Ok Jow Forums, redpill me on cold showers

Ok Jow Forums, redpill me on cold showers.
If they're worth it , should I take them in the morning or before bed? Also cold shower general

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Morning. They will wake you up

Fucking retard. Don't you have google? Cold showers reduce inflammation thus preventing hypertrophy. They are only good to wake you up if you are retarded and need cold water to get out of bed

I mean in the context of increased test , my checked and retarded chums

>Increased test

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Press F for Big Lez

First I shower with hot water for a good scrub, then I gradually turn down the heat and cool myself down with cold water for a few minutes.

F- uckinoaf cunt

F. You fucken druggah

The biggest pill for me was water softening.

Go on vacation to Switzerland. Cleanest water in the world. My hair and skin feel like a million bucks. Come back to the states. Within a week everything goes to shit. Get a water softening system for my shower. It’s almost as good as properly clean water but not quite. My hair is thicker than ever and I have no minor allergic and therefore inflammatory response to the hard water.

I live in Scotland , water here is pretty fuckin clean my guy. Dunno about softness tho

Water softening means removing the high mineral content. Our water is very clean and potable, but some places have very high mineral contents due to lime stone at the water table, shit like that. It is known as “hard water”.

Damn, the more you know

It kills gains

I live in switzerland and our tapwater is so hard, it is off the scale for water hardness.

F, legend

>Hot shower to open pores
>Clean body and face with soap to remove dirt & oil
>Ice cold water to finish, closing pores
>Perfect skin & test boost to start the day
You’re welcome

F. It was skitz m8.

One first thing, then one after you lift.

Does this fella looks like he lives in a warm country and takes hot showers

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Grease monkey here, hot water softens grease, oil and dirt, which makes it easier to clean. I think anything else is just placebo.