>he can't deadlift 4pl8
Lmao just pick it up user
He can't deadlift 4pl8
>No lock out.
>Doesn't control down.
Absolute dyel
>tfw no boardshorts bf
Let's see you get that bar speed on 425, champ. Then again, we already know you can't even lift 4pl8.
This only proves deadlift is compeltly unnecesary, i am as """big""" as him and i never deadlift (because i don't have high enough weights in my home gym lmao)
Did you lose your grip midrep or something?
And no, I haven't tried out my 1rm. I'm planning to test them out for the first time with my bro next friday. Currently at 160kg x5 on DL so I'm expecting to hit that 4pl8 tho.
Neither can the guy in webm
wtf why am i almost at a 4pl8 dl and he has way bigger arms than me
is it normal that I have to raise a little bit my hips thus squatting the bar when it gets heavy, it seem easier?
That's some of the worst bicep involvement I've ever seen
He's going to snap his shit if he doesn't stop
>almost at 4pl8 1rm
>ripping 425 at mach speed
not really the same bro his 1rm is wayyyy higher
this is not the guys one rep max
I bet you have the body of an academic.
Good lord above, that is fast.
tiny feet
>dat bicep curl at the end
Lad doesn't stand a chance
Post pic in underwear.
Looks like a great way to tear your bicep in two.
Dude, how many times do you have to come here and attention whore?
I can't count how many times I saw you post that webm in the last year, not counting the years before
Seriously, congrats on the lifts, but I'm very sorry you need constant gratification from virgins on an anonymous polyfunctional volcano mapping enthusiasts
>grip fails
>make it look like you meant to do that
Funny thing is, I come here for posts like these
You think it's more likely that I'm curling 45 than just being the upward momentum? I'm flattered
I can do 3.5 plate and i'm half that guy's size lol
>im just trolling guys xD
Irionically it's much easier to go full speed on deadlift than slow and controlled. I can easily squat 250kg in light speed but when asked to go slow I barely can hold it. Google super slow method, you DYEL. Also the complete deadlift movement requires you to pick up and put down the barbell.
>Doesn't control down.
Hello DYEL.
If you're lifting sufficient weight, it's impossible to go "full speed"
>it's impossible
Yeah it's pretty obvious that you never lifted before. Post body.
Qurious, I've came here for many years and never posted
What makes you feel the need for these posts, I honestly don't understand.
I mean fuck, I wouldn't give a shit if you posted new content every week, but why post the same fucking shit day after day week after week month after month
Is there nothing better in your life other than lifting and shitposting under a trip
having my doubts about this being real, i'm sure he is strong but it looked fake
I highly doubt your as big as him especially without a proper gym setup and not doing anything for your spinae erectors
Mirin bar speed OP
>I can easily squat 250kg in light speed but when asked to go slow I barely can hold it
so you're bragging about divebombing the fuck out of the squat and bouncing straight out of it and only exerting effort during the very top of the lift lmfao
he has deadlifted 600lbs iirc
Why didn't you just clean that shit?
It wasn't dirty
this two year old vid again.
It is now that you rubbed your twat on it
>For this
WTF is even the point of this "exercise"
>bouncing on squats
>"yeah bros, it's really easy"
guaranteed you're a dyel
sorry i'm new to Jow Forums, isn't this bad form to do it that fast and then just drop it?
>thinking his grip failed and he didn’t deliberately let go
Cope , you can clearly see him let go
And to bend your arms, and to do partial ROM
He's been here for a while now he's allowed.
he's obviously just fucking around, he just chucked 425 up in the air
>posting this manlet again
>no lockout
>dropping the bar
No he didnt
You're mom does it for my erection lmao
Watch the bicep deadlift tear videos and report back
>this entire thread
>not realizing this is a fake weight bait video
whew boys
Except the weights are not fake.
Tfw just hit 375 x1. Fuck I just want to be strong and aesthetic
hello dyel
I do 5pl8, and I do it slow and controlled which is harder so joke's on you
can someone explen the bicep comment? Is it because he's starting to do the beginning of a curl at the end of the deadlift?
>Is it because he's starting to do the beginning of a curl at the end of the deadlift?
>mixed grip
Ye aren't there 25s like that?
>he doesn’t weigh at least 200kg
dummy weights
Post 250kg squat
>clearly fucking around in the webm
>rips 425 like its lmao1pl8
gas yourself
>be OP
>be a braggadocios fag
>get offered simple criticism on form
>autistic screeching
>02/12/19(Tue)18:36:08 No.49577476
> #
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>he's obviously just fucking around, he just chucked 425 up in the air
That bar speed is fucking insane, he snatched that shit up like it was a broom handle, I bet he could pull 6 bills...
>Irionically it's much easier to go full speed on deadlift than slow and controlled.
Wtf are you even talking about? Do you understand that for Max strength you are mecissairly trying to move the bar as fast as possible right, always. Zatsiorsky published this shit years ago.
If I had a nickel every time I got "simple criticism" that was absolutely shit tier understanding of lifting, I could have paid for a home gym
Also that wasn't me kiddo
There's a study out there somewhere that shows higher strength gain for max speed instead of a fixed rep time under tension count
>Shits up ur board instead of caring for mutt child
That isn't to say that there isn't value in slow movements to improve motor patterns. For a lot of people tempo squats/bench can be very useful.
Guys like you drive me nuts. You're probably pulling baby weight and still find ways to talk shit to guys that run your shit into the ground.
any bicep tear compilation on YT is 95% guys snapping their bicep on the underhand arm doing mixed grip deadlifts because they're using their biceps.
>no negative
doesnt count
All my math profs were ripped desu
160 for 5 is gonna be around 172 1 rep max
>I bet he could pull six dicks out of his ass
Everyone talking up this lift is actually just the same guy talking in the third person
This is not how a 1 rep max looks like. He probably is around 500. Hell, even higher.
based OP just wanted to post his 4pl8 rocketship
impressive dude, this shit inspires me. I am 130 kg 3x5 now. hope I get to this level some day
>belt for 4pl8
tfw I squat 200kg but dl 180
>a /plg/ tripfag pulling around 600lbs fucks around with 425 to make a meme and the entirety of Jow Forums starts coping and screeching
I bet you think islet's 340kg dl doesn't count either
Sure thing fag
Look at the fucking speed at which he pulled it you shitposting dyel.
That guy's body looks tailor made to deadlift.
Short legs, Long torso, long arms.
Oh now you're a tripfag too. Was being a manlet not enough?
this, fucking lol
What's the name of those shoes?
shhh, its ok OP, no tears only dreams now
u jelly?
aware me on that pic, whos that
It's a photo of the tripfag that made this awful thread holding his wife's son.
Excellent shop here
>hehe look it's OP defending himself anonymously
Dios mío!
Lmao 4pl8 looked like a warm up for him. He can probably 1rm 6pl8.
Did you tell your goblin wife to make her Instagram private so you can continue shitposting online without getting harassed? That's hilarious.
I want to have _____ with boardshorts.
nice cope
Dude what the fuck?! That is horrible form.
Take it from me, stop fucking ego-lifting, drop the weight to 60kg(increase by 2.5kg every week), and work on your form! You do NOT want a back injury!
he can probably rep that weight 10 times lol