A thread for carnies to vent in or to be informative to the plebs.

Just ate 6 eggs in 2 minutes, I just drink them raw now. I actually enjoy the taste and drink it like it would be a tasty fruit smoothy, I poke open the egg yolk with my tongue and taste it. it's delicious. it took some time to get accustomed to liking it, but I think my gut flora has finally matured to signal my brain that it wants and likes raw eggs. Hence I now like the taste. The gut is the second brain afteral. The weird thing is I can eat another 6 eggs and still not feel full. I can bulk on this shit easy. I think that, once your gut is used to raw eggs, the bioavilibility of the nutrients in them also increases.

I am fermenting raw milk into Kefir right now, I crave that shit so bad its insane. I sometimes put pieces of orange or other fruits in, the bacteria feed on the sugar and break it down into better nutrients. Kefir is a fucking miracle drink. Helps me bulk too.

later tonight I'm having a slightly cooked steak, entirely raw inside. I did eat some cooked fish and about 2 potatoes earlier today, but as far as my vegetable intake, those two potaters are the only vegs i'll consume.
Vegs are shit anyways.


imagine still believing cholesterol is bad frens! imagine being such a deluded veganist


imagine falling for the kale jew, with access to boards like Jow Forums where awakened ones drop the truth on you almost every fucking day, imagine still falling for all of these food jews.


Happy carnie day!

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go vegan

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(and die)

go vegan

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The actual fuck? Do people think this is remotely appetizing? I have literally never been less interested in veganism.

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if you don't think it's appetizing, you're gay


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you should stop cooking your food.
even cooking it blue is completely different than raw.

I like it better a bit seared on the outsides, a minute or two. that's all. I don't care if I lose some value there. It's a trade off I make for a nicer taste.

THere's no need to go extreme. I'm a carnivore but I still eat some fruits, I try to ferment the most of the time but still.

I don't do vegetables almost, at all though.

then why don't you sear your eggs?

Sorry dude, I'm with the other two. Also look at the demographics , vegans are LITERALLY multiple time more likley to be assbashers

I like how they taste raw and it consumes me almost no time? I don't like how steak tastes entirely raw.

STFU and eat meat

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>eating for taste
so you're a vegan in disguise, got it.

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Being a carnivore is ridiculous, get the majority of your calories and micros from meat if you want, but avoiding fruit and veg completely is unnecessary. Eat seasonally and in moderation, stop being such an edgelord.

I thought this was going to be a thread full of carnival workers using their old school cryptic lingo talking about the business. I am quite disappointed.

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did you even read the OP, shithead? its stated he eats fruits. no vegs for reasons I agree to.

a carnivore is just a person who consumes mostly meat.

most people right now consmume mostly plant based products.

so at this moment almost everyone is a semi vegetarian.

No I didn't, doesn't matter what OP says, I am talking to the many people who are consuming only meat

then again the point stands that people can ignore fruit and veg and be perfectly healthy only consuming animal products, but not the other way around.


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>Jordan Peterson
>Michaela Peterson
>Shawn Baker

That's literally it lol. Imagine millions of people raging because of the diet of three people. I eat Oranges, some nuts, brocolli and etc other plant materials myself.

Even the great Sv3rige himself eats a variety of plant food including mangos, mandarins, orange juice, cucumbers etc.

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imagine getting this buttfrustrated over science

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His teeth look pretty average for a vegan.

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>Renowned scientists and doctors release statements about the health benefits of being a vegan
>literally want to harvest vegans shit because it can cure people with bowel cancer
>Science is a jewish conspiracy though
You realize you retarded meatcucks are as bad as niggers?

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Um what happened to your teeth, Doctor?

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When I fuck my vegan bf asshole should I let him eat it out or I can eat it for protons?