Jow Forums
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Fitness #495
Rec me some exercises to do with the ab wheel
What can I do to get out of bed quicker?
How do I improve my homegym Jow Forums ?
Dude just did nofap for 90 days
Goal body thread
How to get Mr. X physique?
What do you do on your rest days?
Gives you diarrhea
Why are women allowed to be fat but not men?
Will we ever know his cycle?
How do I stop being a biceplet?
Gf has let herself go
You guys must have some serious will power to be avoiding pizza
Hello Jow Forums getting my phismosis and tight frenulum fixed by circumsision in about 4 hours...
How many times do you wipe
The barbell slips out of my hand. Should I start using workout gloves...
Intermittent fasting works really well even if you don’t track calories and there’s nothing you can say to convince...
I am Andrew Ryan, and I'm here to ask you a question. Is a man not entitled to the sweat of his brow? "No...
Hey everyone it's just /lgbt/ droppin by to say hi
He inspired millions
Blocks your path wyd
Do you guys ever feel like after you're done eating your heart stops for a second and makes you gasp a little...
Big guy thread
/fat/ - Dreaming of Making it Edition
Why aren't you training abs every day Jow Forums?
What am I doing wrong and what can I be doing better?
How much muscle should i expect to lose on a cut?
Just drank 14 beers holy shit how fucked am I? This is the fourth time this week
Are there any crazy stories about Arnie and women?
What mode is this and how do I achieve it?
What are some gym facts that all of Jow Forums agrees on...
Are you working out this Valentine's day or will you be taking the day off?
Most Recent Fitness Achievement?
Meet girl
/NoFap 2019/ Day 45
/fit humor
Brap Thread
Have you dated a wheyfu?
Can someone help me with rep ranges...
Straps & Hookgrip
Post stories of something cool you did about lifting or fucking or something
You know its true
I have weak spinal erectors. Is this a good exercise or is it a meme?
Just failed no fap again
Jow Forums anime
Be Jow Forums prettyboy ottermode manlet
Are left-leaning men physically weaker than right-wing men? Is there any scientific proof of this?
So basically I saw an article about Muhammad Ali and Bruce Lee
D-D-Do you still lift for her Jow Forums?
Why haven't you asked your gym crush out yet, Jow Forums?
Finally became fit enough to make it on tinder. I got a match but I’m not sure if I should pursue...
Tfw everyone who I meet at the gym is super cool and nice and the people who aren't are neutral and I just ignore them
Most based vidya soundtrack/song ever
What's the best exercise to get a chiseled lower chest?
So why do meat heads and other low IQ apes hate the hex bar deadlift again?
How do you guys delude yourselves into thinking you'll make it when you've had a part of your dick peeled and ripped...
21 year years old
-3500kcal was supposed to be -0,5lbs of fat, right?
What is a redpilled/right wing fitness routine?
At what bodyfat percentage do you begin to get cheeks like these?
Depression and libido
/fraud/ - steroids general
/face/ rate thread
/fast/ - #384 - STERN TALK EDITION
/QTTDTOT/- Questions that don't deserve their own thread
Guys, I tought the new year comics were a joke
How are so many “men” content to look like this?
Why do you guys lift?
/OWG/- Olympic Weightlifting General
What mode is this?
That major sudden decrease in strength and size after starting a cut
I think I'm going to do an 8 hour arms at the gym tomorrow since I'll have it all to myself. What are your plans?
Food thread/ mod sticky sucks cock
I got mired by a girl for the first time in my life and i spilled so much spaghetti that i think i may never recover...
Hair loss
How am i supposed to compete with this
So we all have different opinions on diet and training and lifestyle and shit
No mogg thread brahs
Is this natural achievable
Who /wallpuncher/ here?
The most underrated machine in the gym
How to Combat Fatigue?
What inspired you to start lifting?
Free soloing is peak Jow Forums
How do i know if i get enough protein? i just eat regular food like potatoes, rice and meat. like...
At what weight is it appropriate to stop cleaning your OHP and use the squat rack instead?
Vegan lifts 3 pl8
Thighs rubbing
25 yo, never took steroids. Still have back acne... What do?
