How sugar has ruined your life and what youre going to do about it


I used to add table spoons of sugar to the foods I ate and I could feel it taking its toll. l've been off anything sweet for a solid year, its gotten to the point where anything a bit sweet tastes so strong I gag and my body rejects it, The detox has caused me to taste sweetness in the subtlest things, water, milk, fucking lemons taste sweet to me


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>I used to add table spoons of sugar to the foods I ate
what the hell

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It was a dark time for me user, I craved the sweetness in everything I ate, fucken ramen noodles, milk, sandwitches and anything I stirfried

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Fuck I meant to reply to you

Had the same addiction OP. Although, I’ve managed to control my self for the past 2 months now. So far so good

Its worth it man after a while everything is sweeter and you dont need it anymore

I still get sugar through sandwich bread and peanut butter but it's pretty hard for me to gain without those. That being said I've cut it out of everything else.

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Been almost a month for soda and sweets. I hope i get to your point OP.
My main problem is i love baking from time to time and need to find a good cheapish substitute

Hey OP have you experienced any changes mentally or physically since you stopped?

>be a fat fuck
>eat too much sugar
>get fat
>wtf sugar is literary Hitler

Mentally I dont have those sugar highs and lows and I dont have craving anymore because when I do try to eat anything with alot of sugar that Id usually crave like Icecream, milkshakes or bobba tea I just feel like spitting out its too much sugar for my tastebuds to even handle, like this week I had noodles with lemon juice, and that shit was the sweetest thing I had all month I almost cried because of how far I had come I never knew that the tastes of everything Ive been eating had been clouded by an addiction to extreme levels of sweetness

Physically I think Ive gotten to the point where early humans are at, when the sweetest thing in their lives theyd eat was a fruit from a tree which would have been as sweet as a carrot is today. I aplreciate all the subtle sweetnesses you dont notice because your tollerance is so high to it the sweetest thing I eat now is fruits.

its fine to have some sugar like in bread if you cant even taste is or fruits because its natural just soda and shit is just too much for the human body, fucking excess glucose and the shit that is high fructose corn syrup causes fatty liver disease, heart disease and gives you a beer gut
and im a leaner now thats a plus

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My problem with sugar is not the substance itself although it is kind of problematic sometimes. It's the way they shamelessly shove it in everyone's face all day at all times. The way they oversell it in the packages, the business behind it.

Its legal cocaine theyd be dumb not to try and exploit it

>I almost cried

fuck sugar

>more addictive than cocaine
>t. has never done cocaine
protip dont do cocaine.

Based. Off sugar for 4 weeks and I'm fucking indefatigable.

everything in moderation user. Nothing will happen if you'll have can or 2 of sodas once in while, same with chocolate bar... you can even have more of those if you accompany it with exercise(like a half day hike for example)

on the other hand, if you do fuck all whole days and stuff your face with shit and washing it down with litres of soda then obviously sugar is bad

Unironically #NotAllSugar

Natural sugars are fine, its just added sugars you need to stay away from

Literally eating a pop tart right now. Decide to check
>38g sugar

Yeah I try my best to have only sugar from fruit and I dont mind too much if its in bread or in such small amounts you cant even taste it

My body cant even consume it anymore, I have no cravings for it anymore because when I did give into temptation It was foul tasting the sweetness was too much and if I could get it down my stomach would act up

Why do people post shit like this? Sugar is garbage but there's no way it's addictive as cocaine.

Shit like this and nofap day 3 curing your acne/giving you superpowers. It takes all your other legitimate points and makes you look like a cultist.

I've never started telling my best mate how I'm in love with her after a red bull lad

studies using animal model show it is, and pretty much all research into addiction uses the animal model

sugar gets processed the same way alcohole does through your liver and and excess in both leads to fatty liver disease and a gut from it

X doubt

>sugar gets processed the same way alcohole
U wot? Last time I checked, alcohol dehydrogenase played no role in sugar metabolism my dude

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Numbers of people hooked on cocaine vs hooked on sugar would seem to contradict those stdudies

do you honestly think that's how addiction is shown? it doesn't contradict it in the slightest since cocaine has a lot more positives, next time at least read the abstract before replying