Meme cues

Enough with meme excersise threads. ITT post meme cues.
I’ll start. Unless you’re a legitimate powerbloater, there’s really no excuse for this atrocious cue/form.

Attached: 36AEFC90-35C2-48B2-B748-21B3FF042A28.jpg (738x415, 81K)

Other urls found in this thread:

You don't even know what cue means. Kill yourself.

cue/form he says in title. Guess that is what he means by cue.

>arch back
>pin shoulder blades back
>arms at x angle
>drive feet into ground

These are all cues and all but one is a meme. Fuck you

I don’t understand how arching your back allows you to bench more? Simply don’t understand the mechanics of this, when I’m struggling with bench I find firmly pushing my lower back into the bench aids with pushing the weight off my chest much easier.

What is up with this?

Arching your back decreases the benches ROM, less muscle extension=less force necessary. Resulting in an easier rep.

drive feet into ground is the meme? or it's pin shoulder blades back and im mixing it with keep lats under tension

So how do you bench correctly?

Even if you are a powerlifter, arching your back like this is the gayest pussy shit I've ever seen. I'd literally be to embarrassed to do some shit like this. This and sumo deadlifts are why powerlifting will soon be phased out with strength lifting taking the top spot in strength sports.

Attached: 1545324323130.jpg (297x268, 12K)

then why would you have the bar touch your chest instead of stopping a few inches above?

someone roided out juicer with 2 brain cells left must have made up these retarded "rules"

Actually it was some DYEL retard who made the rules. a juiced out guy would demand full ROM

true kek

Really every other cue beside pinning blades back is a meme.

Lay on bench, slight arch, blades back, proceed

Attached: basic lifts form tutorial.jpg (948x2195, 540K)

5 minutes later, still laughing.

>OHP advice is 100% what people used to do in competitions

t. Doesn't understand powerlifting

We got em all. Pack it up, boys!

When will they learn

Attached: 36854A29-D9A6-4C19-98CA-7502E81D197E.jpg (750x388, 179K)

Because in competition, it has to touch your chest.
If you don't touch your chest, everyone will tell you you're a cheater and the rep doesn't count.
If you arch your back and bring your chest up to the bar, they'll still call you a cheater but you can respond, "WELL TECHNICALLY NO I ACTUALLY DID IT CORRECTLY SEE HERE ARE THE RULES I AM LEGIT BASICALLY A WORLD-RECORD POWER LIFTER YOU WEAK DYEL U MAD BRO HAHAHA JELLY SKELLY"

t. coping faggot with a shit bench lmao

>leg drive is a meme
Okay dyel

In addition to the obvious ROM answer-

The bench press bar path is not perfectly vertical, due to how our shoulders work. You can't have your arms straight out to the sides and bench without expecting to F your snot up.

Since the path is not vertical, you are creating a slight moment arm which is inefficient for moving maximal weight. Having a slight arch allows you to return some verticality to the movement.

A real good explanation is by rippetoe here:

jesus im fuckin dead