This is a reminder lads this is why we lift keep at it
Redpill me on ec stack Jow Forums, how well does it actually work? will it give me a heart attack...
Show me your workout face
What's the best way to improve my bench press?
Repeat after me
Got my Testosterone results
Would Jow Forums be okay with having a daughter? and would you try to teach her Jow Forums things you've learned?
Who do you lift for?
Mfw I have to get a spotter for the last set of my bench press
Girl here, can running and squatting make my feet uglier?
Ok how exectly do i get this
Does Jow Forums prefer muscular amazonian crossfit girls or just fit athletic toned girls with tights like pic related?
Am I the only one who feels like everyone works out these days?
Remember to put down the weights tommorrow and help society
Give me your best chad names
Blizzard outside
How to get rid of my mild acne? Pic related is me
11th day of nofap
Ummm, guys... What happens if you work every muscle every day?
Hairs back
Activities outside of lifting?
ITT Anime that inspire you to become bigger
I dont understand the whole nofap movement
How to stop wasting time for lurking Internet and get your shit done?
How does one escape this mode?
The year of the gf
Tell me the secrets to reducing belly fat
Have you guys ever paid for a fitness plan?
Body rate thread
Your Biggest Pet Peeves In The Gym
/fraud/ - steroids general
/sfg/ - Sexual Fitness General
*Destroys your gains and health*
20, in college
Which one are you?
I'm seeking to look better and don't give a shit aboutt my lifts...
So... Can I see those digits user?
Does Jow Forums cry?
What did you eat today?
Routine rate thread
Music to work out to
My mom doesn't want me to lift weights
Jow Forums told me to go boulderiing
Women don't have willpowe-
Abdominal development
What am i in for lads?
This is 3 years of natty lifting LOOOOOOOOOOL
What kind of workouts to make my wife do when she is pregnant? I want her son to be high test
Gf's ex posts story of him OHPing 1.5pl8
/fat/ I have sacrificed many chickens to this weight loss
What mode is this?
How to get man hands , my hands look like maid hands...
Jow Forums on Instagram
Manual Labour
Give me one reason you don't put frozen avocados in your shakes...
Jow Forums Survey
What was the physical requirements for joining the SS (asking for a friend) ?
Sports Physio/Physiotherapy Job
Fell for the bulking meme
Tinder unclothed body shots
What martial art should I learn/do you do?
Going on my first date in three years. How do I not fuck it up / throw up in anxiety...
What is everyone doing for valentines day, and how will this affect your gains?
I just want a clear fucking skin
Does anyone here know about contraceptive pills?
How can i weight 75kg?
Will i regret getting a sleeve tattoo Jow Forums?
How will you get protein when the cost of meat is artificially increased by president booker?
The biggest memes are:
Yo my dudes i keep pulling my back out on deadlifts... people at the gym say my form looks fine
Mfw there are actually people browsing this board right now that have never had sex
Push ups
As a natty, are you forever stuck cycling between ottermode and a smaller version of bearmode?
HIIT or steady state cardio? Which one is better?
How early should kids be lifting weight without perverse effects on their growth...
Running thread
ITT:boxer general
/sig/ - self improvement general
Go to a big football school in the south
What advice will the 60 year old you give to the current you?
So now that the dust settled, what really builds muscle for newbies, PPL or full body split?
Scooby's back with some key insights on what it's like to be a fudge packer. The comments are hilarious
Why do you lift?
Sexual fitness threads allowed
Will lifting cure my social anxiety?
What is Jow Forums going to do for a living once everything is automated?
Am 30 and sedentary
What do i do when my stoner roommate eats my meal prep?
Goodbye guys. It's been a pleasure serving with you all...
Ok honest question about fasting
Redpill me on eggs. Why are they so good Jow Forums?
Is creatine natty?
Is anyone here a male model (fashion) or a fitness model?
David Laid
Is there any scientifically proven sports supplements that work outside of test?
"i volunteer at my local animal shelter...
Has he actually provided any evidence that his routine is better than others
Ideals thread
Mire thread? mire thread. Any good ones recently, anons?
Was Justin Bieber ever aesthetic, or was he just a try-hard?
Hey user want to go in the hot tub with us *teehee* no clothing allowed!
