What the fuck do you people eat when your trying to gain weight?
I'm only 140ish and in the last 2 years I've been on off trying to bulk up. I guess im a hard gainer, but i never have enough to eat i guess. I was counting calories for a while but it was insane to even Get over 2000 calories w/o stuffing my face with poptarts.
Ever since the comic I can’t get aroused by her. I always found weirdly sexually attractive before, like in that she’s not that hot, but now all I can think of is that fucking trap comic when I see her face.
I know this feel OP. Literally have to spend $30 a day at McDonald's to gain weight. Idk what the fuck is wrong with fatties, they must literally be stuffing their face with lard.
Robert Brown
Breakfast: Eggs Oatmeal Fruit Milk
Lunch: Chicken Rice w/ Olive Oil Veggies
Dinner: Same as lunch because tomato-based pasta's fucking disgusting and every hardgainer diet defaults to spaghetti for dinner Alternatively mac n cheese
Snacks: Fruit Trail Mix (nuts are god-tier) PBJs Icecream Drink milk with all of the above
Eat 3 meals a day and as many snacks as you feel you need. Also take a multivitamin
Elijah Hughes
>also take a multivitamin literally just pissing all of it away when you're eating this much food. no need at all
Hunter Cooper
The only thing at mcdonalds with the caloric density/serving to make you gain weight is the fries and even then you'd need to eat a fucking ungodly amount of them. t. Hardgainer who solely consisted on cafeteria fries in highschool and still never gained weight.
Ayden Reed
Dude i gained a whole 5lbs over 18 weeks of lifting almost everyday Meanwhile my fatass friend gained 40 lbs of fat in about half that.
Wtf is this shit, i just wanna not be a stick
Wallstreetmarket has some vendors selling test e
Jason Jones
>this much food There's almost no vitamins or other important micronutrients in this food though, unless you really min/max the meals which is against the point
Kevin Thomas
Do you pre cook all your food? How much do you generally spend? Is it all the same shit? Im willing to grind like its a fukin vidya lol
Luis Cox
>fruit >milk >chicken >rice >vegetables >nuts >no vitamins or nutrients are you mentally retarded?
Nolan Ward
you should be getting 3000 calories a day, incorporate shakes into your meals
-1 scoop whey -2 tbsp peanut butter -banana -1/2 cup oats -6 oz whole milk -1 tbsp coconut oil -water
Boom. Two of those a day and that's ~1500 calories depending how you much you add. It will 100% make you gain mass
Adrian Baker
Nigga Idk what ppl are doing. Every mainstream source i look up on a quick google search is filled with these bullshit diets that only people already involved will get any use from
I figure if i ask real ppl i will get more dte awnsers
Also your free advice smd
Luis Carter
Baboom, thank you. Isn't it bad to rely on liquid calories though?
Wyatt Smith
New to Jow Forums so forgive me, I'm probably going to do this completely wrong. Want to start a feels thread so here we go.
> be me > parents are old asf aunts and uncles are even older > go see 81 year old year old uncle on his death bed. He's on a metric fuck ton of drugs so he wont panic when the time comes > he's delusional as a hermit who hasn't had a drink of water in 4 days. Uncle starts talking as if in he's in the old days. Starts saying how he needs to go buy the parts store and by some motor oil for his tractor but he cant find the 2$ that he needs > realize his life his literally flashing by his eyes as I watch him and my father talk > start thinking about how his whole 81 years on earth had been condensed down into one fucking moment.
What's the point of lifting and working hard all your life just to have it all come to one finite point? I dont know how I can take it because that man worked hard his whole life only to die in his son's garage. His whole life led to that one moment. I seriously dont know how to take that. Pls help Jow Forums
Zachary Jones
I have 3 big meals a day and a shake after breakfast and dinner. Calories are calories. Blending solid food doesn't change the nutrients ;)
Joseph Harris
Aww fuck ment to post that on the main thread my bad
Jacob Taylor
Fuck outta my thread Bitch
Hunter Torres
>precook No but I should at least for lunch or anything you won't eat at home (still transitioning off eating out a lot myself) >is it all the same You can eat whatever you want on top of this, this mealplan just gets you your carbs and protein. You can have as much variety as your cooking skills/budget allows >cost As much as you want honestly. I can load up about a week's worth of this stuff for less than $70 if I buy cheap.
Thomas Evans
this is what GOMAD is for. go read SS.
Wyatt Morgan
Eat lots of oats. Eat an entire pack of granola bars in one sitting or close to it. Order take out. Eat bags of snacks.
Cooper Sanchez
watch the language. 4channel is a family website. consider this your one and only warning
Tyler Miller
You won't be eating enough of them to get the actual micronutrition you need, 99% of the time, if you're just buying cheap. Most of this food is just filler. Notice I didn't give some retarded breakdown on exactlly how to balance all this shit? Assume your diet isn't enough and just take the vitamin is good advice for 99% of skellies
Jack Diaz
Hmm. I assume you count macros
What should i be looking for numbers wise 63g of protein And after that Idk.
Easton Hughes
Nope. Your brain has a harder time determining you're full with liquid calories too.
Ethan Price
i really hate fucks like you how stupid do you have to be to not know how to gain weight
Parker Morales
Or better yet, eat a kg of unsalted peanuts every day
The oil will make your veigns POP
Camden Sanchez
>63g of protein Hilariously little protein my dude
Check Alan Thrall's youtube video on bulking diet, mine's almost a carbon copy of his but the video has the macros included.
For protein you want your bodyweight in grams or more every day. Drink it if you have to.
William Stewart
Probably because its easier to digest
William Perez
Just puts less pressure on the stomach. Your sense of hunger just has to do with the shrinkage/expansion of the stomach.
Camden Bennett
Found the lardass
Aaron Moore
I only weigh 63 kg
Tyler Edwards
Your bodyweight in POUNDS my dude
Dylan Hall
I get that now That's for the advice
Josiah Bailey
What's your point? You believe the 1 g per kg meme?
Cooper Cox
Btw bodyweight/g is the low end, you can realistically do about 250g/day in protein if you really want to max it