Is adderall safe? I swear I have 2x the energy on it

Is adderall safe? I swear I have 2x the energy on it.

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>Is adderall safe?
>I swear I have 2x the energy on it.
>I swear I have 2x the energy on it.
>I swear I have 2x the energy on it.
Big thinks, user. Quit while you're ahead, you're the type of dumbass to become addicted.

I had heart palpitations while on it. Now I have a permanent arrhythmia.

>I swear I have 2x the energy on it.
no way

> is meth safe? I swear I have 2x the energy on it

>Be OP.
>Take stimulants
>Wonders why he has more energy

Attached: 8nRqoXW.png (800x729, 48K)

Safe in that it won't kill you right away? Sure.
But it will prime you for hardcore speed addiction and cause early and severe alzheimers later in life.

It’s addictive and the side effects catch up to you over time. Bloody stool, poor sleep, mood swings.

And of course you build up a tolerance over time.

what about methylphenidate anons?

Attached: 687e1da778e72d39d712b0c8e20ed0e0.png (392x294, 264K)

Are melatonin pills safe?
I don't feel comfortable taking a pill to fall asleep

All fun and games until your dick won't get/stay hard on Adderall.

don't take adderall every day and you'll be fine. twice, maybe three times a week max. all side effects are greatly exaggerated or only pertain to people who take it every day for months and months. there are fringe cases where it just doesn't sit well with people. 10 or 20 mg ir tablets are a nice spot.

i got addicted to that shit, just quitting now

Shrinks ya dick/10

Yes it's safe
But a lot of retards abuse it and end up crack addicts
Just stay at the minimum dose forever, you don't need more

Even safer

I'd say the opposite.
If you're going to take it regularly then take it every day.
Many years ago when I was less experienced I used to only take it on week days and not weekends since I wasn't working.
I would however start going through physical withdrawals without realizing (no cravings) and it would make me super angry and irritable.
Many holes in walls were punched and I once headbutted my mother.
Better to just take a maintenance dose

i take it but i makes me very agitated and i wish it didn't

Hmmmm maybe because it isnt actually safe?

You can't be this stupid.
Ffs it's amphetamine. Of course it will fuck your shit up.

>I would however start going through physical withdrawals without realizing (no cravings) and it would make me super angry and irritable.
>Many holes in walls were punched and I once headbutted my mother.

wow that sounds safe. Can't wait to start pumping this into my brain!

That would be the cue to stop taking that complete shit and never fucking touch it again.
You're a goddamned drug addict and you're telling people to become permanent addicts who'll destroy their minds and bodies.

It's perfectly safe
People who get fucked up by it generally are people who misused it, i.e. were chasing a high so they constantly upped their dosage
At 5mg dex per dose, or 10mg ritalin per dose, taken no more than once every 2 hours, you'll be absolutely fine.
.t I've been taking stims for over a decade and have tried every one legally available where I live

HURRRR DURRR even caffeine has similar withdrawal affects, you moron

Yeah, trying it once or twice is fine but it’s setting you up for a bad time if you use it regularly.

dont take it, theres no reason to. focus and attention span are skills/physical attributes you can work on and build like anything else. they are very bad for you and addicting.

>HURRRR DURRR even caffeine has similar withdrawal affects, you moron

Yes, I know it has withdrawal symptoms. I was on a 5 strong cups a day coffee habit a while ago. It was hell to go clean and then cut back to once or twice every few days or when I need the help to cut.
But it is fucking nothing NOTHING compared to speed withdrawl.
Go shill your meth to the victims of the ADD lie and LEARNEN gains bullshit.

It can be used as a tool to help.
But if you see it or use it as an every day thing or something you need to live a normal life.
Then you FUCKED UP!.
You're a drug addict plain and simply.
And you know what.
The side effects and long term negatives of the drug are not even close to being worth what they can do.
Not on any goddamned level .