Why is this allowed?
Will Lifting make me more extroverted?
Reminder that all women are whores
Am i still dyel?
Been going to the gym for 5 months
Brutally moggs you in every single aspect of your life
ITT: we pay tribute to the glorious bird of gains
Who quit caffeine longterm?
Remember how great the misc used to be?
Is there anything more cucked than being a alcoholic/ drug user?
Fitness expert
Reminder to put down your weights this thursday
Reminder that being too poor is no excuse
Now that the dust have settled, will this make me bald?
5'11 manlet 155lbs
/plg/ - Powerlifting General
He's still a virgin during the most sexually decadent time period since the fall of the Roman empire
Thanks creatine
How to raise a Chad
Obtainable natty?
I got cucked Jow Forums, my best friend hooked up w my ex. I've been shivering all night long...
One shot at life
So, what do you like to do for fun, Jow Forums? or.. don't tell me...
Is recomp a meme?
Nofap gainz - bullshit or not?
Redpill me on "ottermode," Jow Forums. Does it look good?
You pathetic little fucking
So is sugar good or bad in the end?
Lifting music thread?
Albums to lift to
What would you say to your 14 year old self
/nsg/ No Shampoo General
How many calories and protein am I getting here?
Defend or refute this statement:
Dear /fit
Who here does carnivore diet?
Protein water
Supplements thread
Tuesday /cbt/
Why are families such cut goblins?
You CAN do free standing pistol squats right, Jow Forums?
Motivational thread
How many of you lift to compensate for a small penis?
Let’s see everyone’s favorite gym shirt Jow Forums
Should I drink milk?
/fraud/ - steroids general
Tfw probably low test
*improves your gains and recovery
Jow Forums ignores mucoid plaque
Mastic gum
So how's that creatine addiction coming along?
Is proper form a meme when trying to gain mass?
Hey bros noob here from Jow Forums I let myself stagnate to much how do i get Jow Forums build chest
Tell me a reason why oats are not the best bulk food on planet earth?
This is my opinion of what the perfect body type is based on height. Does Jow Forums agree?
Hof Breathing
I am getting major cosmetic surgery on my jawline next week
Fitness cringe/beta males at the gym
How the fuck does Jow Forums deal wit this shit? Ever since I started lifting all my shirts are fucked
Trip to Thailand in Jan 2019
This thread decides your tomorrow
What would you eat if you were a billionaire?
/FRAUD/ - the shitshow continues
Symmetric Strength Thread
What are you lifting on Valentine's Day? Pull day for me. I'll probably have the gym to myself
He can't deadlift 4pl8
Klinefelter syndrome
Based scooby
Redpill me on sarms
Wtf Jow Forums...some normie just approached me at the gym and just straight up asked me to be his training partner...
Push Up Thread
Can you kill a 700 lbs Siberian tiger with just a pair of 45 lbs Dumbbells?
Oh busted! Its cookie time godammit
In the grocery store with gf
That 6'7 guy who makes everyone at the gym feel like turbo manlets
How to nofap?
I enter my mid-twenties this week. What can I expect?
The answer to all my problems
Why is my Progression so slow?
Ok, this guy eats blueberries, honey, vegetables, and the occasional salmon and looks like that?!
Be lactose intolerant
/fph/ - empowered edition
My girlfriend is 130lbs and looks like she's a healthy weight, but her skin/flesh is kind of doughy...
I can't perform OHP due to my scoliosis. Are there any substitutes that are not gonna fuck up my spine even baldlier?
In the middle of lift
Well Jow Forums, how does your daily routine look like?
Name a better Jow Forums animation
Of course I eat modern man-made fruit
Is roller skating a good form of exercise?
If you could travel back 10 years and talk to yourself, what would you say?
Scientifically based full body workout with high frequency and focus on compounds
Repeat after me
Massage vs foam rolling;
ITT: Last Rep Faces
Can you do heavier weighted pull ups when your bodyweight is bigger...
When will they learn ?
Have you ever sexually assaulted a woman?
What fuels you the most?
Quad dominance making me upset
Well Jow Forums, you pushed it and I tried it
My boyfriend lifts a lot and lately I noticed him talking more about steroids and he's slowly wanting to start with...
