Cant do pullups

hello weak fag here, i cant even do 2 pullups, should I be doing assisted pullups or negative pullups for progression?

Attached: arro.jpg (620x349, 131K)

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a lot of them

Do 1 pull up, rest 30 second, do another one. Repeat this many many times

Lat pull downs can help too user. And if you're /fat/ the more you lose the easier they'll get.

Alternate every kind you can manage. Do one proper pull up, a few assisted, a few negatives. Your goal is to maximize volume, so just struggling to do 3 full pull ups in a workout is going to get less done than 15 negatives or assisted. Get the volume in.

Negatives absolutely do negatives.

Go to the bar and jump up as high as you can and then do slow negatives, if there are women in the gym turn around backwards and do this while you smile at them

Do these and gradually increase the angle as you get stronger

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 205K)

i did lat pulldowns until i could do my bodyweight for sets of 5. negatives didnt help me

did this let you do a proper pullup? currently i have the same issue as OP. when I was 20 I could crank out a dozen no issue with zero training. ten years of mind crushing engineering nerd work later and I cant even do one and while i dont mind doing the assisted version i would prefer to do lat pulldowns if that will give me the strength to do pullups

deadhang and negative

>that 30 year old boomer who talks about the good old days of when he was able to do pullups

Lat Pulldown/Assisted for sets.
Once you can no longer do 4+ with the machine, do negatives to burn out.
You can also try chin-ups. Most people find chin-ups slightly easier, so they can be part of your progression towards pull-ups.

I could do 0, just ended up doing negatives and lat pulldown 3x8-12, three weeks of that three times a week and I can do 5 now. just remember to pause at the top of the negative for a second and control yourself on the way down, then hang for a second.

Is it normal to be able to do 10+ chin ups, but only like 3 pull ups?

yes - you engage your biceps more in chin ups so it can be easier

also, pull you need to hammer down muscle memory for pull ups

Not an expert but lat pulldowns work the same muscles. One thing I read was that if your 1RM on lat pulldown is at least 70% of your BW you should be strong enough to do one.

This is the first video I watched from Jow Forums like 6 years ago.



Are pullups and chinups actually considered hard? Can do 10 easily. Hard to imagine someone can't even do 1. I can even do at least 5 chinups with 1 hand.

>I can even do at least 5 chinups with 1 hand.

Got a problem with that, faggot?

where do you live?

i want to move there

Somewhere in eastern europe. Why though?

When you're at the point you can only do one or two, I made a lot of progress by keeping a pullup bar in a doorway and just doing a bunch spread out throughout the day. I'm almost up to being able to do 20 now.

because if you lived in a developed nation you would see fat people all the time and it would make sense that there are people who can't do pull ups

>I'm almost up to being able to do 20 now

based bateman poster

You are just fat, don't eat. But like for real, not even joking, call it fasting or whatever. Start skipping meals and continue lifting you'll be able to do pull ups in no time

>Can do 10 regular chinups
>Can do 5 chinups with one hand
I'm pretty sure it doesn't work that way.

>not taking advantage of your fat to recomp or build muscle by doing negatives and hangs


Yes and the reason is you are also working your cepts more. This is precisely the reason it is superior to pull ups.

Not sure what you call developed. I know murifags and western europeans like to shit on eastern europe but 1 is infested by niggers and the other by mudslimes and shitskins so I'd take here anytime (actually came back after finishing studies in britbong cause it sucks there). Contrary to popular belief we live nice and well around here (minus some shitholes). We don't have as many fat people not because we aren't "developed" but because we fucking ridicule them to hell and back, we don't give a shit about PC and our average person thinks being fat is disgusting. Fat women are considered fugly and fat men weak. No one likes the slimy landwhales.

I said 10 easily while those 5 1 handed are decently hard. Just tested atm and can go up to 20 before the normals start being hard. I said 10 cause I do batches of 10 a few times a day.

anyone who can actually do one arm chinups for reps knows they are hard you dumb fuck, why bother even bother lying so badly on the internet

>eastern european

enjoy getting gassed from both sides

What's the progression to the legendary one hand chin up?

I was like you last year. Follow a program like 100pushups or fighter pushups
It took me a month to go from 2 to 10 in a row, perfect form

Did I not say those 5 are hard? Enjoy being weak, fag. Sorry you're unable to do chinups.

>being anti immigration, pro white and racist is nazi
Oh boy you murimutts are dumb. Most people in eastern europe are racist you retard. It's socially accepted to say anything bad about niggers, mudslimes, gypsies, etc. Even the actual communists were homophobic and racist as fuck. You need to stop watching propaganda or thinking neo so called commies actually have anything in common with soviets. Modern western "commies" would be the first to be sent to gulags, retard. Commie chinese are racist as fuck too. It's not being a nazi. Regardless of political alignment people here are racist and especially hate mudslime shitskins because we fought them for centuries and know what they truly are. I won't get gassed from either side. The west will die and the only hope white race has is in the east.

Once and for all, arent chinups the one where you grab the horizontal bar with your palms facing away? I thought that got the lats more, and that is what a chinups is?

Chinup is the classical one.

Attached: 1309-chin-up-workout-cfd-1387560392.jpg (644x514, 20K)

who said i was an american, fag

i can't wait til the fourth reich rolls over your shitstain country and enslaves you

we'll be there to save your women, no worries

Ok so that targets the bicep more right? Less on the lats than a pull up correct? So if you wanted to build lats you should be doing pull ups and not chinups right?

You can use chins as a stepping stone to do pull ups. You should be doing both anyway.

Kek. Keep being dumb. Germanistan isn't capable of a 4th reich and their last one didn't go too well. Maybe an islamic state in 40 years when their natives will be a minority. Face it cuck, western europe is dead and on it's way to 3rd world islamic shithole. Your women are currently plowed by shitskins and making little mutts. How does that make you feel? Hope you like sharia law.

Chinups have more lat activation + the biceps assist too and are easier. Do primarily chinups and eventually throw in some pullups for variety.