>The side effects and long term negatives of the drug are not even close to being worth what they can do.
Like what?
What side effects am I supposed to be experiencing after over 10 years of taking this shit that I am not?
If anything the side effects all went away after a few years because my body adapted to it

You've been on that shit for ten years and you've been having withdrawal symptoms where you get pissed and antsy if you don't have it....oh god.
That isn't good bro.
You can't even see the side effects either.
Ah shit.
I'm sorry man.
I really am.

>Are amphetamines safe?

No. Thanks for asking.

Ritalin usually makes me feel more tweaked and anxious. Still good and possibly more energy, but definitely more of a tweaky cracked out feeling

The withdrawal affects are caused by depletion of dopamine, they happen even if you've only been taking it a week
Your brain just needs a week or so to readjust and normalize dopamine levels again
It's really not a big deal, just means you're grumpy for a while
Your brain rebounds fast

>You can't even see the side effects either.
Stuff like dry mouth are super hard to not notice, so I'm quite sure I don't have it
In fact my mouth is quite full of saliva because I'm hungry (oh, and appetite suppression is yet another side affect I'm evidently not getting)

Are you retarded?

It just adapts to the poison you're putting into it. It doesn't get better.
You're making your body worse user.
You will have severe memory issues in middle age and alzheimers is going to hit you like a brick.
That is, if you survive what it's going to do to your heart.

K. Well have fun with that.

Lel you are going to die over this shit. Make sure you don't repoduce.

Seems like the drug has rotten your brain.

Considering you've probably never touched the stuff I'm quite sure I'm more well aware of the risks than you

I took 20mg IR today and jerked off for 8 hours top jej. This shit is bad for you, don’t take it more than twice a month legit

>rotten your brain
My point exactly

>I took 20mg IR today and jerked off for 8 hours top jej
You for sure shouldn't be using it, you're too retarded and will probably make your dick fall off

they're safe but i would only take them on days where you must fall asleep asap. taking them every night can make you dependent bc your body will stop developing it, bc why would it, its getting it randomly from some pill every night

>alzheimers from adderall
Literally the opposite is true, amphetamine protects against alzheimers and age-related dementia, theyve done studies. Maybe you're thinking of methamphetamine?

Post them.
Post those studies.

I’ve been taking 10 mg pretty much every morning for 2 months now. Idk what withdrawal shit people talk about but when i get off them for a couple days i just feel a little dip in productivity and then I’m back to normal.
I guess you get hooked if you’re constantly upping the dose just to keep getting high. Yeah in that case it’s terrible.

It's AMPHETAMINES you moron, one of the most addictive substances ever made, also some of the most dangerous to your health.

Enjoy your addiction and potentially HEART ATTACK.


This is just blatantly untrue. You pulled this right out of your ass and you know it.

>Ass-pulls amphetamine causing alzheimers
>Demands studies when this is called into question
Go grab a noose, buddy.

>inch and a half long pills
how the fuck are you supposed to get those down without being a literal whore with no gag reflex?

It’s doctor prescribed amphetemines. Not great.

Shit like alzheimers is mostly genetic anyways.
It's like balding and steroids, it only effects GDEs

Dude just drink coffee

Doctors prescribe a lot of scary sounding things.
But they're only allowed to do so when they think it'll help you

>But they're only allowed to do so when they think it'll help you

Oh my sweet summer child. I can tell you that doctors get bonuses from pharma companies for prescribing certain drugs and services:

I'm taking it for adhd but if you want adderal for energy youre retarded and probably a speed junky already.
I'd rather not be on this but it helps me too much with attention and laziness

There's no way the caffeine in your pre-workout or coffee isn't enough to assist you in a workout. I think you just have addictive tendencies and want to trailer hitch your workout onto the intense dopamine rush of hard stimulants. Very naughty, user.

It’ll go away after you stop for a few months. Good luck though because if you’re at that point you probably have a problem.

>if you want adderal for energy youre retarded and probably a speed junky already.
>but it helps me too much with... laziness

Adderall is fine as long as you cycle your dose and avoid taking it more than 3x a week. The problems start when you're on it every day and develop a dependency.

Look at how recovering adderal addicts talk and function

Based arrhythmia poster