Is it ideal to work forearms and calves everyday?
Has your mom ever complimented you on your physique, Jow Forums? does she support you at all?
Jow Forums humor thread?
/sfg/ - Sexual Fitness General
Anyone here done Naturally Enhanced? How is it?
Jow Forumsizens, I need your help!
Tfw naturally/genetically low T levels
Be 5'3
It’s 3:30 right now and I literally can’t sleep because since around 11 I’ve had the most profound itching I’ve...
How does this happen and how would you fix this?
Who here has never been in love?
Why do people start gaining huge amounts of weight after 25 years old, despite eating the same diet?
"Weighted Calisthenics" is not calisthenics
Will the student surpass the master?
/smg/ Strongman General
Motivational thread
Honest question
There are two buttons
/sig/ - "The journey is the destination" edition
Pull ups
Cut or bulk
/plg/ - powerlifting general
Am I supposed to hate every minute of lifting. Shit has gotten real hard after starting out fun
/keto/ general
Should I be taking vitamins/supplements Jow Forums? If so what should I be taking?
Tinder thread, mogs itt
Im interested in rock climbing, i plan on applying this week at gym nearby...
How important is sex when it comes to staying / getting Jow Forums?
NoFap for the first time, let's talk about its myths
Need some quick advice. In the military, need to run 2 miles in under 14 minutes. I'm a fat body and keep failing...
What's the deal with these shoes?
Gained 20 pounds in under 3 months
Let’s talk about the wall
Walking home from leg day like
Bone Broth
You guys lied, I did not feel this "runner's high" when I almost died on the treadmill today. It's bullshit
/fast/ - #383 - BIG MISTAKE EDITION
How come I keep seeing people on IG squatting with a very narrow stance? Is that a thing now? I see it a lot...
/fat/ - anime edition xx
Tfw you dont have any real friends and all you do is lift,work/school, and vidya
I was one of the first mods for Jow Forums back in 2008 when it became a board. I haven't been on Jow Forums since 2011...
Why aren't you training functionally like Captain Marvel?
Is he on steroids? I'm pretty confident he is but I'd like more opinions
G-guys... What do?
Can somebody explain the reason for Age of Consent being so high...
What foods should you eat as a man for best health?
Sit straight
I’m very thin and poor, I spend money on health food (sockeye salmon, non gmo chicken...
How many of you are lifting to compensate for a small penis?
Yfw a female benches more than anyone on Jow Forums
Currently trying to gain weight cause I'm tired of being a stick
Is 3x8-12 a meme? Should we be aiming for 4-5 sets instead?
Fit haircut thread
Man they sure are training these actresses hard
Whats the craziest preworkout you ever tried?
Vegan woman dies from eating cookie dough
Can anyone vouch that these "manscapeing" are actully ball safe
Why are you going to the gym, user? You're perfect just the way you are!
Hey bro mind helping me stretch out my glutes
Slam Piece
Which is more Alpha?
Why do a surprising amount of weightlifters watch anime?
First mire
Hey Jow Forums, you remember your first blowjob?
How true is this statement?
This is what you can expect to look like as a natural bodybuilder after 15 years of lifting...
Joining PF just to hit on chicks - good idea?
I matched finally on tinder and its this hambeast. Help!!!!!
I feel really bad for fat chicks
2010 was a good year
Why do a lot of men go bald quick?
Is this natural achievable?
Fuck you faggots
Is black genetics a meme or is there some truth to it?
Daily reminder that if you get in shape after 25, it's pointless
How come every girl has a fat ass now?
Ketotards and Jow Forums btfo in a single post
Tfw addicted to pornography since I was 11 years old
/CBT/ because why not post ur stats
Hey guys, I stole my dad's 12 guage shotgun and plan on killing myself later today
Suddenly lose interest in food
Do breathing masks actually help or are they just gimmicks?
How you doing Jow Forums?
What causes a woman to gain an enormous amount of weight in such a short amount of time?
I need to buy a new car so i won't be able to afford to hit my macros for a while. How fucked are my gains...
