So which diet is actually better for general fitness and well being?
Carnivore vs Vegan
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definitely not vegans
vegan diet does not work without supplements.
vegan diet is impossible to do with raw foods only.
im a carnivore
i drink blood and eat raw meat
Genuine question:
Why not find an equilibrium between the two, and have a balanced diet?
Shut up fag
Not eating shit obviously. Being a vegan who just eats cookies and processed onions shit all day is obviously terrible for you. Same with eating literally nothing but steaks. Stop looking for some dumbass meme diet and just stop eating foods everyone knows are terrible. No fast food, no soda, eat your veggies and stop wasting time with these threads.
Well that wouldn't make for a very fun thread now would it?
If you look at the scientific literature seems to be vegan for avoiding heart disease and cancers
For fitness and strength no clue
you know what it is...
This is called the middle ground fallacy.
>two arbitrary options
>"let's just find a nice middle ground and ignore all evidence"
>meanwhile, evidence could heavily favor one side, or neither at all.
With that said, veganism actually has the evidence behind it for long term health.
Pls source so I can btfo my vegan housemate
Neither as long as you eat clean. Humans evolved to be omnivorous so an absolute vegetarian or carnivorous diet is counter productive.
Jow Forums is full of carnivores. You will get carnivore as an answer mostly. Look at both sides of the argument and analyse. I honestly don’t know what do believe anymore, carnivore arguments are debunked often so new arguments keep on rising. I just follow my morals, really.
>veganism actually has the evidence behind it for long term health
where is my vegan society that continued to thrive to this day?
Eating nothing bur raw steak, milk, eggs, and liver its 100% sustainable, and has everything you need, even if you lift
>who will live longer
Who fucking cares? If all you worry about in life is your survival, I don't care what your diet is. You're no better than a cockroach skittering around looking for discarded crap to eat and scattering at the mere thought of a threat. You lived to be 80? Shut the fuck up you old faggot. There's only one difference between you and a toddler and it's that a toddler at least is owed respect and consideration, you on the other hand are most likely a fucking wrinkly, disgusting, old NEET with some kind of degenerative disease. Pitifully inarticulate and weak. And yet you demand such respect, such reverence for your shitty wisdom and your "remember my golden years..." stories. Fuck old people and fuck people who aspire to live forever like lasting another day for no reason gives their lives purpose. Edgy or not I stand by what I say.
Movement and Intake. It does not matter what you eat because nature places roles on consumption and propagation. The inactive will die off to make room for the active roles.
>What is a normal eating habit
Carnivore diet doesn’t work with medication.
Loma Linda.
Longest living people in the USA (so similar genetic profile to your average Jow Forumsizen.
Within the population there the vegans live longer than the vegetarians who live longer than the omnivores.
Time and time again, vegan diets have been scientifically proven to be better for all-round health and longevity than carnivore diets or even regular omnivore diets. Do yourself a favour and don't ever listen to insufferable morons on Jow Forums who shill for this carnivore diet nonsense.
Check out the Japanese that regularily hit 100+, they eat fish every day
Probably carnivore for general well-being, but both are ultimately terrible for you.
Calling bullshit on this. Ice age times nobody was picking berries and eating broccoli. Cavemen were out hunting for meat. Eskimo's today live on meat. There is not a single documented tribe in the world that ever was vegan. Good quality meat is the most nutritious food there is. This is why predator animals tend to be muscular and hunt while prey animals tend to fatten up and are made for running away.
>Time and time again, vegan diets have been scientifically proven to be better for all-round health and longevity than carnivore diets or even regular omnivore diets.
Then why has no tribe in history been vegan only? Then why do the jews keep pushing veganism on the masses? Vegetables are growing from depleted soil. So even if they were healthier it wouldn't matter since the soil is deprived of nutrients from over farming.
This. Whether people are vegan or not the current science heavily favors a diet that is mostly plant based with very low meat consumption relative to the current consumed amounts.
I have no idea why people can't just accept eating meat in the current quantities they're including in their diet isn't nearly as healthy as they believe. Not only do they not accept it they go in the complete opposite direction.
These type of people are effectively outing themselves as retards and shouldn't even be conversed with. Would you spend your time arguing with an 8 year old child about current nutritional science? Of course not.
vegans will live longer because they naturally consume less calories. less calories = less metabolic activity = longer life
why would you want to eat raw foods only anyway, are you a fucking retard?
they haven't eaten fish everyday, and you don't mention the exact fish consumption per capita, it's not a lot, japanese don't eat much specially the ones that actually reach that age range
Because tribal people eat whatever they can get their hands on. They don't have modern luxuries when it comes to food choices.The types of foods they were eating I'm sure a lot of us would turn out noses up at. They also suffered from the same ailments associated with consuming meat in large amounts. This isn't a good argument against veganism.
In regards to the depleted soil comment. Fun fact. Did you know that humans are only consuming 6% of the s.o.y grown on this planet? Where do you think the rest is going?
Carnivore diet does not work without supplements.
Carnivore diet is impossible to do with raw foods only.
>good for you
Yep definitely shill.
not him but vegetarian here.
i just don't see how it would be possible for me to get to my daily protein without supplements.
then again i'm also the laziest man alive when it comes to food, but damn.
