret getting tattoos in the first place. Either way, I might get some simple "nordic" tattoos to celebrate my heritage or whatever. But it feels kinda stupid. Hit me up if you have any nice designs.

I dig your nationalism man, my respects to you.

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> everyone look at me! I'm unique!

Lol just do shit with your life. Calling attention to yourself by coloring on yourself is STUPID.

transhumanism makes me sick

They're pretty cool and all, just do some research before getting it done. Check archaeological findings from certain areas you find interesting, and see if a tattoo you like matches up with stuff from a given period in time you like.

There are too many Celtic and Norse "inspired" tattoos that just make people look like a retard to those in the know. For instance I can read runes and I can instantly tell if someone has pure gibberish tattooed on themselves. Kinda like someone getting Chinese symbols that mean "rape me" or whatever.

Thank you. Nationalism is fine and all, but these days my loyalty lies with my heritage and lineage, seeing as the Norwegian demographic is changing rapidly. I am also very dedicated to the US Constitution and Bill of Rights, and heavily respect the whole "life, liberty and pursuit of happiness" way of thinking.

Glad you like it, user.

>giving your dna to intelligence agencies voluntarily

Wow you're like totally a warrior! Like the dark and brooding type. Surely you must train in a combat sport of some sort, do you? Or do you just cosplay as one?

I train MMA and boxing, but that's just about it. Haven't been at it for more than six months, so I can't brag about knowing fuck-all.

As for being a warrior I don't know about that. Did my time as QRF in Afghanistan in 2006 Mazār-e Sharīf. Nothing really happened.

he was making fun of you, user

Oh, I know. I just don't care.

I am of celtic heritage so I know what most symbols mean. Also trying to learn gealic which is hard. But I know what you mean lots of people get shit like that because it "looks cool" unfortunately.

I like mine. I think it's pretty cool. Got another booked for soon

>All these people upset someone got doodled on by an ink machine

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Well I just assumed you were Norweign. But as a born and breed scandinavian I appreciate your loyality to our shared heritage.
Nationalism is towards the clay not the government bro.

These look like the spells in baldurs gate

In that case I say go for it. One pro tip I would give you is that when you find a symbol or image you like, put it away in a drawer for about 3 months.
When you look at it again 3 months into the future you will know if you can live with it on your body or if you changed your mind. I have used this method to weed out a couple of less than great ideas for tattoos, such as having my social security number tattooed on me along with some basic medical information (like known drug allergies, blood type etc.).

I just found some random shit, but as a matter of fact, Scandinavian folklore is actually loosely based on baldurs gate

Alright thanks for the advice man!

>Scandinavian folklore is actually loosely based on baldurs gate
I hope you meant the other way around, otherwise this was excellent bait :p

Case by case biases like most things.

>hey guys im a weeb but i want to be subtle about it around normies.

I kinda want one but don't want anything in particular. Don't know where I'd get it either, under the t-shirt area probably, or maybe lower arm if it's inoffensive.

>imagine marking your skin with ink like a machine marks a product to sell it more expensive because it is of a known brand

even your motives are stupid "muh I do not care / it's my body" yeah yeah individualistic lovers of jordan peterson, you faggots are the reason our world is a piece of shit

The real question here is; why do YOU care?

Vikingfags only serve to cringe up this board, its fun watching them shit on other peoples music choices and unironically out themselves as faggot 30 year old boomers

That's actually kinda funny, seeing as I'm 33 years old :D

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Disgusting and instantly tells that the person is an idiot.

what are you, some kind of christian? The old testament IS the bible.

fuck yeah.

I can't believe you don't want a secret weeb signal that's lowkey around normies.

The only autistic thing you can do with tattoos is have a strong opinion one way or another.

Because Op wants to know my opinion
>what does fit think about tattoos

Yeah, but I asked you why you care? Does it matter to you in any way what other people do to their bodies? Are you some kind of homosexual that want to admire my body when I shower at the gym, but find yourself with difficulty of getting a decent erection because there's ink on my body?