Rate my dinner
Spend entire life dedicated to a healthy lifestyle, dies young anyways
Recently switched to vegan. Am I going to lose all my gains or ascend to shredded godhood?
Goal body thread
Health Problems
Decide to start keto Saturday to end my bulk
Who here is aiming for this?
/tuna/ general
Why are people on Jow Forums so biased towards strength instead of bodybuilding...
Drink 3-5 days a week, but only when meeting new sloots
Femanon here, how do i get my butt like this?
Do girls prefer muscles or face
Any tips?
My first lead role in a film requires me to get fat
With Valentine's day coming up do you think girls will finally man up and ask us autists out themselves?
Gf dumped me for a beta??
Any medfags that can read MRI pictures Posting here?
Cant do pullups
What are some Jow Forums approved podcasts?
Be me
Is being bald worse than being a manlet?
How Can I Transform My Girlfriend?
Coworkers invite me to the pub after work
The nofap debate is settled. Brett Maverick, the emperor of the chads...
Read the sticky
Im 5'7 and weigh 130lbs
What is the ideal caloric deficit if you want to lose fat as quickly as possible while keeping the strength...
How is this shit even legal!?
El Duende Verde
Chest day
Fgc fitizens?
How many pull-ups should I be able to do as a 30 year old newly wed husband? I can only do two
Too lazy for food
The Misc is still pretty based but sadly dying a slow death. Any former miscers here?
Does jelqing actually work
*burns the shit out of your scalp*
What happens when onions reaches critical mass?
Why are women like this?
Thoughts on routine? bench press 5x5, deadlift 5x5, incline bench press 5x5, chinups 5x5 and 5x5 bent over rows...
Let's see your looks gains, bros
Rate my pull day
I got a GF Jow Forums
I beat up my best friend
Jow Forums redpills
40 days fast
Why aren’t there any Jow Forums politicians?
Redpill me on fish oil
*wreaks havoc on your gut biome*
As a male, how can I look like this?
Go down on a competitive powerlifter girl
Take the finalpill. There is no Chad
Doing sitting rows on the rowing machine with weights on hurts my shoulders. what am i doing wrong...
Just found out my ex's new boyfriend is probably my going to lose his arm after an accident on a vacation that I would...
Ok Jow Forums, redpill me on cold showers
Just saw this add on my normiegram (I'm not balding btw)...
So if i'm supposed to eat one of these a day, how tf am i going to eat it?
How safe is it going on a /nightwalk/ if you’re a girl? My gf wants to go for a walk and it’s 12AM on campus
/fraud/ - DYEL cope edition
Gym girls are MORE autistic than gym incels
Anxiety killing my gains
Pay fictional goal bodies
Duuuuuude, Eddie Hall is gonna be so aesthetic when he cuts! Just you wait!
If this is what women want
Hey I just met you
How many miles do I need to run to lose a noticeable amount of fat?
Do you argue with normies when they’re wrong about fitness stuff?
17 trying to get fit!!
Who here aggressive since getting big?
What's your excuse Jow Forums?
The Optimised Male
What did you have for breakfast?
Actual nofap perks? I wanna give it a shot, but I’m not sure if it’s just a meme or not
AAAAAAAAAH! I can't do this anymore. Everyday is exactly the same
How does Jow Forums approach girls?
>boogie will never lose the wei-
Why is Greek yogurt so fucking based? It substitutes so many things like mayo, salad dressing...
What do you do to get ahead in life that you keep secret from other people?
Mogged by 2 girls
Is it healthy to lift for this?
What does Jow Forums read?
I've been lazy and unfit for most of my life
Routine thread. Post your
Are you Jow Forums enough to have fought in an ancient army?
Mfw someone trips over the cord and unplugs my squat rack mid set
/plg/ powerblogging general
Scared to go to gym
Tap water or bottled water ?
Gains goblin thread
This is jeff at the age of 15
I cant eat anymore fucking eggs
What's the best skincare routine for men?
Nerd posture
What's the best source of protein for a poor person with a low food budget?
Can /SS/ + GOMAD help me recover
Reaction time thread
Has a girl ever told you that you're too fit?
Creatine taste/delivery methods
Try sleeping on back instead of side
Is this kid on roids or is it all genetics?
