Vegan woman dies from eating cookie dough

>Vegan woman dies from eating cookie dough
Why aren't you on the raw meat diet yet, Jow Forums?

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How could cookie dough be both vegan and kill someone uncooked?

because neither of you can read

>getting e coli from vegan cookie dough
How is that possible? The danger is in the eggs, everything else is fine to eat
>vegan woman dies from e. coli
I've literally had food poisoning 4 times in the last year because I travel to third world countries and i end up eating tons of street food. E coli poisoning sucks but at worst it gives you dysentery and you get dehydrated since you cant keep any water in. If you're so weak you die from e coli, then the common cold could take you down too,

This tbqh. Also why would it takes "years" for her to die. Obviously she had to be in poor health and there were other factors/diseases involved.

It's from the uncooked flour incels

raw flour is extremely dangerous
they probably use vegan eggs

thank you user

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>Yes, People Have Died
>one person

Is incel the gay version of cuck?

they pasteurise flour now or is it just regular flour? The chances have to be so slim to actually get e coli from flour because it is naturally a dry environment. Makes no sense how e coli could replicate. 1 cell of e coli 157 o7 is not going to cut it to make you sick, you need a shit ton. And it's not like wheat production gets contaminated with feces too often, Like the with meat it really has to be rancid and you can pretty much tell once you eat it. Still im confused is most flour pasteurised?

>be vegan
>eat eggs

I've literally never seen pasteurized flour.

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Get a load of this retard

>Be from Las Vegan
>Everyone vegan
>Want to try cookie dough
>Classified as illegal substance
>”That’s not stopping me”
>Purchase from a non-vegan street dealer
>Toll House Cookie Dough
>Holy shit it looks amazing
>Pop tub off and stake a sniff
>”Special occasion calls for a special spoon”
>Grab my trusty spoon only used for onions yogurt
>Did that bad boy in
>Grab the fattest chunk out loaded with chocolate chips
>Go to take bite
>Stop just before because hear someone coming to do
>*Knock* *Knock*
>Watch as they blast my fucking door down
>10 officers tackle me to the fucking ground and brake my fingers to take the spoon out of my hand
>”You’re under arrest you filthy non-vegan”
>Be taken into custody for possession class 1 narcotic
>Cookie Dough, not even once

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Based paranoia poster

it's reading these replies that made me retarded

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"Las Vegan woman" means "The Vegan woman", dumbass!

>implying the prenatal drinking and smoking didn't factor in

ah my bad, i don't speak mexican

Why eat dangerously? I can see travelling if you're profession demands it, but when not eat in the hotel where it's at least safer??

And what is vegan about the dead cookie lady lol??

where the fuck is Las Vegan you illiterate cunts

taste better than cooked cookies tho

You are absolutely fucking retarded, e. coli is not exclusive to animal product, and a strong infection can kill any person, it used to be common to die from it.

Incel as a word has lost all of its meaning so I'm helping bury that grab further.