/keto/ general

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>keto failure
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On week 3 of Leto and I've got to say, it's the only diet that's really worked for me. 1/21/2019 weighed in at 284 lbs and today I weighed in at 268. Also pic related is some avacado I made.

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done keto for 4months now, working out 6hours a week, gained about 3kg's of muscles and dropped alot of fat. down from 22bf to 15%

Been doing keto two years. Formerly morbidly obese 450lb, started with just calorie counting down to 275 then full keto+IF to OMAD. Got down to 177 in December after being strict on it all year pending 1-2 screw ups. Took a few days off for Christmas. Ate wayyy too much, just went nuts on carbs. Everything I craved the last year, I ate it. Now it's mid feb and I'm still trying to get back down to my leanest 177 after gaining about 30lb the week after Christmas->New Years. 190 right now and I'm strict again sans a few cheat meals where I make some calorie intense protein isolate shakes with coconut oil and drink a pint of vodka or something. I know, I know, never gonna make it. Still worlds better looking than I used to be as an extreme morbid case. Love the diet. The hardest part to get used to was that you can't really go nuts on protein like I had thought. Otherwise I probably would have hit my lean goal of 157 by now.

This actually sounds like you have fat genetics

Finally started keto 2 weeks ago after trying to avoid it for the longest time (I had a massive drinking problem and didn’t want to give up the beer) but it’s working great for me, lost a little over 10 pounds already, 5 more pounds and I’ll be under 200 for the first time in 5 years

nigga are you me? Started 2 weeks ago as well and was surprised at how much I lost weight (190 to 179). Sucks I can't drink anything aside from water. fuck tea and coffee.

Just started 2 weeks ago. Felt like hell adjusting but now it's all good. The feeling of mental energy all day long is amazing, as is the feeling of waking up from sleep and not feeling like shit.
Only downside so far - my shits are less often and they are way nastier.

Keto definitely works for me. But I'm too inconsistent. I waay too addicted to pizza and 8 can only keep keto on for 1-2 days max. After that, or even after a workout, the bread cravings are skyrocketing. I can resist and just continue with the keto, but it doesn't seem to recharge me enough for my next workout.... Any tips?

Also, my keto diet consists of raw eggs, whole milk, butter, 10% fat greek yogurt, and chicken/beef

Ah yes, low will power aka little penis cuckold syndrome (PCS).
Sadly only solution is shotgun to the brain.


what have you done to this avocado, son?

Tbh i started keto because i have free acces to 40-60 eggs weekly and im poor. Dropped 12 kg since december. It is not a magic pill,you have to count calories,but easy peasy.

How do you have access to 40-60 eggs.
How do I get some?
t. Pays upwards to 15€ a week on eggs

Probably has a farm or some shit

Hi Ketolet, Month 10 here. Keto Omad.

Eastern Eu based Grandma and sometimes coworker's friend, who sells me way below the price.

Will I die if I only eat 2-3 lbs of ground beef a day with some veggies mixed in?

you won't die user.

Very well, then. I will buy a weeks supply of beef once the store opens.

keto is for little faggots who cant man up and eat dem untasty healthy grains because they are weak chinned faggots.
my father would have killed you all

Based Vegachad bro.

>*teleports behind your father*

nothing personnel, dad

omae wa, mou shinderu

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Genetic expression is basing on availability of nutriments (but also flexibility, cardio, and strength). E.g., height is most correlating to protein intakes.

Acrylamide. It even has really mediocre / gross flavors.

PS: Keto pizza is a thing; e.g., casein and whey are great fundamental ingredients.

PPS: … White American.

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Keto macros are bullshit.

Fasting forced ketosis is the only good ketosis state.


>gaining 30 pounds in one week
Lol wat

Nigger i wish i could go back to delicious bread and easy oatmeal so shut up