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And be as strong as the strongest 5 guys in a commercial city centre gym?

In my country and the top two are all the dumbbells and the only ones on the other hand though so I don't want friends and social workers who are not going to be able to do mandatory things for me.

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The only way to get one of these is that the one and only appealing the case to him was the fact he did not know that it's not gay but that he had good intentions to go back and look like that on a Yemeni skating tour that he had been trying to.

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gb2bed user

Alan gives decent advice if you can overlook his Reddit tier humor, especially since he bought Barbell Medicine guys to his channel.

Finland pls go

>Alan gives decent advice

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Jow Forums exists for people to be contrarian so I shouldn't be surprised at this

Nice observation bro.
Alan is a retard. He's been lifting for like 15 years, and has the lifts of someone who did SS for 1.

based stroke poster

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I know he isn't elite tier, but let's be real man, he deadlifts 600 pounds, squats above 500 pounds for reps and benches 330 pounds (not sure on exact number), that's decent strength in real world.
He parrots whatever Barbell Medicine says so it's good, especially when Baraki and (((Feigenbaum))) do videos.

His pressing strength is pretty damn subpar for someone who's been training for a solid decade. I mean, Jesus, I got a better strict press than him after focusing on it for like half a year.

Not a fan, as with any other JewTube lifting guy out there, one needs to filter and compare to obtain the best advice.
For the case of Alan, I have to admit he has some pretty decent lifting, doesn't go scientific on explanations and has the balls to admit some of his early vids are not accurate or simple shit.

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show me one person who went from untrained to 500+ squat in ONE YEAR using SS only lmao get memed on

Based strokeposter

Yeah man in my country we do in our everyday lives a gym without bumper plates and the only difference in my training is essentially that

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As a father, I find that pic fucking depressing.

It's "train unchained"

Is it just me, or is the left really trying to ruin their chances of ever winning an election? They're killing their future voting base by sterilizing their males, being faggots in general, and literally aborting their future voters.

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His gym ia called untamed strength you fucking mongoose

They import new ones all the time. Doesn't matter what these ones do.

They'll just import some voters by enticing them with gibs.
This is how they currently have any power at all.

Do you even weigh the same?

Nah, I'm a fatty. Doesn't make his pressing any less sub-par though.