Redpill me on sarms

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They work not as good as roids but still faster then what you will achieve naturally. Maybe at the end of a "cycle" a good 8-12 pounds of mass also depends on the stack you use.

They kinda work, they do lower test but as long as you don't fuck up it shouldn't shut you down. Overall I'd say not worth it because you can never tell if you're getting a real product, even from reliable sources.


>Unknown Risk level
>Low Reward level

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Do you need to do PCT when using SARMs? For example, when using ibutamoren/MK-677

Finna get banned by burgerland

Would test cycle be better than the shitty ass sarms ?

This, it’s commonly talked about how they aren’t worth it unless you’re full blown retard

depends which one. Generally no you do not. Not sure about MK677

Yes. SARMs are like ~ 33% strength of a good test cycle if Im gonna quantify random numbers.

Ive done 3 cycles of SARMs, the biggest boost was putting on practically ~100lbs onto each major lift.

depends which. Risk of Ostarine is known and minimal.

was just reading about sides of andarine saw the eye vision shit so yeah fuck sarms, did you run andarine ?

You pay the price, economically and benefit-wise, for essentially being scared of needles, or of talking to that bald guy with real gear in the gym.

Nah didn't do that.

I did ostarine once and LGD4033 twice.

Yeah, pretty much. Although you also side skirt potential sides (hair loss, acne, mood swing, whatever) with SARMs. And the not needing PCT. Some retards swear you need PCT but I've never done it and have had no ill effects. The week coming off of it I actually felt a strength boost, like my natural test was ramping up again.

Lmao the gym drug dealer at my gym is this bald 250lb roid monster. Literally sells roids to anyone, 18 years old, Mexicans that barely speak English, an old guy that looks like Popeye. Shits comical to watch from behind the scenes.

MK677 is not a SARM.

Got any sides with the two ?

nothing whatsoever. No negatives to say. Other than being overpriced.

So i could take 10g arginine 5g ornithine and get the same amount of gh boost without risking any sides and cheaper

Im not knowledgeable on GH boosters

Ok. Do I still need to take PCT after using it though


mk677 isn't a sarm and you can take it for over a year without a break
only worry is giant hands since those growth plates don't close

See my lack of research thought ostarine was the one that increases gh but its ibutamoren anyways that for the info user

fucking retard

>only worry is giant hands
W*men like big hands so how is this a bad thing

yes i am

Ostarine and LGD do not boost GH, you must be a fucking retard.

mk677 is not a SARM, its a growth hormone secretagogue

Lmao you must be fucking blind

really giant hands
like hands that belong on a 6'6 guy on a 6'2 guy

aren't w*men into that

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God you're really a dumbass aren't you

mk677 isn't going to make your hands bigger

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read about the guys who stayed on for 3+ years

>prey eyes
>trying to act like a predator

mk677 is not the same thing as HGH you fucking retard

i never said it was
go read about the guys who stayed on mk677 for 3+ years

not sure of the purpose of MK677, at least in the fitness sense. It doesn't do a whole lot for strength or fitness

>worth over $350m
>giving a shit what some nobody on the internet thinks of him

Obviously he does care what people on the internet think of him if he had to make that bragpost on IG...

It made my peepee bigger tho.

sure thing kiddo

taking 12.5g of ostarine ED for about a week. so far so good


Oh fuck, can it make my wrists grow too?
I'm a wristlet.


it is the opposite of both of those things you retard I'm surprised you even managed to use a computer and find this website

You're a dumbass. Ostarine has human trials and the mechanism of its action is well understood. The risk is low.


Weight and height? How long were you gonna go for? The way they sell ostarine the prepackaged amounts is a rather low dose. Which is annoying for big guys like me cause I gotta buy like 3 bottles.

No legitimate scientific evidence has ever shown that they work, plus the side effects are unknown.

Anyone who says otherwise is following stupid broscience or is trying to sell you something.

Some YouTubers like Ryan Casey "admitted to SARMS" when they were actually on juice and wanted to avoid the baggage that comes with the word "steroids".

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>tfw the only scientifically proven way to Make It anymore is with steroids
>am deathly scared of needles

you're talking out of your ass

Clearly you've never read the scientific literature then you dumb nigger. Probably trolling me anyway though, and it worked.

175cm and 75kg at about 10% bf. Aiming for 10-12 weeks, I will increase the dosage to 25mg eventually. My plan is to maintain my gains on a suicide cut

Yeah that seems perfectly fine. I was just dumb and underdosed for my size as well as time frame, squandered gains I should've done 10 weeks.

10 years ago it was all about pro hormones, and now its sarms