Dumbbell Curls

Are they a meme or a staple exercise for arm size and strength?

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totally a meme. i've started curling random dogs i walk by every day. sickest gains ever man.

Never seen a big natty dedicate much time to curls or really any isolations. Works well for roideroos though

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>does doing additional exercise help muscles grow?

Hammer curl or bicep curl? Redpill me.

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I do bicep curls, hammer curls, and barbell curls all in the same workout twice a week.

Both and incline
On a cable machine

I do chest/triceps on tuesday and back/biceps on thursday. Arm exercises help you lift heavier with compound movements like bench presses and rows. Also having nice arms is aesthetic af. Don't listen to the retards telling you not to do isolation exercises, eventually you're gonna have to in order to progress.

Different curls for the different heads. Then maybe a bar curl that you can easily progressively overload.

If one does these, what is a good weight for 10 sets of 8?

Bout tree fiddy


also thank you for this image

Wasted digits on a stupid question, congrats.
Only you can find a right weight for your muscle strength/endurance. Pick any DB and try to curl it with a proper form for 10 times. Did you physically struggle to finish the last rep? If no, increase the weight and try again

30-40 lbs

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I've started doing:

3-5x5 heavy weighted chins
10-12x5 hammer curls
12x5 facepulls

My biceps have blown up in the past 2 months from this.

i do rotational curls

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Why dont you actually lift weights and find out yourself. I've never met a natty lifter who thought their arms didn't need some work. Arms and shoulders are the hardest thing to get big as a natty