Stat thread
Anyone here struggle with dandruff? Does diet and exercise or lack thereof possibly contribute to dry scalp...
Alright fellas whats the word on this stuff
Motivational thread
All these plastics, heavy metals, and hormones in our food and water...
Gymnastics strength training, ido portal, calisthenics
Are you confident with your body? Would you be willing to take off your shirt in a room of people?
Jow Forums I'm putting together a team for one last job. This is the big cheese. Who's in?
I'm knowledgeable when it comes to nutrition so ITT I'll answer any nutritional questions you guys have
*Feeds Chads with non-shit genes*
Post the cringiest moggings
How long would it take me to reach ottermode? Also, should i buzz?
Bench heavier than deadlift
Why are obese females traditionally associated with high T?
What keeps you up at night Jow Forums?
This man is 52 years old. What’s your excuse?
Water fasting for a week
Is this stuff Jow Forums approved, or is it Planet Fitness-tier basic bitch shit?
My little bro an hero'd a little over a month ago
Are there any sites like Symmetric Strength that use machine workouts rather than lifts...
FPH - Fat people Hate
Finally lost weight but have bad stretch marks on lower stomach
Lifting 600 pounds is totally healthy and won't permanently disable y-
Can I get a form check on this?
/old fit/
Can somebody redpill me on tap water, my family tells me not to drink it because "it has chemicals and shit"
From incel to chad-lite in only six months, is he natty?
Do you think you'd be able to overcome the mental barriers?
Post foods that you gave up entirely when you decided that the Jow Forums way was the way for you
Sensory Deprivation Tank
Gonna try the steak and eggs diet for a few months. Any tips?
Hairline general
Seriously how do you people deal with this retarded rabid loose animal when doing cardio outdoor?
Beard gains
Is it socially acceptable to wear something like this to the gym in 2019?
Is meditation a meme?
How does /fit prepare their eggs every morning?
Mire thread
Is Keto worth it or a meme for fast fat loss?
Fit memes/motivational thread
Post two positive and negative qualities about yourself
Cut or bulk?
Help me Jow Forums, I’m 18 still living at home but my parents will not let me have a gym membership...
Hi /ft/ I have a problem
What sort of fitness program do you think the doctor will put her on...
Ate 20 raw eggs today, no stinking protein farts
Best liftan music
Tfw the XS shirt is getting tight
Can you picture still living at home after 30
Weed and liftan? Is it a good pre workout?
At a higher bodyfat you can generally lose more fat easier...
This is b asshunter, how do i start looking like him?
User's story of escaping Robotdom (Feat. user's Xoomer Jow Forums Dad)
Falim gum or mastic gum for jaw gains?
Going to a pool party in 2 weeks where the majority of girls will be on XTC or other drugs, any tips...
Thinking of quitting the gym
Anyone else kind of hate the gym reception check in interaction...
Anyone else find thiccer women less attractive because their thigh/arm circumference is larger than yours despite...
365 -> 300
How do you keep lifting after a breakup Jow Forums?
tfw dumped by gym buddy
What's the consensus on Subway around here, Jow Forumsizens?
Tell us the most cucked thing you've done Jow Forums
What is the most effective way to fight? I heard Brazilian Jiu Jitsu is really great
Still eating the white jew
Redpill me on rowing Jow Forums
When she says "do whatever you want with me I already came"
Why is the food so shitty in the US?
Ask the Natty Deer
What can I do for this part of my forearm?
$19.12 is all it costed me at Wendy's for 10 large patties, 1 small fry, and a plain baked potato...
Eugene Sandow. Born in 1867 in east Prussia. Access to very little, if any...
Jow Forums hobbies
/fraud/ - pegging edition
Redpill me on mewing
My meme fitness trend follower gf just told me the protein shake I made i was bad for me
How do you dress when you become Jow Forums?
Sup Jow Forums, what are some of your favorite music albums while workin' out?
Why are friends such fucking gain goblins? It's like they just wanna do the same thing day in and day out...
I have no chin
Is "1g of protien per pound of body weight" a hard and fast rule? I'm 64 kilos and 5'11...
