Realistically how long would it take to achieve this?

Realistically how long would it take to achieve this?
from a fatty

Attached: 8bear.jpg (500x551, 230K)

I'm a girl btw

I'm trying to do this right now but all I'm doing is getting fat as fuck. My lifts are going up tho so I can't cut just gotta ride it out and try to become strong.

>t-t-thanks fit

you underestimate how ungodly strong that man is

this, he is literally a humanized gorilla

fuck gorillas

Attached: guts is human.png (500x363, 97K)

how strong?
and doesn't answer the time it takes


Guts is not remotely human.

Couple of years, and you probably don't have the frame for it anyway.

Fuck you Gut is not a faggot ass monster

>and you probably don't have the frame for it anyway
what do you mean? what kind of frame do you need?

Attached: fat buu wojak.png (640x480, 717K)

Consider asking /sci/ this question, they helped me out with another query I had:

A lot of lifting is genetics. If your body isn't meant for a certain form of the sport, you can get good at it, but you'll never be great.

Like 10 Years of hard steroid use

a mean how do i tell if my frame is good enough? pls


When you're that fat just slow your bulk and let your body catch up to your lifts

>robably don't have the frame for it anyway.
pls, if i can't eventually get there i;d rather not work out at all

Is this American bloattlord?

Is guts allowed to say faggot because he's had gay sex once?

There needs to be a league of some sorts for bloats of this calibur. Someone to watch over us. Protect us from threats that we alone could not handle. The Justice BloatLords.

Attached: justice lards.png (300x169, 69K)

You can look good regardless, just work out and play to how it works out on you.

wide shoulders
7.5 wrists
10.25 ankles
thicc neck and skull
not enough?

Attached: bear-eyes-timothy-flanigan.jpg (900x450, 116K)

gonna need a cooler name


I just wanted to draw the comparison because the justice lords betrayed earth and were basically tyrannical rulers.

Realistically for you?
Probably 15-20 years of lifting and a couple of liters of testosterone, nandrolone and dbol

Look at the size of his wrists alone.
Bone size is a good indicator of strength and muscle size.
If you're a wristlet then Sadly it's over for you.
I had to accept that I'll never be big and ill always be a twink. At least it's what women want r-right?