Reading comprehension dude
When people say "vegans are healthier" or "vegans live longer", what people actually mean is "vegans don't eat white sugar, white bread and too much white salt". There is nothing wrong in eating meat+vegetables, it's the mt balanced and healthiest diet. The problem comes when you eat too much of unhealthy fats and sugar. You'll bever meet a vegan who only skips out on meat, they usually go full "mother nature" mode and skip out on EVERYTHING that MAYBE unhealthy. Meat alone or diary products have nothing in them that will kill you but balance is always the key.
Why go full extreme on one side? It's never a good option. There is nothing wrong with mixing vegetables with meat. The only thing that is unhealthy are sugars and meat made by dipping it in deep fry. The core point of veganism was always "animal feelings getting hurt". Every bullshit after that was artificially made. Just like NoFap. It was about curing porn addiction and excessive masturbation but now people think it gives you magical powers so they quit masturbating for years. Nothing that you do excessive is healthy for you.
>Implying it's because of lack of meat...It's general lifestyle and the way they make their food. You won't see them chugging soda and eating cake every week. I've have more than 8 family members who lived up to 100 or more years and meat and cheese were staple in their diet.
Fuck, I forgot about that >
meat for kings , grains for peasants
they also eat tons of beef. Not like they just stumbled upon kobe and only sell it
Protein is possible. It's just like vitamin A that's an issue
Really, if you don't like the idea of red meat, just go pescetarian. Veganism is retarded.
Not true there are plenty of vegan full profile proteins. I'd say having enough calories is the main issue. You just need to not be a lazy fag and do your research and meal planning or eat meat if you can't be bothered with that
I'd rather live a life worth living than be a cripple 90 year old sucking on broccoili and onions that's why
This is also true vegan diets rely on modern bioscience to even work
> enough calories is the main issue.
Just add a bunch of sugar to your shakes, like vagens tend to do. Or olive oil.
why reinvent the wheel? Just eat clean and get your macros
>and too much white salt
>And as for salt, which Audette rails against in a manner so prolific it rivals the Westboro Baptist Church's hatred of the homosexuals, it's not only necessary, but critical.
>"Certain isolated groups in areas such as Brazil, Papua New Guinea, and rural African communities have been found to live on sodium intakes of as little as 1150 mg per day. However, despite finding generally low blood pressure in these remote communities, the little evidence that exists on these low salt societies suggests shorter life expectancy and higher mortality rates" (Kresser).
>Paleo authors will often rail against sodium intake, suggesting that paleolithic man consumed less sodium than is recommended by the government to maintain optimal health. Apparently, however, they lack access to Wikipedia. Wild animals, of whom our ancestors were a part, utilize natural "salt licks" to maintain healthy bone and muscle growth. These mineral licks are so important to wildlife that they're illegally used to bait animals for hunting, and even the Vikings mentioned them prominently in their mythology. According to Norse mythology,
>"In Norse mythology, before the creation of the world, it was the divine cow Audhumla who, through her licking of the cosmic salt ice, gave form to Buri, ancestor of the gods and grandfather of Odin. On the first day as Audhumla licked, Buri's hair appeared from the ice, on the second day his head and on the third his body" (Wikipedia)
"eat your veggies" oh how i hate the american (((nutrition memes))).
Your why
your why why ????
Why are they my veggies?
To say something constructive, i think a mostly animal based diet is good, with a good amout of simple carbs added. In the summer more raw fruits and salat in the winter more lard, butter, meat. Processing is mostly good because it removes the antinutients found in natural foot sources (yes wheat grain, a fresh potato, etc are sources of foot not foot. If you think otherwise you have no culture.
>In other words, no matter what the paleo authors might say, they're fucking morons- salt is important in your diet. Nevermind seasonings, which have been used since time immemorial- you need to salt your food. The issue with salt isn't too much salt- it's an imbalance in your salt and potassium intake. Prehistoric man ate a hell of a lot more potassium than we did, which kept their electrolytes balanced and kept them hydrated.
A well planned, supplemented, whole foods vegan diet is GOAT. Vegans of all kinds consistently live longer than omnivores.
Thank you for this post, too many people went ful retard with their anti salt shit
Although i generally agree with you, and i think that a whole foods, plant based diet, is 'probably' better than a meat heavy diet, there really hasnt been alot of scientific literature comparing vegan/vegetarian dieting to HEALTH conscious omnivores.
I think thats really the biggest determining factor when you look into studies comparing the 2 lifestyles. Vegans are generally going to be more health conscious overall when you only compare them to the average fat-fuck american who eats fast food and drinks soda 5x a week.
And i think that most of us here wouldnt fall into either category. Id be really interested to see what long term studies would show if you compared vegans/vegetarians to physically active, health conscious omnivores with high muscle mass/low body fat.
Who the fuck does this? I don't want type 2
hows this for a cut? i eat like a retard obviously.
based and hehepilled
I'm not saying all salt should be banned but there are differences in amount and there are differences is quality and where it comes from. Just like sugar. It's not the same sugar found in apple and found in chocolade.
patently false