What’s the most Jow Forums way to clean your butt after pooping
Why does dressing like a metrosexual at nightclubs get me more poon and mires than I usually get?
Official Jow Forums board combinations tier list
Are you taking the /weed/ pill yet?
Bulk or cut?
If you could work out your face, would you do it or would it seem too vain
/fit recipes/
Scoobs is gone forever, zyzz is dead
Be me
Billy Joel is high test as fuck. Post your personal high test heroes
Oh yeah bro the vegan diet is super healthy
This guys keeps talking about his "genetic" traps
I lift to combat degeneracy. Why do you lift?
Lift heavy object
Massage + Lifting
Jelqing/penis streching
Did this video kill calories in/calories out theory?
/fat/ Count your calories like that legend about vampires counting seeds
How are you holding up Jow Forums?
Take off your shirt, user
Reminder that height is the most important train in male
Did i permanently fuck this up?
It is odd okay?
Why aren't you doing your facepulls Jow Forums?
There people on this board RIGHT NOW literally advising to eat ZERO calories a day
Goal body thread
Supermang's Sunday CBT/Prog Thread
What's your number one, back to the wall, lift or die PR song Jow Forums?
Vegetarian Gains
Was Arnold using steroids?
Gym cringe thread
Exercises that makes you look like a tool
All i have is the gym fit. Now that i cant train due to an injury ive realised how empty my life really is
About 3 weeks ago i weighed 393lbs and was tired of being a fat fuck. I just weighed myself and i weigh 379lbs...
Why are you eating yellow bananas?
How come some people have smooth penis heads while mine is dry and has vertical cracks? Also...
How much cardio do i need to do to be able to thrust for around 30 minutes or an hour in this position?
Is it normal to be this out of breath after a heavy squat set? Am I just a cardiolet?
Shaving ass and talking to strangers
/plg/ - powerlifting general
So is it even possible to get a gf that is preferably a virgin, if not has only had 2 sexual partners before?
Is meditation a meme?
Is this physique attainable natty?
What's your experience with asexual women and how they maintain their slim physiques like pic related?
Post your last rep face!
Who mogs who here
How Jow Forums I need to be to dont have to talk to women and still get laid?
Push up thread
Is 40 too old to get started and achieve a dream body?
Body Acne
How long would it take me to squat 300 kg (662 pounds), could i do this on a linear progression routine?...
Why are weed addicts so afraid of their own dreams? What are they trying to run from?
This is the Jow Forums meetup. What went wrong?
I've been eating since always [...]
Anyway we can get back to early 2010s Jow Forums?
Jow Forums uni thread
Uplifting Thread
You break a new PR at the gym
Sexual Fitness
Dumbbell Curls
So wtf am I supposed to do with all the yolks? Scooby says to throw them out because of the cholesterol and bad fats
I'm fucked
Jow Forums Ideals Thread
Any other vegans logged in?
How long do you need to spend at a gym before you become a "regular" and you gain the privileges associated thereof?
Morality is Heavy
Tfw the gym loli moans during reps
Why do women hate bear mode so much?
Is it possible to learn social skills late in life?
Can you really treat women like trash if you're Jow Forums?
4 months in. Bulk or nah?
Day 40 no cocaine n booze
What is Jow Forums's favorite non-liquid dairy product for bulking?
Workout music
What's my bf% and what should i work on?
A lonely neet
In this video Rippetoe explains squat technique...
Has anyone ever made it after years of not making it? Fitness is probably the biggest guilt in my life...
We're all gonna make it brah
Muh eating healthy is expensive
Banging young sluts as long as possible
I have random dick sizes, like I’ll be 6 ish one day and 7 the next, fully hard
What diet does science actually support?
Tfw no gf tonight
Phenibut is great and all but it's not a long-term solution
Is there anything more sad than someone who joins the gym because they just turned 30 or newly became single
Is yoga just isometrics for women?
Push-up thread
Tfw gymbro broke up with me
My shoulders hurt, is it from benching, incline, benching, chin ups or OHP?
Jow Forums btfo by tinder thot
Why do most relationships look like this nowadays? Yes I'm short as fuck...
Veganism is not a health diet!
Is college an inherently anti fitness environment?