I'm flattered that you feel so strongly about it.

Tattoos are soccer mom normie tier shit

Tattoos I have thought about getting:
-Spider web
-"Montani semper liberi"
-Soviet prison style thing like pic related

Doubt I would ever actually go through with it. Girls do like them though.

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Hello John Wick.

i like cheeseburgers just fine, thanks

we're all oscillating between cain and abel anyways

>Veni, Vidi, Vici
>Fiat Justitia, Ruat Caelum
>[Name] killed me

>"Check here for pulse", with instructions
>Clear instructions on your chest for proper CPR
>Emergency number(s)

>Anatomical diagrams over each organ
>Shave your head, get a realistic face tattooed on the back of your head and let your hair grow out to hide it until you become bald/shaven

Grew up in rural Poland. Moved to the US at 13.
I have the lat/long of my childhood home/hometown over my heart, and the name of a friend who died by my hip. Don't plan to get any others.
I think they're fine as long as they aren't tacky and have a real meaning to them.


trashy as hell

Plain black, straight lines only to avoid ruining aesthetics

fucking this. every girl I know who has tattoos is a fucking dumpster fire

I just got a couple since some girls said they'd like me tatted up.

I'm a sort of trashy person though so it's hardly defacing a bright future.

Based pagan larping boomer

if this is real, you have my respect.
if this is an artistic story of fiction and falsehood, it's still a good story.

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I kinda want one but only to cover up the giant stretched scar in the center of my back from having melanoma removed. Still debating on it.

is that Wall-E doing the Zyzz pose?

Yes, some drunk Jow Forumsizen got it a long time ago. It's pretty based

Ive got this on my left calf, Im an electrician. Based or no?

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Just get the biohazard sign instead.

They aren't even tangentially related to diet or exercise. Enjoy your ban

Dont have aids yet tho


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But doesn't that only pertain to self-harm and tattoos for the dead?

A tattoo can be good if it match one of those two conditions:
>meaningful for the wearer

If a tattoo is a random stuff chosen from a tattoo book because you're soulless and just want something cool, it's a bad tattoo.

It's a sign of IQ deficiency and low status

I prefer to call them attention doodles.

>I have tattoos and I don't give a fuck about what other people think about them.They're not visible unless I am shirtless (i.e. none above the collar or outside the cuffs)
Because you give a fuck about what other people think of them? You're living proof that people with tatoos are delusional morons.

>said the guy who replied in detail.
You really are dense

That's why you're a faggot

lmao, this is literally what every tattooed roastie says to validate herself when I confront her about her shitty ink

I’m getting my therapy cats paw print tattooed on my chest and there’s nothing you autists can say to make me feel bad about it

Jow Forums hates tattoos newfag.
I think they’re pretty dope though.


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If you're hugely ripped you can get away with those arm sleeve/body or arm band tattoos. Being a military veteran with combat deployments also gives you a free pass for tattoos. I suppose if you're a widow, widower, a parent who lost kids, or a kid who lost their parents in some tragic way, it also checks out as long as the tattoo isn't obnoxious or poorly designed.

Hardcore old school mafia/triad sort of criminals, biker gangs, can also get away with tats but there are worse life decisions someone has to be worried about than just tattoos at that point.

In other words, it's mostly just men who get away with tattoos. Most tattoos women get are slutty or just stupid. Prove me wrong you can't.

Those all sound cool af. I love the idea of tattoos with cultural significance and thinking of getting some myself.

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When did fit get so gay boys

holy fucking shit this tattoo is so TRYHARD

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Thats the tattoo Gannicus had in Spartacus

My first one, love them if done right

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Tattoos are always gay, even if they have significance to you

But bro it's like a fusion of nature and computers and stuff... it portrays the human minds connection with technology and stuff... bro..


lmao its the norse faggots again!

about 3 days after its creation

theyre cool and good

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I like'm when they're kinda small but all in the same style

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gay and never wanted a gf that into that gay shit.

When I watched FMA as a kid I wanted to get some alchemical symbols tattooed.

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