*wreaks havoc on your gut biome*
nothing personnel, kid
*wreaks havoc on your gut biome*
youre one of them retards arent you user?
i don't wanna say the C word but i feel so much better and my acne disappears when i stop eating wheat
I got a GF last night bros
*eats yogurt*
people who cant eat gluten or wheat in general are below subhuman because even the poorest people ate bread on a daily basis for 10000 years.
neck yourself faggot, you are garbage.
this post is cringy through and through
That shit really fucks my shit up. Tummy gets angry
And the poor have remained poor and unhealthy for thousands of years. Meat eaters get things done. Carbs are Africa-tier
Is she real or an npc like Lydia? If so, nice and grats.
Holy digits
anybody else cringe when people say ‘gut’ or ‘gut health’
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how am i supposed to eat 4000 calories without eating that
Eat 4 pounds of beef. Every single day.
Its not that hard when you've got fats and meats.
She's self-aware and has her unique nuances but obviously hasn't swallowed any hard pills in her life
also Lydia best girl
Its funny that when people say the same thing about dairy all the anons are spouting:
>based and redpilled
>lol only niggers can't consume dairy xd
Nigger detected
half slavic and half chink
I can consume milkies just fine. I just found it hypocritical
not being able to tolerate slave food is subhuman
Why? Milk is fat
It's not the bread that's the problem.
It's all the nasty shit inside it like bromides and sugars.
Implying it’s bad to have a bbc
Its a massive confidence boost fyi
Grainbrains in this thread absolutely SEETHING
>had legit stomach aches every single day throughout highschool due to bad gas build up
>years later tried the low meme diet with no bread
>it went away completely
what did my stomach mean by this
Wheat Germ Agglutinnin.
>stop eating bread and drinking milk so you and your offspring can become big and strong like asian people
good goyim
>implying the advent of grain based agriculture didn't reduce the average height of humans by over a foot.
Why? It literally determines many of your cravings and is considered by some to be a 2nd mind of sorts. Fecal transplants have been shown to dramatically lower body fat WITH NO ADDITIONAL EXERCISE.
meaning, a teenage son will likely have much more efficient bacteria in his gut biome for breaking down and processing food. If you use some of his poop and transplant it into the gut of the father, he will dramatically lose weight and gain muscle.
It's one of those esoteric "the greatest secret is a poop joke" type things. The vast majority of diseases and illnesses are caused and can be treated metabolically. But Cico stands against company profits
>just spend 50-100 euros every day bro
>>implying the advent of grain based agriculture didn't reduce the average height of humans by over a foot.
Yeah, that happens when you go from hunter-gatherer to 14 hrs/day hard work and only few grains.
You know what happened later? Farmers always beat hunter-gatherers very easily. Not even a contest.
Rice, but it sucks
Grains are shit for your health.
>t. amerimutt
Grains are for slaves.
I’ve seen this a few times lately, what does it mean? I recognize some of the characters being mandarin for the english after them, but I don’t know what the paragraph of mandarin at the end says
Bulking really is the only time you should be loading up on carbs, I completely agree. But when im cutting or just maintaining, carbs become the smallest part of my diet. Thanks for reading my blog bros.
No such thing.
Blacks have the smallest penis of all races due to their high levels of estrogens.
>lydia yells “NO” like she’s just lost the most important thing in her life
basically if your in china and this shows on your screen they cut off your internet
eurasians ate bread
africans did not
nigger brainlet detected
Kek that’s hilarious, based Xi keeping the masses under control. Maybe western society would be better if people were a little more oppressed
Bread was completely different before industrialisation, you dope.
>Bread was completely different before industrialisation, you dope.
no it wasnt you fucking dumbo
its the same shit
Start eating sourdough bread, it's actually very healthy for your gut biome.
Good thing I'm not living in (((America)))
naturally fermented sourdough einkorn bread is the same as industrial brominated modern wheat bread
Read for read, m8. Sent you a pm with my blog, r4r
>I've failed to protect my thane
>now I have to get back to whiterun so I can face the wrath of jarl Balgruuf
>*gets snuffed infront of the whole city and under the disgraceful gaze of Tiber Septim*
And so the story of Lydia the housecarl came to an end...
It boggles my mind that there are people that don't eat certain food
How can you be this much of a subhuman? What the fuck do you eat?
There was a similar thread for dairy yesterday.
Fucking mutts and niggers, I swear.