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I feel for propaganda and became anti islam atheist for some time but i came back to my senses

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I didn’t lift yesterday

fuck islam and fuck muslims

I, The Prophet Muhammed has had sex with my 9 year old wife Aisha, several men have had sex with my anus and I have taken sexual liberties with my neighbour's goat.

i eat pork and dont give shit

failed nofap yesterday.
it was trap as well


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Keep your barbaric sand nigger religion away from the west. We have enough problems as is.

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Muhammad was a warlord and a pedophile. He burns within the depths of hell for his heresy.

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It just goes to show that no matter who you are, or what you represent, everybody looks way cooler swole.
Enjoy your lifts today bros

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Isn't roiding haram?

He was also always covered with cumstains, seriously google it

how long did you manage to nofap user? I've been thinking of doing so lately but I have the bad habit of fapping right after waking up, and it's very difficult not to.


Lost my virginity to a chick ive only known for a week. Pussy is overated desu.

Nice cosplay

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>Thread is full of racist assholes

Not surprised

I got drunk as fuck yesterday and had to resort to taking pre-workout today to get a good workout in.
It's been two years since I've stopped taking pre-workout.

>Hating Islam

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You have no proof that he is roiding. Seriously I hate people like you. Only because someone has achieved more than you and looks better than you, doesn't mean he has been cheating in any way. You're just a pathetic excuse of a man who lives in his mommy's basement and hate on other people achievements. Eating and training is big part of gains, but the biggest part of it all are genetics. That guy is genetically more gifted than you will ever be.
Kill yourselves.

Fuck religion

One of my favorite Jow Forums related feels is when you take a massive shit and you get that real nice empty feeling in your colon afterwards.

A religion isnt a race you stupid cunt.

>muh genetics!
You are such a delusional faggot.

My sister married a Muslim, my dad got so mad he refused to talk to her or let her in the house and because of that my parents got a divorce because my mom thought he was being retarded for caring that much.

I hate Muslims for ruining my family. We had a happy Christian household but a dirty fucking Muslim ruined it.

Looks like you are retarded like your dad

>bitching about “””racism””” on Jow Forums

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Based pakis destroying Christian households

Friendly reminder Islam is based on forgeries that Christians theologians discarded
>Jesus gave life to a clay bird
>Muslims claim a Christian wrote the uncorrupted gospel
>somehow Adam and Jesus knew about Muhammad by name
>what a coincidence that that "gospel" of Barnabas (a Christian apostle, who somehow wrote this according to Muslims) has many similarities to the four gospels in the bible, but with Muhammad added onto scriptures, or a few tweaks here and there
>you can date the 4 gospels while the gospel of Barnabas has no origin other than second hand accounts

Islam is incompatible with civilized society

Jesus truly was based.

>this post was made by non white hands
Ok mohammed, you just showcased your intelligence and I'm blown away. Get it?

I’m not eating as much as I should be

I’ve been fucking a black girl for the past month... I’m sorry.

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This preview of God of War V looks really realistic

I skipped abs and tris today cuz I ate pizza last night for my refeed and had the shits :(

Thankyou based Gymam

While I don't particularly enjoy being a muslim, I love watching all the underage faggots seethe the moment I mention it

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I'm okay not being as fit as everyone on this board as long as I believe I try my hardest everyday. I hope I can join you lads in valhalla but for now I lift.

>the chad messiah
every time

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There's no such thing as confession in islam, brainlet infidel
You're supposed to say (pbuh)

Amen to that

cant ignore these trips. Another book you should check out by him is Libido Dominandi: Sexual Liberation and Political Control

Kek. Who's the bigot now hmmmm