Could i make gains on a low fat carnivore diet?
Could i make gains on a low fat carnivore diet?
Yes dumbass but eat more than your tde
> low fat
> carnivore diet
thats honestly the best way to do it. do OMAD, eat fucking pounds of lean grassfed steak, get that massive nitrogen surplus and slow carb load. the only problem is affording all that meat
Whats wrong with that? Too addicted to fat?
u gonna die
Good luck getting 3000 calories of protein alone. Fucking retard.
Thats just 3kg of chicken
1kg per meal is 4 chicken breasts
Thats not a whole lot
A .308 to the dome
>low fat
Pick one
is this the best reverse shilling vegans can muster?
Is this board really falling for the carnivore meme?
Honestly man, in theory you could. But don't count on it working. The ideal way to make gains includes taking carbs 1-1/2 hour before your workout to charge your muscles with so the can generate ATP. If you're a beginner noob the you will still make decent gains but that diet is mostly for fat loss.
I come across as a tough guy, the alpha male
Either fat lovin keto insulin fear monger faggot or vegan
Yes but get some carbs in there or eat high amounts of protein until that spike of insulin. Truth be told eating carbs is easier
Waz leen meet
Why do you faggots always seek the extremes, just have a balanced diet which blows any other diet out the water
this. you need to eat tons of fat to get the calories in
No you wouldnt gain enough calories, on carnivore you're supposed to get 70-80% of your calories from fat.
I come across as a tough guy, the alpha male