A 22-year-old man with five years to live has transformed his body while battling a malignant brain tumour
/cbt/ - lats edition
Is there any reason to do legs or is it just a meme?
Fat to Abs
I lift so one day I am able to post my ass in this board
/fraud/ steroid general
Makes everyone fat
Peppermint oil for hair growth
Jow Forums is filled with chads
Question: Is webm related in the scope of the human physical possibility?
Rate my cheap and simple bulking diet, Jow Forums
Is there any legitimate basis to eggs being unhealthy?
Would you eat lab-grown meat? Why or why not?
mfw thought nofap was a meme
Are guys that lift compensating for something?
Hey Jow Forums long time lurker first time poster. So i have a question for you guys...
Any hernia bros here...
Give it to me straight. Is keto a meme or not?
If you could only do one exercise for the rest of your lives, which one would you choose?
What should i do about my fucking ugly scar on my eye brow?
What does Jow Forums do for a living? How much is your annual income?
Why are non-human animals so fucking Jow Forums bros?
Vegan diets aren't hea-
How do I achieve the kodiak mode ? Look at the size of this fucking uni lads
Was jamie the hottest woman to ever grace the screen?
Fuck niggers
What’s the main reason people NEVER achieve their Gym Goals?
Positivity thread
Why do you lift?
Boogie will never lose the weig--
Is this achievable?
How do you stay motivated to lift/work etc.?
/newsips/ thread
Mewing is mainstream now
Have you ever shown Jow Forums to your gf? Mine now thinks that there is something wrong with me
Do you brush your teeth daily?
Tfw can't lift away the feels
Can anyone name me some chads in some movies so i can copy their behaviour...
Fuck/fit/s anti glove memes
Help me Jow Forums how do I cure a hangover without ruining my diet? I'm in severe pain rn
/PLG/ - Powerlifting General
Scooby did an oopsie!
What was Zac Efron's routine? His diet?
Is there anything more aesthetic than geralt-mode?
Have you vacationed with your gf after getting Jow Forums? Did you get mires?
Be at gym with gymbro
He isnt taking creatine for maximum gains
Anyone here have any luck with liquid chalk? If so what brand do you use...
Post yfw you realize the left is the natty limit
Is 1g/pound for protein legit or it is made by (((them)))
Whats this new meme that more Vitamin D will literally turn your life around and make you an unstoppable machine with...
Activate traps
Walk into the gym
Can a week of cold/flu out of the gym set you back an entire month of progress...
Why should I bother when women don't have to?
QTDDTOT - Questions that don't deserve their own thread
Why do you demand men with dyel bodies get bigger when they don't need to?
If a girl approaches you, does that make you a Chad?
/fast/ - #381 - YOU'RE DOING A 14 DAYS WHAT?! EDITION
Jow Forums humor
I have so many cringe moments from the gym and I just keep going back
Female fraud?
How do you juggle a full time job and the gym?
We lost him Jow Forums
How do I overcome alcoholism/depression...
Scoobs can't get over Jow Forums
Is it pathetic I have to use this to do pull ups?
I thought you might like this, Jow Forums
We’re putting together a team for one last job. You in user?
The Great Debate
Deadlift - pull or legs?
When his height starts with a 5
Exercises you physically can't perform
No amount of lifting will compensate for FACE
This might seem out of place and maybe i should go to r9k but how do i cope with obsession...
Who do you lift for Jow Forums? I do it for Christ and my mom
Is it true only losers workout Friday night
I just asked a girl for her number at the gym
Jow Forums essentials
I just pulled sumo for the first time today, why did no one tell me how comfortable it was? I repped my 5x5 for 10x5...
Go to gym
You have five (5) seconds to convince me why a full body is the best routine and lay out a 3-4 day a week full body...
Last threads
Sum up your country in one image
Why is open racism towards wmaf so accepted?
France has fallen
Brit/pol/ - Joris Bohnson edition
Why yes, my husband is Swede. What gave it away?
Battle of the Century
Ivanka wore this to the UN today
Poland need to pay us (me) reparations for their deathcamps
Is Jow Forums actually too stupid to understand the greenhouse effect?
Franco being removed from El Valle de los Caídos
How does it feel being on a sinking ship