Is yoga just isometrics for women?

Is yoga just isometrics for women?

Aren't the principles behind yoga and isometrics the same?

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Yes, women are just stupid and only do yoga for the faux-Asian mysticism crap behind it.

kys incel

Yoga is more of a combo of dynamic and static stretching. Depending on the practice, the focus is on correcting postural issues and improving proprioception and mobility. My acting courses regularly have yoga warm ups to make us more aware of our bodies and to align ourselves for proper vocal production and movement needs. There is also a slight meditative aspect to it, but don't buy into the chakra and universal energy memes

yeah the practicality of a lot of the movements makes it GOAT subsidiary training for me when fully divorced from the spiritual shit

Ok. So yoga is good for stretching/mobility/balance/posture.

But is it a substitute for actual exercise? Because millions of women think it is.

If you're inactive like most people, yoga is arguably an exercise since it does require some strength development (albeit not much at all). It's better than nothing at all, but you also have to understand how women's minds approach the concept of exercise and working out to get why there's hype

Bro, when i come out of a 2 hour yoga class, my ass is destroyed. Fuck my shit up at least 2 times a week. And let me tell you, it is intense exercize. 75 year old grandmas man. Brutal and intense.


The Wii fit and zoomba meme is actually believable because women don't have a grasp on training and progressive overload. Fact of the matter is most guys and ever guys that go to the gym aren't educated enough.

You've been neglecting your glutes, user.
I proscribe RDLs and BB Lunges. Also, two weeks of hip thrusts to be performed during peak gym hours as an additional penance exercise.

>i dont do thot destroyers every session at peak hours and peak pump

>neglecting glutes
Looks like you got his glutes covered :^)

God Tier

Plus opportunity to show off gains to yogis

t. roastie

Are goblet squats not a thing anymore?

Goblet squats are fine, too, but how many glute-focused exercises do you need? It's one big muscle, like the chest.

>Is yoga just isometrics for women?
Yoga includes more than physical exercies.
meditation throuhg breathing pattern exercise (pranayama) is one of its branches too and the most beneficial.
>Aren't the principles behind yoga and isometrics the same?
Nope, some yoga variation have only few isometrics, mostly known as yoga flows in the western world.
But let's be realistic, where here for the ass and the side effects of a good yoga practice, i.e. flexibility, mobility and pain management.

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I enjoy goblet squats because holding the kettlebell/dumbbell in front of me seems to cause extra strain on my shoulders and arms so it seems like it's doing more than just working my ass.

I can't argue with lunges and hip thrusts though. I've seen some girls who focus on that stuff and they have gigantic muscular asses that drive me wild.

Yoga isn't necessarily stretching and holding poses until it hurts. There are all sorts of variations and each one puts focus on a certain aspect - hatha ("easy yoga") focuses on maintaining proper focus and mind-body connection while holding a position, while vinyasa ("fast yoga") and ashtanga ("youTube yoga") focuses on the fast flow from one position to the next and the effect that the quick breathing has on the body. Iyenagar ("movie yoga") focuses on the perfection of the position and that striving to achieve that hold is akin to striving to achieve nirvana, and is an extremely strict form (like when you see in movies the instructors holding a crazy pose and telling everyone else they're doing it wrong).

I like Iyenagar yoga's physical objective body control, if you have proper instruction you can achieve some amazing mind-body connection as you're being aware of all the tiny details of your body and constantly thinking of how to improve what you're doing. I never really got into the whole Chakra and cosmic energy stuff but from a physical standpoint it's an excellent tool to practice body control and flexibility/mobility.

Just my $0.02

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fucking jewmerimutt

We couldn't exist without your failures.

No, it's not a substitute. However, I would recommend that everyone who lifts or does any kind of sport also incorporates yoga in their routine.

My lifts/mobility have improved drastically and I'm a lot more stable when doing big compound lifts. It is thanks to yoga and stretching that I was able to move past many plateaus, in my case it was often mobility and not raw strength that was holding me back. Increased mobility made me more able to translate my strength during lifts.

Cut the bullshit boomer yoga and work your way up to headstands etc. You will also build a sick core along the way.

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A problem is that there's so much yoga shit out there it's hard to zero in on what would actually benefit my body and which is just froo froo shaman bullshit.

Is there some subset of yoga you follow? A specific set of moves you do?

Tell me your wisdom. If I ever get into yoga I don't want to fucking do it by trial and error going through all this different shit I see on YouTube.

Isometrics and stretching

so are yoga flows like tai chi for white people